

答案:2  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-29 05:45
  • 提问者网友:难遇难求
  • 2021-11-28 16:38
完形填空 I noticed the woman when I entered the newsroom. My secretary told me she wanted to put an ad to1a baby. So I suggested several2lines for these ads to her:3, Baby to love; or Dear Birth Mother, Let Us Help You. The ad would contain4about her and her husband: they were5, could afford to raise a child. But then something6me: the major newspapers carried ads like this and their7were larger than ours. “Have you tried the major ones?” I asked. “Yes, but all failed and one more wouldn’t8.” She handed me a check and left with a9smile. A week later the woman called in a10of delight: “Please don’t run the ad again. We ’ve connected with11. The baby is due in a month.” Good news. I asked her if she12keep in touch if the adoption13to have a happy ending. She agreed but added when the adoption was final she was14to give me the story. One day my phone rang. I15her voice immediately. “The adoption is final. Would you like to come and meet him?” Happily, I made a (an ) 16with her for the next day. “His name is Ben,” she said, as I started to take17. “He slept through the night from the start. Now he’s smiling and starting to turn over. Of course I’m not18him. If he is a little slow.” She paused. “ Oh, I should tell you Ben has Down’s Syndrome.(唐氏综合症)” I stopped writing . I wasn’t sure how to19. But she smiled “Ben was meant for us, don’t you see? He needs me more than a20developing child would.” She sat on the sofa, holding her son. Both of them smiled. “You wanted a story with a happy ending,” said the woman “ You got it.”1.A.affordB.affectC.adoptD.adapt2.A.ordinaryB.standardC.effectiveD.ridiculous3.A.WantedB.To WantC.WantingD.Want4.A.addressB.dataC.pictureD.information5.A.richB.stableC.considerateD.lonely6.A.occurred toB.turned toC.referred toD.wrote to7.A.titlesB.circulationsC.namesD.columns8.A.killB.workC.hurtD.do9.A.warmB.weirdC.weakD.wild10.A.spiritB.toneC.wayD.sound11.A.a birth motherB.a lovely babyC.an ad companyD.an orphanage12.A.mightB.shouldC.wouldD.dared13.A.turned overB.turned upC.turned outD.turned down14.A.safeB.comfortableC.braveD.honest15.A.classifiedB.identifiedC.pickedD.recognized16.A.lookB.appointmentC.appearanceD.call17.A.painsB.picturesC.cluesD.notes18.A.rushingB.speedingC.pressingD.running19.A.replyB.reactC.restoreD.release20.A.steadilyB.graduallyC.normallyD.regularly
  • 五星知识达人网友:污到你湿
  • 2021-04-04 20:01
CBADB ABCCB ACCBD BDABC解析文章介绍了一对夫妻收养孩子的故事。1.C 上下文串联。根据下文可知她想收养一个孩子。Adopt收养,采纳。2.B 形容词辨析。A普通的;B标准的;C有效的;D荒谬的。这里指这种广告的标准台词。3.A wanted被征集的。广告中经常出现的台词。4.D 名词辨析。A地址;B日期;C图片;D信息。指广告中要包括他们夫妻俩的信息。5.B 形容词辨析。Stable稳定的。指他们夫妻俩得工作很稳定,能承担起抚养孩子的责任。6.A 固定句型。Sth occur to sb某人突然想起某事。7.B 名词辨析。A标题;B影响范围,圈子;C名字;D纵队。指另外一家报社的影响范围。8.C 动词辨析。指他们已经做了很多广告但是都失败了,再失败一次也不会伤害到他们。9.C 形容词辨析。Weak smile勉强的微笑。10.B 名词辨析。A精神;B语调;C方法;D声音。指她很高兴地告诉我们找到了…11.A 上下文串联。根据下文is due in a month说明孩子还没有出生,她是a birth mother。12.C 情态动词辨析。Would愿意。我问她是否愿意和我保持联系。13.C 短语辨析。A翻转;B出现;C结果是;D拒绝。指如果这次收养结果很好…14.B 形容词辨析。comfortable充裕的.如果这次收养成功了,她会有充裕的时间讲述故事。15.D 动词辨析。指我辨认出了她的声音。16.B 名词辨析。A表情;B约会;C外貌;D电话。指我与她约好第二天见面。17.D 名词辨析。A努力;B图片;C线索;D笔记。指她在说的时候,我在记笔记。18.A 动词辨析。Rush催促。指她不会去催孩子。19.B 动词辨析。A回复。B反应;回应。C重新储存;D释放。指我不知道该如何做出回应。20.C 副词辨析。指这个孩子需要比正常发展的孩子更多的照顾。
  • 1楼网友:醉吻情书
  • 2019-02-10 05:15