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解决时间 2021-01-04 16:54
  • 提问者网友:杀生予夺
  • 2021-01-03 17:42
完形填空 Unhappy people glue(使粘牢) themselves to the television 30 percent more than happy people.The finding, announced on Thursday, 1from a survey of nearly 30,000 American adults conducted between 1975 and 2006 as part of the General Social Survey.2happy people reported watching an3of 19 hours of television per week, unhappy people reported 25 hours a week. The results held even after 4into account education, income, age and marital status.In addition, happy individuals were more socially5, attended more religious services, voted more and 6a newspaper more often than their less-chipper(没有精神的) counterparts.The researchers are not sure, though, whether unhappiness7more television-watching or more viewing leads to unhappiness.In fact, people say they like watching television: Past research has shown that when people watch television they 8 it. In these studies, participants reported that on a9from 0 (dislike) to 10 (greatly enjoy), TV-watching was nearly an 8.But perhaps the high from watching television doesn't10 .These conflicting data 11 that TV may provide viewers with short-run12, but at the expense of long-term malaise(精神欠爽), said researcher John Robinson, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, College Park.In this case, even the happiest campers could turn into Debbie-downers if they continue to13at the TV. The researchers suggest that over time, television-viewing14push out other activities that do have more lasting15. Exercise and sex come to mind, as do parties and other forms of socialization known to have psychological benefits.Or, maybe television is simply a refuge(慰藉物) for people who are already16.TV is not judgmental17difficult, so people with18social skills or resources for other activities can engage in it, Robinson and UM colleague Steven Martin write in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research.They add, 19 , chronic unhappiness can be socially and personally debilitating(使人衰弱的) and can interfere with work and most social and personal activities, but even the unhappiest people can click a remote and be passively20by a TV.The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.1.A.comesB.arrivesC.differsD.results2.A.WhenB.AsC.WhileD.Therefore3.A.averageB.amountC.numberD.effort4.A.speakingB.talkingC.takingD.getting5.A.activeB.positiveC.crazyD.cozy6.A.lookB.readC.seeD.take7.A.builds upB.cuts downC.leads toD.tends to8.A.hateB.enjoyC.adoptD.adapt9.A.fashionB.groupC.scaleD.rate10.A.lastB.decreaseC.widenD.disappear11.A.reportB.suggestC.improveD.admit12.A.excitementB.pleasureC.sufferingD.sadness13.A.glareB.lookC.stareD.fix14.A.shouldB.mustC.couldD.need15.A.comfortsB.laughterC.pressuresD.benefits16.A.tiredB.lonelyC.boredD.unhappy17.A.andB.neitherC.norD.but18.A.fewB.littleC.manyD.quantity19.A.ThereforeB.FurthermoreC.HoweverD.Yet20.A.controlledB.transformedC.persuadedD.entertained
  • 五星知识达人网友:琴狂剑也妄
  • 2021-01-03 19:04
ACACA BCBCA BBCCD DCABD解析文章通过一项研究说明了不快乐的人看电视的时间比快乐的人多30%。完成本完形填空时,我们应把生活中人们看电视的实际情况和作者的行文时的思路逻辑联系起来。1. A考查动词的含义记忆与理解辨析及在语言逻辑方面的准确应用。分析得出的语境是:该研究结果根据1975年至2006年间的一项针对美国近3万名成年人的调查得出,该调查为“社会综合调查”的其中一部分。其中根据……得出,正是这一空要填的,也即是A项和其后的from连用构成短语come from,意思是来自….。而CD项虽然都和fome搭配但依次分别所表达的意思是:区别于……,因为……或起因于……,意思都和这儿的语言逻辑不契合,B项根本就不和from搭配,故我们选择A项为最佳
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  • 2021-01-03 19:45