

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-03 12:43
  • 提问者网友:那叫心脏的地方装的都是你
  • 2021-01-03 01:31
  • 五星知识达人网友:持酒劝斜阳
  • 2021-01-03 02:46
But our national flower—— the plum blossom blooms in winter.The plum blossom flourishes no matter how cold the winter is.The plum blossoms ability to endure is symbolic of the Chinese spirit.The Chinese not only can endure but also flourish in any environment.
In all kind of flowers,I like plum blossom best.Because plum flower is small.Her flower is snow white.It looks like a beautiful girl.It’s so clear and pure.
Two years ago,I am a pupil of Grade Three.I had to learn many subjects at school.I remember that when I was 10 years old,I studied English for the first time.English is quite difficult for me.And my English is not so good.I was worried about it.At that time,my mother always told the story about plum blossom.And told me learn from the plum blossom.My mother said:my dear,you should learn from the plum blossom.However the environment is difficult,it always flourishes.Now,you have some trouble in studying English,never mind,just try your best,and you’ll be succeed.After that time,I always look plum blossom as my “idol”.Now,I make great progress in English.Last term,I won the “Fast Reading Competition”.
I like plum blossom,not only its flower but also its spirit.
  • 1楼网友:深街酒徒
  • 2021-01-03 03:13
50字?乱写都写得出嘛,这还用问? 傲雪寒梅 我爱梅花,爱它的坚强,爱它的清高.我家的院子里就有一株梅花树. 在春夏秋三季里,梅花并没有什么出众之处,唯有到了千里冰封的冬天,它傲立在风雪中的坚强性格,才显露出来. 去年冬末,接连几日浓云密布,朔风呼啸,鹅毛般的大雪从天而降,下个不停.我透过窗子向外望去,嗬,好一株梅花!枝头上既有含苞欲放的花蕾,也有绽放的花朵.火红的花瓣,淡黄的花蕊,雪片落到花瓣上,红里带白,白里透红,我仿佛闻到了一阵沁人心脾的清香,心情不由得豁然开朗,走到院子里欣赏这完美的"傲雪寒梅图"! 入夜,雪片轻飘,朦胧的月光洒在梅花梢头,更平添了几许清高.陆游写过一首咏梅的《卜算子》,其中有这样一句:"无意苦争春,一任群芳妒",李清照的《渔家傲》中也有类似的句子:"莫辞醉,此花不与群花比".是啊,在百花齐放,争芳吐艳的春天,你不会注意到它的身影;而在这冰天雪地中,在其它花草全部凋谢枯萎的时候,它却绽开了鲜艳的花朵!梅花在我心中是清高的象征,它不甘随波逐流,与百花一齐盛开在春天,宁可超凡脱俗地挺立在风雪中. 古人说过这样一句话:"梅花香自苦寒来",梅花不畏严寒,傲霜斗雪,经过寒冬风雪的锤炼,花儿更艳,更香了,我们这一代的青少年儿童,就应像这傲雪的寒梅,在艰难困苦中挣扎,磨炼,而不能被父母,长辈的娇惯,只有这样,将来步人社会,才能被社会所接受,为祖国的建设描绘光辉的一页! 我愿意作一株傲雪的寒梅