
听力理解 一.听对话.选择与对话内容相符的图片.每段对话读两遍. 二.听对话和独白.根据对

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-07 20:25
  • 提问者网友:夢醒日落
  • 2021-03-07 04:03
听力理解 一.听对话.选择与对话内容相符的图片.每段对话读两遍. 二.听对话和独白.根据对
  • 五星知识达人网友:西风乍起
  • 2021-03-07 04:16

  答案:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.Alice 20.June 23 21.Carden Street 22.A blue car knocked down an old lady.



  1.M:Do you drink milk every day?

  W:Yes.It’s good for me

  2.W:What's your uncle going to do?

  M:He’s going to travel around the world.

  3.M:What’s the girl doing?

  W:She can’t go to the beach with her friends today.It's raining and it's cold.She’s reading a book in her room.The book is very interesting.

  4.M:Look!The traffic is getting more and more crowded.

  W:Yes, lots of people have their private ears.



  5.M:Excuse me, what’s your full name, please?

  W:Linda Allan Green.

  6.M:Have you seen my football?

  W:No.but I saw a basketball and a baseball at the corner.

  7.W:I don’t like the colour of my mobile phone.It's too dark.I'd like to change the colour.

  M:Which coIour do you prefer?Purple?

  W:Er…no, I prefer green.

  8.M:Have you got a telephone number?

  W:Yes, my number is4241889.


  W:Can I help you, sir?

  M:I want to buy a pair of sports shoes.

  W:What size do you want?

  M:Size ten or eleven.

  W:OK!What about this pair?

  M:Sorry!I don’t.1ike black.Have you got any other colors?

  W:Other colors?Oh, yes.We’ve also got blue, brown and white ones.

  M:Can I have a look at the brown one?


  M:How much does each pair cost?

  W:Forty-six yuan.

  M:It’s too dear.Can you put the price down a little?What about thirty-five?

  W:Er…all right.

  M:Then r’ll take it.


  W:Oh, dear.I can't fix this seat.belt.

  M:Can I help you?

  W:Oh, thank you.

  M:It’s easy, like this…Is this your first flight?

  W:Oh, no.I flew from New York to Paris once.but it was a long time ago.

  M:I see.Are you going to stay in Sydney?

  W:Yes.I’m going to see my little grandson.

  M:Oh, that’s nice.

  W:Yes, my daughter lives in Australia and I live in New York.so I don’t see her very often.

  She married an Australian, you know.

  M:That’s nice.And how old is your grandson?

  W:He’s only four months old.I'm so excited.

  M:I'm sure you are.I love children.I have a daughter myself.She’s two years old.

  W:How lovely!And do you live in Sydney?

  M:No, I live in Ireland, but I go to Australia twice a year on business.

  W:I see.Oh, dear!What’s that noise?

  M:Don’t worry.We’re going to take off.

  W:I see.


  M:Do you feel like doing anything tomorrow evening?

  W:Yes.all right.What's your idea?

  M:How about going to see STAR WARS?It's on this week.and they say it's very interesting.

  W:Well, we could, but I don’t like science stories.Of course, if you’d.like to see it.

  M:No.no…I don’t mind.

  W:We could go somewhere else

  M:Would you like to go for a meal, then?

  W:Yes, that would be nice.Let's do that.And why don’t we call on Bob and Sue on the way home?We haven't seen them for ages.

  M:Yes, that’s a good idea.


  Good morning, this is Helen Green with this edition of morning hours on the air.Now, if You’ve got nothing to do today, why not go to the east part of the city and get to your game That's the message from No.1 Senior High School, which is organizing a tree-planting event near east mountain.No.1 Senior High School is a member of the environmental group of the city.In order to improve the environment education of its students and get more people organized, the school is planning to plant a total of 1, 400 trees provided by the government over the next few days.They are hoping to plant half of them today, and they are looking for the volunteers to come along and help.No experience is necessary as there will be expels to give direction and equipment will be provided, but if you have any tree planting tools, please do bring them along in case a lot of people come and want to start digging at the same time.Everyone is welcome to come along any time between 10 to 4 o’clock.Because you’ll be working inthe mountains, I don't think you need my advice about what sort of 8hoes or clothes you have to wear.And of course gloves will be useful to protect your hands if you are actually doing the digging.So it could be really a nice day out for all the families.Enjoy your day.


  Alice was the witness to an accident.A policeman was interviewing her and asking her some questions.

  M:What's your name?

  W:My name is Alice, A-L-I-C-E.

  M:When did the accident happen?

  W:On Monday, that Was June 23.

  M:And what time?

  W:About 7∶15 a.m.

  M:Where were you at that time?

  W:I was on my way to the office.I remember the accident happened when I was walking down Garden Street.

  M:can you describe what you saw when the accident happened?

  W:Yes.A blue car, was driven too fast and knocked down all old hay who was crossing the Street.

  M:What did you do then?

  W:I phoned the police at once-

  M:Thank you.That's all I want to know at the moment.

  • 1楼网友:妄饮晩冬酒
  • 2021-03-07 05:14