
Even as I write this story, I am still smiling. The past few weeks have been rather , but

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-06 07:48
  • 提问者网友:沉默菋噵
  • 2021-04-06 02:25
Even as I write this story, I am still smiling. The past few weeks have been rather , but when a large number of smile cards arrived in my mailbox the other day, having traveled from the United States to my home in the Netherlands, I knew things were about to .
I where to leave the cards: the train, benches at the station, libraries, mailboxes—the possibilities were .
I woke up, went to work, and , I went to the shop to buy some candy bars, to leave them as anonymous (匿名的) gifts for people on the train. , my train home was extremely and I couldn’t find a place to leave the gifts. An elderly man must have me searching for a place to leave them, because he asked me if I was something.
Right then I that my first smile card would not be anonymous. With a big smile, I told him that I found what I was looking for, him the candy bar and a card. He had only just finished reading the card I arrived at my and got off the train, but he was still smiling and his candy as I waved at him from the .
Despite having worked for a full day, I bounced (跳) home. Before I entered my , I delivered a few more smile cards and candy bars to people’s mailboxes. I added a(n) candy bar for a neighbor who was in a difficult financial situation, but worked hard every day to get the very best for his young son. I figured they both a tasty little treat.
【小题1】A.joyousB.simpleC.tough D.colourful【小题2】A.turn awayB.turn aroundC.turn up D.turn in【小题3】A.required B.realized C.declared D.wondered【小题4】A.small B.important C.specificD.endless【小题5】A.otherwise B.afterwardsC.insteadD.sometimes【小题6】A.stopping B.continuingC.agreeingD.planning【小题7】A.However B.BesidesC.ThereforeD.Anyway【小题8】A.specialB.commonC.crowded D.modern【小题9】A.preventedB.seenC.heardD.left【小题10】A.picking upB.caring aboutC.looking forD.referring to【小题11】A.advisedB.decidedC.wishedD.ordered【小题12】A.buyingB.postingC.sendingD.handing【小题13】A.whenB.whileC.untilD.once【小题14】A.hometownB.companyC.countryD.stop【小题15】A.receivingB.enjoyingC.findingD.dividing【小题16】A.entranceB.officeC.platformD.bench【小题17】A.tiredlyB.excitedlyC.fortunatelyD.carefully【小题18】A.apartmentB.farmC.city D.classroom【小题19】A.extraB.perfect C.typicalD.ordinary【小题20】A.rejected B.deserved C.afforded D.forgotC
  • 五星知识达人网友:白昼之月
  • 2021-01-08 06:08
(答案→)C 解析:作者在日子艰难的时候收到了别人寄来的微笑贺卡。他效仿这种做法,在火车上送给陌生人微笑卡片和糖块,并给邻居也寄了卡片和糖块。【小题1】C 形容词辨析。A. joyous 开心的B. Simple简单的C. Tough艰难的D. Colourful多彩的根据but和下文可知,作者过去的几周一直很艰难,但是几天前,当他收到很多微笑卡片时, 他知道事情将会好转。故选C。【小题2】B 动词短语辨析。A. turn away拒绝B. turn around 好转C. turn up出现D. turn in上交,归还。根据上句解析可知选B。【小题3】D 动词辨析。A. Required需要B. Realized意识到C. Declared宣称D. Wondered想知道。根据本空后内容可知作者不知道该把这些卡片放在哪里好。可知选D。【小题4】D 形容词辨析。A. small 小的 B. important 重要的C. specific 明确的,具体的D. endless 无尽的。根据上文可知作者想了很多放卡片的地方。故选D。【小题5】B 连词辨析。A. otherwise 然而B. afterwards然后 C. instead反而D. sometimes 有时。第二天作者下班后去商店买了一些糖块。故选B。【小题6】D 动词辨析。A. Stopping购物B. Continuing 持续C. Agreeing同意D. Planning计划。根据下文可知,作者本来计划把卡片和糖块作为匿名的礼物送给火车上的人们。故选D。【小题7】A 连词辨析。A. However然而B. Besides此外C. Therefore因而D. Anyway无论如何。本空前的leave them as anonymous (匿名的) gifts for people on the train和空后的I couldn’t find a place to leave the gifts之间为转折关系,故用however。故选A。【小题8】C 形容词辨析。A. Special特殊的B. Common普通的C. Crowded拥挤的D. Modern时尚的。根据I couldn’t find a place to leave the gifts可推知作者回家的这趟火车极其拥挤。故选C。【小题9】B 动词辨析。A. Prevented阻止B. Seen看到C. Heard听到D. Left离开。那位老人一定看见作者在找放礼物的地方,因为他问作者是否在找什么。故选B。【小题10】C 动词短语辨析。A. picking up捡起B. caring about关心C. looking for寻找D. referring to参考,查阅。根据上句解析可知选C。【小题11】B 动词辨析。A. Advised建议B. Decided决定C. Wished希望D. Ordered命令。从下文可知,作者决定第一张卡片将不会是匿名的了。故选B。【小题12】D 动词辨析。A. Buying购买B. Posting邮寄C. Sending送D. Handing递。作者递给了那位老人糖块和卡片。故选D。【小题13】A 连词辨析。A. When当...时B. While然而C. Until直到D. Once曾经,一度。他刚刚看完卡片我就到站了。had just done… when…表示“刚……就……”。故选A。【小题14】D 名词辨析。 A. Hometown家乡B. Company公司C. Country国家D. Stop车站。根据空后got off the train可知作者到站了。故选D。【小题15】B 动词辨析。A. Receiving收到B. Enjoying享受C. Finding发现D. Dividing划分。 那位老人正在享受着作者给他的糖块。故选B。【小题16】C 名词辨析。A. Entrance入口B. Office办公室 C. Platform站台D. Bench长椅。 作者下了火车,应该是在站台上向那位老人挥手。故选C。【小题17】B 副词辨析。A. Tiredly疲劳地B. Excitedly兴奋地C. Fortunately幸运地D. Carefully仔细地。尽管工作了一整天,作者高兴地蹦回了家。故选B。【小题18】A名词辨析。A. Apartment公寓B. Farm农场C. City城市D. Classroom教室。根据I bounced (跳) home可知此处是指作者回公寓前。故选A。【小题19】A 形容词辨析。A. Extra额外的B. Perfect完美的C. Typical典型的D. Ordinary普通的。作者多加了块糖给他的邻居,他知道他正处于很艰难的经济状况。故选A。【小题20】B 动词辨析。A. Rejected拒绝B. Deserved值得C. Afforded提供D. Forgot忘记。邻居虽然生活艰难,但是他每天努力工作,为他的儿子创造最好的一切,作者认为他们俩都应该得到这美味的款待。故选B。
  • 1楼网友:第幾種人
  • 2020-11-12 06:36