

答案:1  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-27 09:52
  • 提问者网友:爱了却不能说
  • 2021-02-26 21:44
  • 五星知识达人网友:人類模型
  • 2021-02-26 22:04
n. 喜悦,快乐,高兴;令人高兴的事(或人);成功;好运
vi. 因…而高兴
vt. 高兴,使快乐
快乐; 欢乐; 喜悦; 高兴
1.不可数名词欢欣;愉快;喜悦 Joy is a feeling of great happiness.
Salter shouted with joy. 索尔特欣喜地叫喊着。
...tears of joy. 喜悦的泪水

2.令人高兴的事(或人);乐事;乐趣 A joy is something or someone that makes you feel happy or gives you great pleasure.
One can never learn all there is to know about cooking, and that is one of the joys of being a chef... 钻研烹饪之道是永无止境的,这也是当厨师的乐趣之一。
It was a joy to see her looking so well. 看到她气色这么好真叫人高兴。

3.不可数名词成功;好运 If you get no joy, you do not have success or luck in achieving what you are trying to do.
They expect no joy from the vote itself... 他们对投票本身不抱任何希望。
If you don't get any joy, get in touch with your local councillor. 如果你没得到任何结果,请和本地议员联系。

4.欢欣鼓舞;欣喜若狂 If you say that someone is jumping for joy, you mean that they are very pleased or happy about something

pleasure, dlight, rapture, enjoyment, joy, fun
pleasure: 最普通常用词,常指不表露出来的满意或喜悦情绪,也指强烈的愉快或兴奋感。
dlight: 指强烈的、活泼的、显而易见的快乐和高兴。
rapture: 书面语用词,指极端的欣喜、大喜或狂喜。
joy: 语气弱于rapture,强于pleasure,多指情感充溢,喜形于色的强烈的欢乐情绪。
fun: 普通用词,指任何能给予喜悦的娱乐,或指娱乐本身。

1. Her face was a joy to behold. 她的容貌十分悦目。

2. faces irradiated with joy 一张张高兴得神采奕奕的面孔

3. the sheer joy of being with her again 与她重逢的无比喜悦之情

4. an uprush of joy 涌上心头的一阵喜悦

5. Mrs Stephen was beside herself with joy when she heard the news. 斯蒂温夫人听到这个消息时欣喜若狂。

6. I went mad with joy and danced a little jig. 我欣喜若狂,跳了几步吉格舞。

7. Jason's new toy train is his pride and joy. 简森新买的玩具火车是他得意的东西。

8. She experienced a joy in helping others in trouble. 她感受到了帮助有困难的人带来的快乐。

9. To my great joy, my lost watch was found. 使我极为高兴的是我丢失的手表找到了。

10. This poem runs the gamut of emotions from despair to joy. 这首诗展现了从绝望到喜悦的感情历程。

11. When his wish was realized, his joy knew no measure. 当他的愿望实现时,他不知道有多高兴。

12. Mary was bursting with joy over the good news. 玛丽听到这个好消息喜出望外。

13. His first reaction was a strange mix of joy and anger. 他的第一反应很奇怪,高兴和愤怒掺杂在一起。

14. A bonny, bouncing baby, Freddie was her heart's desire and joy. 弗雷迪是一个健康活泼的婴儿,是她的心肝宝贝和欢乐所在。

15. They all shouted for [with] joy when they heard it. 他们听到这事都高兴得叫了起来。

16. People's joy knew no bounds when the news of victory arrived. 胜利捷报传来,人人欣喜若狂。

17. The news sent a thrill of joy to my heart. 这消息使我感到一阵喜悦。

18. It is very difficult to describe my joy in words. 我的快乐难以用语言来形容。

19. Tell Grandpa the good news so that he can share our joy. 快把这消息告诉你爷爷,叫他老人家也高兴高兴。

20. He could hardly conceal his joy at his departure. 他几乎掩饰不住临行时的喜悦。

名词 n.
1.欢乐, 高兴
When his wish was realized, his joy knew no measure.
当他的愿望实现时, 他不知道有多高兴。
2.乐事, 乐趣
This dramatic work has been a great joy.
不及物动词 vi.