

答案:3  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-23 19:19
  • 提问者网友:锁深秋
  • 2021-02-23 05:38
做法,历史,推荐介绍等用语。THANK YOU!
  • 五星知识达人网友:何以畏孤独
  • 2021-02-23 07:01
The jiaozi 饺子 is a common Chinese dumpling which generally consists of minced meat and chopped vegetables wrapped into a piece of dough. Popular meat fillings include ground pork, ground beef, ground chicken, shrimp, and even fish. Popular mixtures include pork with Chinese cabbage, pork with celery, lamb with spring onion, leeks with eggs, etc. Jiaozi are usually boiled or steamed. Jiaozi is a traditional dish eaten during Chinese New Year's Eve and some other festivals. Family members gather together to make dumplings. It is also eaten for farewell to family members or friends.

Another type of Chinese dumpling is made with glutinous rice. Usually, the glutinous rice dumplings 粽子[zongzi] are triangle or cone shaped, also filled with some red beans, Chinese dates or a little meat. Glutinous rice dumplings are traditionally eaten during the Duanwu Festival.

If dumplings are fried in a small amount of oil, they are called guotie 锅贴 or potstickers. Compared to wonton 云吞s (dumplings served boiled in a soup), jiaozi have a thicker skin and are bigger. Wontons are wrapped in rectangular dough while jiaozi are wrapped in round dough.

Chinese cuisine includes sweet dumplings. Tangyuan a special type of rice dumpling. Tangyuan are smaller dumplings made with glutinous rice flour and filled with sweet sesame, peanut, red bean paste. Tangyuan may also be served without a filling. There are also other kinds of dumplings such as har kao, siew mai, small cage-steamed bun (xiaolongbao), pork bun and crystal dumpling.

See also: dim sum 点心 for descriptions of several other kinds of dumplings such as gau and taro root dumplings.
  • 1楼网友:过活
  • 2021-02-23 09:04
Chinese Dumpling Chinese Dumpling Chinese dumplings or Jiaozi, with meat and vegetable fillings, is a traditional Chinese Food, which is essential during holidays in Northern China. Chinese are Masters in the Art of Making Dumplings. History The history of jiaozi dates back to ancient times, some 500-600 years ago. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year, people choose to eat jiaozi to connote their wishes for good fortune in the new year. China has been perfecting the art of dumpling making since the Sung dynasty. Fillings There is no set rule as to what makes dumping fillings. They can be anything from vegetables, meat to seafood. Whatever the fillings, the wrapping skill needs to be exquisite to make jiaozi look attractive. Shape and variety Chinese dumplings may be round or crescent-shaped, boiled or pan-fried. The filling may be sweet or savory; vegetarian or filled with meat and vegetables. Of course, all this variety can be confusing. As China is a country with a vast territory, there are great difference in various regions in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it. For example, dumplings wrappers are made with a rolling stick in most areas of Beijing and Hebei Provinces, whereas in some parts of Shanxi Province and inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, wrappers are hand- pressed. How to make Chinese dumplings? To make Chinese dumplings, first of all, chop the meat into pieces and mash them, then add salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, scallions, Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like. Mix thoroughly the ingredients; add two spoonful of water if necessary.
  • 2楼网友:洎扰庸人
  • 2021-02-23 08:25
汉、满等族春节饮食风俗。流行于北方地区。一般除夕吃肉馅的。大年初一吃素馅的。新年饺子要皮薄、馅多,捏得严实,不能煮烂,荤饺子要有猪肉、羊肉、牛肉、鸡肉的,也有两种肉拌在一直的鸳鸯饺子,以及百味杂陈的“饺子宴”。素饺子多用各种新鲜蔬菜。饺子的形态甚多,有冠顶饺、蝴蝶饺、金鱼饺、花边饺,也有推捏、叠捏、扭捏、花捏的月牙饺,以及挤捏的木鱼饺。 历史发展 据三国魏人张揖著的《广雅》记载那时已有形如月牙称为“馄饨”的食品,和现在的饺子形状基本类似。到南北朝时,馄饨“形如偃月,天下通食”。据推测,那时的饺子煮熟以后,不是捞出来单独吃,而是和汤一起盛在碗里混着吃,所以当时的人们把饺子叫“馄饨”。这种吃法在我国的一些地区仍然流行,如河南、陕西等地的人吃饺子,要在汤里放些香菜、葱花、虾皮、韭菜等小料。 大约到了唐代,饺子已经变得和现在的饺子一模一样,而且是捞出来放在盘子里单独吃。 宋代称饺子为“角儿”,它是后世“饺子”一词的词源。这种写法,在其后的元、明、清及民国间仍可见到。 元朝称饺子为“扁食”。明朝万历年间沈榜的《宛署杂记》记载:“元旦拜年……作匾食”。刘若愚的《酌中志》载:“初一日正旦节……吃水果点心,即匾食也。”元明朝“匾食”的“匾”,如今已通作“扁”。“扁食”一名,可能出自蒙古语。 清朝时,出现了诸如“饺儿”、“水点心”、“煮饽饽”等有关饺子的新的称谓。饺子名称的增多,说明其流传的地域在不断扩大。 传说故事 民间春节吃饺子的习俗在明清时已有相当盛行。饺子一般要在年三十晚上12点以前包好,待到半夜子时吃,这时正是农历正月初一的伊始,吃饺子取“更岁交子”之意,“子”为“子时”,交与“饺”谐音,有“喜庆团圆”和“吉祥如意”的意思。 过年吃饺子有很多传说,一说是为了纪念盘古氏开天辟地,结束了混状态,二是取其与“浑囤”的谐音,意为“粮食满囤”。另外,民间还流传吃饺子的民俗语与女娲造人有关。女娲抟土造成人时,由于天寒地冻,黄土人的耳朵很容易冻掉,为了使耳朵能固定不掉,女娲在人的耳朵上扎一个小眼,用细线把耳朵拴住,线的另一端放在黄土人的嘴里咬着,这样才算把耳朵做好。老百姓为了纪念女娲的功绩,就包起饺子来,用面捏成人耳朵的形状,内包有馅(线),用嘴咬吃。 民风民俗 饺子成为春节不可缺少的节目食品,究其原因:一是饺子形如元宝。人们在春节吃饺子取“招财进宝”之音,二是饺子有馅,便于人们把各种吉祥的东西包到馅里,以寄托人们对新的一年的祈望。 在包饺子时,人们常常将金如意、糖、花生、枣和栗子等包进馅里。吃到如意、吃到糖的人,来年的日子更甜美,吃到花生的人将健康长寿,吃到枣和栗子的人将早生贵子。 有些地区的人家在吃饺子的同时,还要配些副食以示吉利。如吃豆腐,象征全家幸福;吃柿饼,象征事事如意;吃三鲜菜。象征三阳开泰。台湾人吃鱼团、肉团和发菜,象征团圆发财。 饺子因所包的馅和制作方法不同而种类繁多。即使同是一种水饺,亦有不同的吃法:内蒙古和黑龙江的达斡尔人要把饺子放在粉丝肉汤中煮。然后连汤带饺子一起吃;河南的一些地区将饺子和面条放在一起煮,名日"金线穿元宝"。 饺子这一节目佳肴在给人们带来年节欢乐的同时,已成为中国饮食文化的一个重要组成部分。