
Jason Chen - The One That Got Away 这首歌的中文翻译

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解决时间 2021-02-27 04:50
  • 提问者网友:niaiwoma
  • 2021-02-26 12:23
Jason Chen - The One That Got Away 这首歌的中文翻译
  • 五星知识达人网友:酒者煙囻
  • 2021-02-26 14:00
The one That Got Away《离我而去的人》中译:Summer after high school when we first met.我们邂逅在高中放学的夏天.We‘d make up in your Mustang to Radiohead.我们在你的“野马”里听着电台司令的歌亲热.And on my 18th Birthday.在我18岁生日那天.We got matching tattoos .我们一起纹上了情侣纹身.Used to steal your parents' liquor.曾经偷过你爸妈的酒.And climb to the roof .爬上房顶.Talk about our future.谈论我们的未来.Like we had a clue.仿佛我们的未来一片光明.Never plan that one day.那时从未想过.I'd be losing you.有一天我会失去你.And in another life.来世.I would be your girl.我还会做你的女孩.We keep full of our promises.我们矢志不渝.Be us against the world.同你一起与全世界为敌.And in another life.来世.I would make you stay.我不会让你离开.So I don't have to say.所以我不必说.You were the one that got away.你是离开我的那个人.The one that got away.离我而去的人.I was June and you were my Johnny Cash.如果我是June你就是我的Johnny Cash.Never one without the other We made a pact.我们盟下誓约,不离不弃.Sometimes when I miss you.当我想你时.I put those records on.就放放这些唱片.Someone said you had your tattoo removed.有人说你把我们的纹身抹去了.Saw you downtown singing the Blues.看到你在繁华的市中心唱蓝调.It's time to face the music.是时候承担所做的一切的后果了.I'm no longer your muse.我不再是你的缪斯女神.And in another life .来世 I would be your girl.我还做你的女孩.We keep full of our promises.我们矢志不渝.Be us against the world.同你一起与全世界为敌.And in another life.来世 I would make you stay.
  • 1楼网友:你可爱的野爹
  • 2021-02-26 14:54