

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-30 08:35
  • 提问者网友:喧嚣尘世
  • 2021-01-29 08:57
  • 五星知识达人网友:神鬼未生
  • 2021-01-29 10:19
  • 1楼网友:一袍清酒付
  • 2021-01-29 11:05








the complete procedure is also described in a document which is available under "forms and documents" . the following documents and actions are required to start the procedure for admission and should be sent to the student administration office (see ' contact '). applicants whose application is judged favourably will receive a letter of acceptance in duplicate by registered mail. this letter of acceptance is required to complete the registration process.

1. a completed application form "admission procedure for foreign students" 2. a copy of your passport or identity card 3. a typewritten cv containing among others details of previous studies and/or professional activities (this cv must be written in dutch, french, english or german). 4. a legalized* copy of the diploma, certificate or other official statement that gives access to the chosen program if this diploma or certificate has been issued in an other language than dutch, french, english or german, it must be accompanied by a translation in one of these four languages. this translation must be delivered by a sworn translator and, if applicable, legalized* 5. to obtain exemptions for courses in your study programme or to obtain permission to register for a master/advanced master program with a foreign bachelor/master diploma, the following documents are necessary: 1. academic transcripts of the diploma's concerned, showing at least the following information:
    2. all courses 3. the study load for each course (contact hours or credit points) 4. the examination results for each course 5. (if applicable) the title of the dissertation 6. the final uation if the original language of your diploma and the academic transcript is not written in dutch, french, english or german, it must be accompagnied by a translation in one of these four languages. this translation must be delivered by a sworn translator in your home country or a translator sworn before a belgian court. legalization of the documents and, if applicable the translation, must be performed by the belgian embassy or belgian consulate in your home country.
7. a description of all courses in dutch, french, english or german (must not be translated by a sworn translator or legalized).  the description of the courses is not the same as your academic transcript. the description should be a small summary of each course listed on your academic transcript.  this summary can usually be found in the study guide of your university. if you cannot obtain this information from your university then you can edit it yourself. your application will not be processed without this required document. 8. (if applicable) a copy of the dissertation . if your dissertation is not written in dutch, french, english or german you can add a summary of the dissertation in one of these four languages (must not be translated by a sworn translator) 9. applicants that are enrolled in the final year of their academic bachelor or master programme should submit an official letter in english from their university confirming that the student is expected to finalize his/her course at the end of the current academic year, and submit up-to-date authenticated transcripts with the results of the previous years 10. only for medical studies :  a copy of the certificate of passing the  entrance examination medical doctor/dentist   the ‘entrance examination medical doctor/dentist’ is organised each year by the flemish ministry of education. for further information: http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/toelatingsexamen/ for obtaining a shortening of duration of study based upon a diploma of medical doctor obtained outside belgium you need to add the certificate of passing the ‘interuniversity entrance examination for medicine -  partial equivalence’. this examination is organised by the ‘vlaamse interuniversitaire raad’ (vlir). for more information: vlir, ms. jo breda, ravenstijngalerij 27, b-1000 brussels, tel +32 2 792 55 13,  e-mail administratie@vlir.be. 11. for non-eea citizens: payment in advance of 50 euro, covering administrative costs (no refund possible). payment must be made by bank transfer to the following bank account number:
    12. iban-code : be 72 4096 5164 3216 (payment in belgium: use 409-6516432-16) 13. bic-code: kredbebb (kbc) 14. name bank: rubens kbc-toren 15. address bank: eiermarkt 20, b-2000 antwerpen 16. universiteit antwerpen - central student administration 17. reference: application foreign student + your family name and given name
proof of payment must be added to the application file.

please note that no documents or payment will be returned.

