
On last Christmas Day, our parents’ home was full of joys of a close family relationship b

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-05 07:38
  • 提问者网友:嗝是迷路的屁
  • 2021-04-04 23:35
On last Christmas Day, our parents’ home was full of joys of a close family relationship but this year things are . Our father had gone on November 26, and this was our Christmas without him. Mother was doing her best to be good, but I could tell this was especially for her. I’m not sure I should give her my planned Christmas gift.
A few months earlier I had painted two pictures of my parents. I’d planned to give them as gifts.
While painting one day, I was surprised by the doorbell ringing. I opened the . My father came. I showed the paintings. Finally, with tears running down his face, he said, “I don’t believe it. Look, how beautiful your mother is. Will you let me decorate them with frames(边框)?” I offered to send them to the frame shop the next day.
Several had passed after my dad died. It seemed all was taken away from my mother and me. I finally remembered to call about the paintings and was glad that my father had got a chance to see the pictures he died. I was surprised when the shopkeeper told me my father had visited the shop, the frames and had them wrapped.
As I my mother’s sad eyes and unsmiling face, I to give her Daddy’s and my gift.
After looking at the paintings and the card, with tear-filled eyes and a wide smile, she said, “ I knew Daddy would be us on Christmas Day!”
I looked at the gift card with my father’s handwriting. “ Mother: Our daughter reminded me why I am so lucky. I’ll be looking at you always. Daddy.”
【小题1】A.usual B.sameC.differentD.beautiful【小题2】A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.last【小题3】A.interesting B.hard C.easy D.proud【小题4】A.whyB.if C.because D.so【小题5】A.Mother’s Day B.birthday C.New Year D.Christmas【小题6】A.door B.window C.boxD.present【小题7】A.itB.herC.them D.him【小题8】A.happilyB.sadly C.surpriselyD.loudly【小题9】A.minutesB.hoursC.weeksD.years【小题10】A.characterB.luck C.adviceD.happiness【小题11】A.afterB.untilC.beforeD.when【小题12】A.heard ofB.paid forC.shouted atD.gave up【小题13】A.looked at B.looked after C.looked for D.looked around【小题14】A.happenedB.forgotC.promisedD.decided【小题15】A.forB.withC.onD.atC
  • 五星知识达人网友:几近狂妄
  • 2021-04-05 00:52
(答案→)C 解析:试题解析:本文大意:去年圣诞节,我父母的家充满了亲密家庭关系的欢乐,但今年事情不同了。我们的爸爸在11月26日去世了,这是我们第一个没有他的圣诞节。几个月前我计划画妈妈和爸爸作为送给他们的礼物,爸爸看到后很激动,希望能装在相框里。后来他去相框店付款并包了起来。最初我不确定是否给妈妈这个礼物,但当看到妈妈悲伤的眼睛和面无笑容的面容时,我决定给她爸爸和我的礼物。妈妈看到后眼含着眼泪笑着说,就知道爸爸会和我们在一起的。【小题1】考查形容词。句意:去年圣诞节,我父母的家充满了亲密家庭关系的欢乐,但今年事情不同了。 usual平常的,same一样的,different不同的,beautiful美丽的。根据On last Christmas Day去年圣诞节,but this year 但今年,可知是不同的,故选C【小题2】考查数词。句意:我们的爸爸在11月26日去世了,这是我们第一个没有他的圣诞节。first第一,second第二,third第三,last最后的。爸爸刚去世,可知是第一个没有爸爸的圣诞节,故选A【小题3】考查形容词。句意:妈妈尽最大努力表现的好,但我知道这对她来说尤其不容易。 interesting有趣的,hard努力的,easy 容易的, proud自豪的。爸爸去世了,最难过的是妈妈,可知选B【小题4】考查连词。句意:我不确定是否我应该给她我计划好的圣诞礼物。 why为什么,if是否, because 因为,so所以。I’m not sure后接宾语从句,根据语境不知是妈妈礼物是对还是错,故选B【小题5】考查名词。句意:我已经计划给他们做圣诞礼物。Mother’s Day 母亲节,birthday 生日,New Year新年, Christmas 圣诞节。根据this was our first Christmas without him.这是我们第一个没有他的圣诞节,可知选D【小题6】考查名词。句意:我打开门。 door门, window窗户,box 盒子,present礼物。根据by the doorbell ringin被门铃声,可知选A【小题7】考查代词。句意:我给他看画。选 it它,her她、她的,them 他们,him 他。根据My father came. 我爸爸进来了,可知选D【小题8】考查副词。句意:我开心地答应第二天把画送到相框店去。happily开心地,sadly 难过地,surprisely吃惊地,loudly大声地。爸爸喜欢这个礼物,作者当然是开心,可知选A【小题9】考查名词。句意:爸爸去世后过了几星期。minutes 分钟,hours小时,weeks周,years年。亲人去世的最初几个星期是最难熬的,可知选C【小题10】考查名词。句意:妈妈和我的所有快乐似乎都补带走了。character性格,luck运气,advice 建议,happiness幸福。 爸爸去世了,仿佛我们的快乐也跟他一起走了,可知选D【小题11】考查介词。句意:我终于想起了画,很高兴在他去世前有机会看到画。 after在……之后,until直到,before以前,之前,when当。根据I showed him the paintings.我给他看画,可知在去世前,故选C.【小题12】考查动词短语。句意:我爸爸为相框付了款,把它们包起来了。heard of听说,paid for 为……付款,shouted at 冲……大喊,gave up放弃。根据 Daddy’s and my gift.,可知是我画画爸爸买相框,成为我们共同的礼物,故选B【小题13】考查动词短语。句意:当我看着妈妈悲伤的眼睛和面无笑容的面容时,我决定给她爸爸和我的礼物。 looked at 看,looked after照顾,looked for寻找,looked around环顾四周。根据eyes眼睛,可知选A【小题14】考查动词。句意:见【13】。 happened发生,forgot忘记,promised允许,decided 决定。根据I’m not sure if I should give her my planned Christmas gift.我不确定是否我应该给她我计划好的圣诞礼物,可知决定给妈妈礼物,故选D【小题15】考查介词。句意:我就知道圣诞节爸爸会和我们在一起的。for为,with和……一起,on在, at在。根据this was our first Christmas without him.这是我们第一个没有他的圣诞节, 可知我和爸爸的礼物让妈妈感觉爸爸还和我们在一起,故选B
  • 1楼网友:枭雄戏美人
  • 2021-04-05 02:32