
As the global financial crisis hits the economy, it’s tough finding a job — especially if

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-30 16:48
  • 提问者网友:蔚蓝的太阳
  • 2021-03-30 09:07
As the global financial crisis hits the economy, it’s tough finding a job — especially if you’re competing with thousands of other hopeful students. Sometimes you get the interview, but don’t quite seem to land the job because you don’t have related experience. Don’t despair! Here are a few tips that might give you an edge.
1. Get connected to your network and try to expand it. Talk to friends, family and acquaintances. Let everyone know you are looking for a job.
2. Prepare your resume (个人简历) carefully and be sure it’s perfect. Have someone else read it over for typos (打字错误) and grammatical errors. Get professional help. It’s worth the money to present yourself well. If money is tight, read books on resume writing from your public library or search for free help on the Internet.
3. When you apply for a job, be sure you have the skills listed on the posting. If you get an interview, be sure to describe those skills thoroughly. Just having the skills is not enough. Expressing your abilities well can make all the difference in getting the job.
4. Research typical interview questions and practice interviewing. Be well prepared for every interview.
5. Don’t be afraid to accept a position for which you are overqualified — if there’s room for advancements. Many great job advancements come from first doing well at an entry-level position. If you have the right skills and attitude, it won’t be long before you’re in the job you want.
6. Volunteer for a few weeks in your field of study to gain experience if you feel your resume needs an improvement.
7. When deciding what to wear for an interview, think about the position level and the dress code of the organization.
8. Use every tool available to you. For example, this site has many job links for your use.
Good luck!
【小题1】What’s the author’s advice on preparing a resume?A.To read it over several times by yourself.B.To get professional help even if it costs money. C.To copy something from books.D.To publish it on the Internet.【小题2】 If you lack related experience you can .A.make up some in your resumeB.read books to get second-hand experienceC.do some related voluntary workD.get some training at schools【小题3】 The purpose of the text is to .A.show how to prepare for an interviewB.wish people good luckC.encourage people not to despairD.give advice on how to find a jobB
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