
简 奥斯汀 的英文资料.

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解决时间 2021-04-27 11:33
  • 提问者网友:战皆罪
  • 2021-04-27 00:38
简 奥斯汀 的英文资料.
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  • 2021-04-27 02:06
Jan · Austin (on December 16, 1775 ~1817 years on July 18) British female writer of fiction. Born in village small town Stiven, the father is local church parish pastor. Austin not on Regular school, but receives the good home education, the main teaching material is father's literature book collection. Austin likes reading the popular novel, is mostly vulgar whiles away the time. Her young girl time's exercise is to this kind of popular novel funny imitation, has like this formed the main key which in her work taunts. About her 20 years old starts to write, altogether has published 6 novels. in 1811 published "Reason And Emotion" is her maiden work, afterward one after another has expressed "Arrogant And Prejudice" (1813), "the Mansfield Garden" (1814) and "Emma" (1815). "Sang Thought that Temple" (also names "Sang To think Monastery") and "Advising" (1818) is after she died second year publication, and bureau on author real name. Austin lifelong unmarried, is well-to-do. Because lives in the village small town, what contacts is young characters and so on landlord, pastor as well as they tranquil, the comfortable living conditions, therefore in her work the significant society has not been contradictory. She unique enters the micro power of observation carefully by the female, described around really her the world little world, particularly marriage and love disturbance between gentry virtuous young woman's. Her work style relaxed humorous, the rich comedic conflict, the depth is welcome the reader. from 18 century's ends to the early 19th century, vulgar bored “the sad novel” and “the Gothic style novel” flooded the British literary arena, but Austin's novel destroyed the old and established the new, changed suddenly unfolds not yet had at that time been under capitalist industry revolution impact the British village middle class daily life and the rural scenery. Her work often taunts the people through the comedic scene stupid, selfish, snobbish and blind self-confident and so on despicable laughable weakness. Austin's novel appeared in the 19th century early years, as soon as swept the vacation romanticism tidal current which was rage for a while, inherited and has developed Britain the 18th century the outstanding realism tradition, has made the preparation for the 19th century realistic fiction's high tide. Although its work reflection's breadth and the depth are limited, but her work like “two inches ivory carvings”, peep at the entire form of society and the versed in the art of dealing with people from a small window, to changed at that time in the novel creation vulgar atmosphere the good function, had the linking the preceding with the following significance in the British novel's history, was honored as the status “to be possible treated as an equal with Shakespeare” the writer.
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  • 2021-04-27 04:55
Mrs. Austen: Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable!
Jane Austen: If I marry, I want it to be out of affection. Like my mother.
Mrs. Austen: And I have to dig up my own bloody potatoes!
Tom Lefroy: How can you, of all people, dispose of yourself without affection?
Jane Austen: How can I dispose of myself with it?
Mrs. Austen: JANE!
Lady Gresham: What is she doing?
Mr. Wisley: Writing.
Lady Gresham: Can anything be done about it?
Tom Lefroy: What value will there ever be in life, if we aren't together?
Jane Austen: My characters shall have, after a little trouble, all that they desire.
Tom Lefroy: If you wish to practice the art of fiction, to be considered the equal of a masculine author, then your horizons must be... widened.