

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-17 12:29
  • 提问者网友:原来太熟悉了会陌生
  • 2021-03-17 07:50



  • 五星知识达人网友:三千妖杀
  • 2021-03-17 09:14
poker 扑克
spade 黑桃
heart 红心
diamond 方块
club 梅花

card case 牌盒
deck 整付牌
pile 牌迭
top 牌顶
bottom 牌底
face up 面朝上
face down 面朝下

fan 开扇
spread 摊牌
cut 切牌
one hand cut 单手切牌
false cut 假切
shuffle 洗牌
Hindu Shuffle 印度洗牌
riffle shuffle 鸽尾式洗牌
False/Blind Shuffle假洗牌

double lifts 双翻
secret addition
secret load

force 迫牌
riffle 拨牌
riffle force 拨牌迫牌
Under the Spread Force 摊牌迫牌
classic force 古典迫牌
cross force 十字迫牌
false count 假数牌
Elmsley count岩士利数牌法会比较恰当,通称艾尔姆支雷
Jordon count 乔登数牌
Hamman Count 哈门数牌
top change 换顶牌

pass 移牌
classic pass 古典移牌
Hamman pass 海曼移牌
easy pass 简单移牌
center pass 中央移牌

half pass 翻牌
偷翻牌这个技巧很特别,因为Half Pass的英文原名也不太能正确地传意,但中文也不应该叫做翻牌,因为这也是个隐性动作...
false deal 假发牌
second deal 发第二张
bottom deal 发底牌
center deal 发中间牌

palm 掌中藏牌
top palm 藏顶牌
bottom palm 藏底牌
Gambler's Cop赌徒扣牌
side steal 侧边偷牌
Tenkai palm 天海藏牌
back palm 手背藏牌

Spread Control摊牌控牌
convincing control pass (Convincing Control, Convincing是有说服力的意思,不包含确认的意思)

in jog 挪移
break 布雷克
peek 偷看牌
Peek的正式名称是 Spectator's Peek,专门指当魔术师拨牌时,观众叫停然后看那张牌的动作,这里魔术师所做的拨牌动作和平时的有所不同。真正的魔术师偷看牌应该叫Glimpse才对,但是后来发展成一些魔术师的偷看牌也称为Peek.
crimp 偷拗牌
switch 偷换牌
color change 变牌
To show a card/ Display a card展示牌
twisting card 转牌
Twisting 的本意是旋转,在魔术中是指牌由牌面/牌背 向上∕向下,变为牌面/牌背 向下∕向上的魔术效果,而在手指间令一张牌旋转则为Pirouette

folding 折牌
tearing 撕牌

Selection or Selected Card观众选的牌
double backer 双背牌

half dollar 美金五角
english penny 英磅一分

palm up 手心向上
palm down 手心向下

coin roll 转铜版
shattle pass
Han Ping Chien Move韩秉谦移动 我们绝对不应该把这个手法也弄错,因为这是我们中国人的伟大发明,注:真的很伟大,这个手法在硬币魔术中相当重要!
click pass

palm 手心
classic palm 古典隐藏法
thumb palm 姆指缝隐藏法
finger palm 指间隐藏法
Darwin palm 达尔文藏币
finger tip 指尖藏币
Tenkai palm 天海隐藏法

sleeving 入袖
lapping 落膝
shell 钱壳

audience 观众
spectator 观众
performer 表演者
entertainer 表演者
volunteer 自愿者
magician 魔术师
clown 小丑

misdirection 错误引导
routine 程序
timing 时间的控制
acting 演技

clic 魔术发生的时机
flourish 花式
illusion 幻觉
trick 把戏
setting 表演前的准备
method 方法
sleight 手法
steal 偷

prop 道具
magic wand 魔术棒
ball 球
dove 鸽子
zombie 死灵
silk 丝巾
rubber band 橡皮筋
cigarette 香烟
topit 暗袋
wax 魔术腊
carpet 桌垫
thumbtip 拇指套

thumb 大姆指
index finger 食指
middle finger 中指
ring finger 无名指
pinky 小指
nail 指甲

effect 效果
production 出现
physical anomaly 反自然
vanish 消失
spectator failure 使观众失败
transportation 移位
control 控物力
transformation 变形
identification 辨认
penetration 穿越
thought reading 读心术
restoration 还原
animation 自动
prediction 预言
anti-gravity 反地心引力
extra-sensory perception 第六感
sympathetic reaction 使共鸣
skill 特技
invulnerability 不能伤害术
  • 1楼网友:西风乍起
  • 2021-03-17 10:26
earvin johnsonearvin johnson sex: male nationality: us birth city: date of birth: on august 14, 1959 height: 206cm body weight: on field position: fullback on the field numbers: 0 respective team: once potency team: lake people "the magic teacher" johnson had been born in august 14, 1959,the height 2 meters 06, 3 time wins the year mvp prize, 5 time winsthe nba total championship. will be he more ideas, the wisdom and theskillful belt arrived the basketball court, enabled the basketballmovement to watch the nature and competitiveness rises in the 80's toa new altitude. johnson is without doubt in the nba history one ofgreatest ball game stars. evan? johnson is born densely is holding the root state lansing. isfascinated since childhood resembles trains hard the basketball. alsoin middle school's time, he on is called because of the splendidbasketball technology by local newspaper reporter "the magic teacher",so that the posterity has forgotten his real name evan, but by "magicteacher" generation of it. the johnson technology is comprehensive, isin the nba history the highest organization fullbacks. simultaneouslyhe may be competent any position, is a versatile ball game star.johnson's advancement speed is extremely quick, the skill which passesa ball changes many and varied, frequently creates the extremelycomfortable attack opportunity for the teammate. under specially hecan look like the blindfold chess equally to play the basketball, insimply did not look in teammate's situation carries on accurateunmistakable passing a ball. in 1970, johnson by first turn of first selected lake person team. isjoining the lake person team the first season to help the totalchampion which the team captured in 1980. at that time in the totalscore 3:2 situation, the sixth competition lake person team main forcecenter "the day hook" jia barr seriously was injured, 20 year-oldjohnson replaced goes forth to battle, to act as the center. in thatfierce combat, young johnson is alone for 42 minute, seizes the next15 rebounds, but also some 7 secondary attack, 3 time snatch break,the entire audience has become his performance stage, he led the teamto win his first champion ring, simultaneously won the mvp prize whichnba always played in the finals. in johnson's basketball profession,he in 1,987, 1,989, in 1990 three attained nba the year mvp prize, 5time won the championship (1980, 1,982, 1,985, 1,987, 1,988). in 1992,he and lary? beaude two person of achievement unite party chief, leadsteam of the dream to sweep away barcelona_, has captured his firstalso is last the olympic games gold medal. in 1991, "the magic teacher" unfortunate caught the aids virus, couldnot but say goodbye to nba. but he has not submitted, by own wassincere and honestly trades people's understanding and the respect,subsequently positively treated in him under the premise, continued tobe engaged in the basketball movement the training and thecompetition, and participated in eastern part the entire star matchand the olympic games in 1992. in 1996, when separates 4 year johnsonto become an official once again, for caused the young lake personteam acceleration mature own complete strength. in march, 1997, after the process inspection, the johnson miracle hasdefeated incurable illness, could not nearly have found the aids virusin his in vivo. johnson tenacious, honest, wild is strong, as well ashis splendid basketball technology and consciousness, is worldbasketball world's precious wealth.