
第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The first day

答案:2  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-28 22:48
  • 提问者网友:你独家记忆
  • 2021-01-28 06:24

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know a new classmate.I 36 to look around when a gentle hand 37 my shoulder.I turned around to find a wrinkled, little 38 lady looking up at me with a smile.
She said, “Hi.My name is Rose.I’m eighty-seven years old.Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and 39 responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant(巨大的) squeeze.
“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent 40 ?”I asked.“I always 41 having a college education and now I’m getting 42 !” she told me.
Later, we became close friends.Every day we would leave class together and she 43 her wisdom and experience with me.Over the 44 of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she 45 made friends wherever she went.
At the 46 of the semester(学期)we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet(宴会).I’ll 47 forget what she taught us.When she was introduced, frustrated and a little embarrassed, she cleared her 48 and said, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we 49 old because we stop playing.There are only two secrets to staying 50 , being happy, and achieving success.You have to 51 and find humor every day.You’ve got to have a dream.When you 52 your dreams, you die.”
One week after graduation Rose died 53 in her sleep.Many college students attended her funeral in tribute to(悼念)the wonderful woman who taught 54 example that it’s never too 55 to be all you can possibly be.
36.A.lay down B.stood up C.fell off D.went out
37.A.touched B.felt C.wounded D.clapped
38.A.beautiful B.young C.old D.kind-hearted
39.A.sadly B.coldly C.absently D.enthusiastically
40.A.age B.speed C.point D.year
41.A.talked about B.tried out C.looked forward D.dreamed of
42.A.those B.one C.that D.they
43.A.learned B.told C.shared D.debated
44.A.course B.path C.distance D.road
45.A.easily B.rarely C.unwillingly D.strangely
46.A.middle B.beginning C.end D.top
47.A.ever B.never C.still D.already
48.A.throat B.face C.nose D.eyes
49.A.grow B.prove C.look D.stay
50.A.rich B.healthy C.cheerful D.young
51.A.eat B.cry C.laugh D.shout
52.A.have B.lose C.get D.keep
53.A.bitterly B.fortunately C.peacefully D.hopefully
54.A.to B.for C.in D.by
55.A.early B.bad C.good D.late 36---55 BACDA DBCAA CBAAD CBCDD
  • 五星知识达人网友:执傲
  • 2019-10-11 12:30
(答案→)36---55 BACDA DBCAA CBAAD CBCDD 解析:可联系答.案.网客服索取。
  • 1楼网友:孤老序
  • 2019-11-05 13:44