
我的语法不太好, 有谁能帮我修改一下吗?谢谢各位了。顺便问下,有谁有stylewriter or whitesmoke的破解

答案:4  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-22 21:30
  • 提问者网友:末路
  • 2021-02-22 16:52
This oral presentation is part of assessment in the course, students are required in groups of three and each group has 15 minutes to speak. In our group, we presented about shoppers, which discoursed on differences between women and men shoppers.
In order to prepare this presentation, our group members had meeting twice, the first meeting of the task we have assigned, the second meeting we had a rehearsal, to be honesty, we prepared not much enough time because we have many assignments and another group meetings, but we did a lot of research. I searched a lot of information from books and internet. In my part of presentation, I divided it into three parts, first part is comparing shopping phenomenon, second part is comparing shopping behavior and the last part is about shopping methods between men and women. I wrote key words of each part in my notebook, which avoids forgetting what I need to speak. Before the presentation, I did practice many times at home, but no matter how I prepared I might be, I was still feel nervous during presentation face to everybody. From the feedback sheet that is suggestions from classmates, we understand it was not bad presentation, but we still need to improve presentation skills, such as pronunciation, body language, eye contact and speed speech.
In conclusion, the experience of speech will be useful in my life, from the presentation, I know how to work with team, I learnt about presentation skills, I really would like to engaged in this activity, and I really appreciate university and tutor give me chance to take part in this presentation, because I know it is useful in my future.
  • 五星知识达人网友:蓝房子
  • 2021-02-22 17:11
1. students are required to BE in groups of three 少了be
2. between female and male shoppers 用female和male来代替woman 和man
3. had two meetings
4. during the first meeting we assigned the tasks to the members
5. during the second meeting
5. to be honest
6. we did not prepared with enough time because we had...
7. between female and male shoppers
8. but no matter how prepared i might be
9. was still feeling nervous...to face the audience.
10. From the feedback sheet which were suggestions from classmates, we understood it was not a bad presentation.
11.From this presentation, I knew how to work with team.
12. Appreciate the university and tutor who gave me...

  • 1楼网友:詩光轨車
  • 2021-02-22 21:27
介绍 这个演讲是评价过程中,要求学生在组,每组有三15分钟,说不出话来。在我们的小组,我们提出了关于购物者,讲述了在男性和女性购物者之间的差异。 身体 为了准备这份报告,我们小组成员曾两次会议第一次会议,我们已经分配任务,第二次会议,我们已经彩排,要诚实,我们准备不太有足够的时间,因为我们有许多作业和另一个小组会议,但我们做了大量的研究。我搜遍了大量的信息从书本和互联网。在我的发言中,我将其分为三个部分,第一部分是比较购物的现象,第二部分是比较购物行为和最后一部分是关于购物的男人和女人之间的方法
  • 2楼网友:你可爱的野爹
  • 2021-02-22 19:49
stylewriter or whitesmoke的破解码没有。 可以提供类似的免费英语纠错软件“易改”。 百度下去官网下一个。
  • 3楼网友:舍身薄凉客
  • 2021-02-22 18:35
INTRODUCTION This oral presentation is a part of an assessment in the course. The students are required to separate into three groups and each group has 15 minutes to show their presentation. We are going to demonstrate a topic about difference between male and female shoppers. BODY Firstly, we had two meetings including making plan and assignment of members before the rehearsal. We have collected a lot of information about male and female shoppers from book and internet. This information was divided into three parts by the comparison of shopping phenomenon, behavior and method between men and women. I wrote down this result on my notebook in order to remember that. Although I have done practice many times at home I still felt very nervous when I am facing my classmates. My presentation was no bad and we got a lot of suggestions from my classmates which focuses on the presentation skills such as pronunciation, body language, eye contact and voice speed. CONCLUSION I enjoyed this speech experience because I learned a lot of speech skills and how to cooperate with team’s members. Therefore, I appreciated my university and tutor for giving me a chance to participate this activity because this experience is useful for my life and future.