

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-23 04:47
  • 提问者网友:末路
  • 2021-01-22 07:52
完形填空 There was a little boy1his grandparents on their farm.He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with,out in the woods.He2in the woods,but he could never hit the target.Getting a little3,he headed back to dinner.Then,he saw Grandma’s pet duck,so he let fly,hit the duck square in the head,and4it.He was shocked and upset.In5,he hid the dead duck in the woodpile,6to see his sister watching.Sally had seen it all,7she said nothing.8lunch that day grandma said,“Sally,let’s wash the dishes.”But Sally said,“Grandma,Johnny told me he wanted to9in the kitchen today,didn’t you Johnny?”And then she10to him,“Remember,the duck?”So Johnny did the dishes.Later Grandpa asked if11wanted to go fishing,and Grandma said,“I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.”But Sally12and said,“Well,that’s13because Johnny told me he wanted to help.”14the duck,Johnny had to stay and Sally went fishing.After several days of Johnny doing both his15and Sally’s,he finally couldn’t16it any longer.He came to Grandma and told her that he killed the duck.She17down,gave him a hug(拥抱),and said,“Sweetheart,I know.You see,I was standing at the window and I18the whole thing.But because I love you,I19you.But I was just20how long would you let Sally make a slave of you.”1.A.helpingB.visitingC.tendingD.seeking2.A.practisedB.playedC.workedD.hunted3.A.anxiousB.tiredC.pleasedD.discouraged4.A.caughtB.injuredC.killedD.seized5.A.surpriseB.disappointmentC.angerD.horror6.A.onlyB.so asC.in orderD.expecting7.A.soB.andC.insteadD.but8.A.AtB.AfterC.BeforeD.Cooking9.A.workB.stayC.helpD.get10.A.calledB.whisperedC.noddedD.signed11.A.the childrenB.SallyC.JohnnyD.Grandma12.A.sighedB.agreedC.objectedD.smiled13.A.easyB.all rightC.fineD.impossible14.A.SearchingB.HidingC.RememberingD.Regretting15.A.homeworkB.houseworkC.farm workD.cooking16.A.standB.changeC.likeD.cover17.A.satB.wentC.layD.knelt18.A.knowB.heardC.sawD.understand19.A.missedB.forgaveC.congratulatedD.punished20.A.wonderingB.sayingC.imagingD.considering
  • 五星知识达人网友:爱难随人意
  • 2021-01-22 08:09
BADCD ADBCB ADBCB ADCBA解析1. 孩子到农场拜访祖父母,而非帮助。2. 在树林中练习,非打猎。“玩”应用play with。3. 瞄不准,导致气馁。4. 将奶奶的宠物鸭打死了。5. 做错事后害怕,所以将鸭子藏在木柴堆下。6. only+不定式表示出乎意料的结果。7. Sally看到发生的一切,但是没说话(以后用以要挟)。8. 晚饭后洗碗,而非在吃饭时或做饭时。9. 在厨房帮忙,从上文中的let’s看出是奶奶要人帮忙。10. 低声提醒 Johnny以要挟。11. 爷爷问孩子们是否愿意去钓鱼(两个孩子都愿意去)。12. 微笑着说。(又一次要挟,好狡猾啊!)13. Johnny说想帮忙,因此“没关系”。14. 想起鸭子的事,只好顺从。15. housework家务;homework作业。16. 被Sally要挟,Johnny“忍受”不了。17. 蹲下,同小孩说话,亲切。18. 在窗口看到发生的事情。19. 爱他,故原谅他。20. 一直在“纳闷你要让Sally奴役你多久”。
  • 1楼网友:野味小生
  • 2021-01-22 08:28