

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-05 02:10
  • 提问者网友:辞取
  • 2021-04-04 16:32
完形填空 Chinese scientists are again becoming excited about the fact that a large hairy animal may live in central China. Now they hope it won't be too long before they are able to 1lits existence. Their confidence is the 2of a new discovery of the mystery animal in Hubei Province.Ten Chinese 3, enjoying a holiday in a National Forest Park, were driving down a road. As their bus turned a corner, the men were suddenly 4by what they saw. Three 5animals, covered with long dark hair, were crossing the road. On seeing the animals, the engineers immediately stopped and 6them. 7,when they saw how the animals moved through the forest with great 8and strength, they did not dare to follow any further.The men did not take any 9. However, scientists are 10by the discovery, because the engineers were all very educated people and scientists feel they can 11lwhat they described.After the discovery, scientists returned to the forest and 12some hair and measured footprints. About 20 inches appears to be the length of the animal's foot! Chinese scientists have now set up a special group to exchange information and make a 13of the forest. But in the meantime,some people 14to believe that this halfman, halfmonkey exists. They will not believe that it is 15until one of the animals has been caught.1.A.proveB.analyzeC.protectD.check2.A.basisB.requirementC.resultD.preparation3.A.travellersB.engineersC.scientistsD.explorers4.A.frightenedB.amazedC.upsetD.inspired5.A.trainedB.rejectedC.tallD.violent6.A.shot atB.looked atC.fought withD.ran after7.A.HoweverB.IndeedC.MeanwhileD.Anyway8.A.difficultyB.speedC.careD.pleasure9.A.bulletsB.toolsC.medicinesD.photographs10.A.surprisedB.delightedC.disturbedD.supported11.A.rely onB.deal withC.write downD.pass on12.A.cutB.pulledC.collectedD.tore13.A.filmB.tourC.choiceD.study14.A.comeB.refuseC.preferD.have15.A.wrongB.aliveC.realD.correct
  • 五星知识达人网友:神也偏爱
  • 2021-04-04 17:29
ACBBC DABDB ACDBC解析1.第一句话交待了语篇的中心。科学家需要证据来证明这个事情。B项analyze“分析(将某事物分解成各部分以研究其性质或结构);观察并解释某事物,研究;C项protect“保护,警戒”;D项check“检查,检验,核对”均不合文意。
  • 1楼网友:举杯邀酒敬孤独
  • 2021-04-04 18:43