

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-25 17:34
  • 提问者网友:孤山下
  • 2021-01-25 05:38
  • 五星知识达人网友:你哪知我潦倒为你
  • 2021-01-25 06:56
The supermarket is not far from our school
  • 1楼网友:动情书生
  • 2021-01-25 08:23
the green linnet by william wordsworth beneath these fruit-tree boughs that shed their snow-white blossoms on my head, with brightest sunshine round me spread of spring's unclouded weather, in this sequestered nook how sweet to sit upon my orchard-seat! and birds and flowers once more to greet, my last year's friends together. one have i marked, the happiest guest in all this covert of the blest: hail to thee, far above the rest in joy of voice and pinion! thou, linnet! in thy green array, presiding spirit here to-day, dost lead the revels of the may; and this is thy dominion. while birds, and butterflies, and flowers, make all one band of paramours, thou, ranging up and down the bowers, art sole in thy employment: a life, a presence like the air, scattering thy gladness without care, too blest with any one to pair; thyself thy own enjoyment. amid yon tuft of hazel trees, that twinkle to the gusty breeze, behold him perched in ecstasies, yet seeming still to hover; there! where the flutter of his wings upon his back and body flings shadows and sunny glimmerings, that cover him all over. my dazzled sight he oft deceives, a brother of the dancing leaves; then flits, and from the cottage-eaves pours forth his song in gushes; as if by that exulting strain he mocked and treated with disdain the voiceless form he chose to feign, while fluttering in the bushes. 绿山雀 威廉•华兹华斯 在果树繁枝密叶的下方, 雪白的花瓣落到我头上, 周遭是一片耀眼的阳光, 春日里,晴朗和煦; 多美呀,在这隐僻的角落, 在我家果园椅子上独坐, 又一次欢迎鸟儿和花朵, 去年的旧侣又重聚! 这幸福生灵聚会的所在, 有一位小客人最为欢快: 甜美的歌喉,翎毛的华彩, 胜过所有的羽族; 欢迎你,山雀!你披着绿衫, 今天,你是这里的指挥官, 是你导演着五月的狂欢, 这里是你的领土! 春花朵朵,蝴蝶,鸣禽, 全都配成了一对对情人; 而你,来回游息于绿荫, 总是孤零零一个; 这生命,这精灵,象空气一样, 散布着欢乐,不知有忧伤, 你太幸运了,谁也配不上; 自个儿自得其乐! 微风里,榛树丛光影摇曳, 树丛间,瞧得见栖息的山雀, 它静立枝头,满心欢悦, 仿佛还想要飞升; 它飞起来了!拍着翅膀, 让缕缕阴影,闪闪阳光 洒在它头上,洒在它背上, 洒遍了它的周身! 它常常弄得我眼花撩乱, 错把它看成绿叶一片; 蓦然,它飞上田舍屋檐, 倾吐出滔滔歌曲; 它那琳漓畅快的歌咏, 仿佛是取笑,仿佛是嘲弄: 笑它自己方才在树丛 装哑巴,悄然无语。 音频真的没找到,抱歉