

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-04 23:43
  • 提问者网友:温柔港
  • 2021-05-04 05:12
  • 五星知识达人网友:妄饮晩冬酒
  • 2021-05-04 05:17


《all star》smash mouth
somebody once told me the world is gonna roll ya
i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
she was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb
in the shape of an "l" on her forehead
well, the hits start coming and they don't stop coming
head to the rules and ya hit the ground running
didn't make sense just to live for fun,
you're brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
so much to do so much to see
so what's wrong with takin the backstreets
you'll never know if you don't go
you'll never shine if you don't glow
hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play
hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid,
and all that glitters is gold
only shootin stars break the mold
it's a cool place, and they say it gets colder
you're bundled up now, wait till ya get older.
but the media men beg to differ
judgin by the hole in the satellite picture
the ice we skate is gettin pretty thin
the water's gettin warm so you might as well swim
my world's on fire, how about yours?
cuz that's the way i like it and i never get bored
hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play
hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid,
and all that glitters is gold
only shootin stars break the mold
hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play
hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid,
and all that glitters is gold
only shootin stars
somebody once asked could i spare some change for gas
i need to get myself away from this place
i said yep, what a concept, i could use a little fuel myself
and we could all use a little change
well, the hits start coming and they don't stop coming
head to the rules and i hit the ground running
didn't make sense just to live for fun,
didn't make sense just to live for fun,
you're brain gets smart but the head gets dumb
so much to do so much to see
so what's wrong with takin the backstreets
you'll never know if you don't go
you'll never shine if you don't glow
hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play
hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid,
and all that glitters is gold
only shootin stars break the mold
and all that glitters is gold
only shootin stars break the mold


  • 1楼网友:七十二街
  • 2021-05-04 06:25
好看的电影?太多了,我这有12个“十佳”,都是好看的电影,愿与楼主一起分享 ,然后,你都可以在这个网站(haokan5.com)上面看得到,希望对你有所帮助 《超速绯闻》《我的女友是机器人》《美女的烦恼》 这三部韩国的爱情片都很不错,搞笑中带着点感人,强烈推荐找几个人一起看,一起笑才有感觉啊~~ 《情人节》(泰国)超级爆笑,寝室热一起看到,很有感觉喔!! 《木乃伊》1,2 很好看,第三部有李连杰、杨紫琼那伙人,个人感觉不怎么好看 《这个杀手不太冷》《外星人ET》 《阿甘正传》 都是我们上英语课,老师在放映厅给我放的片子,很好看喔。 还放过《辛德勒的名单》,《拯救大兵奇瑞》很多人说好看,但我看不懂,觉得很不好看,看了半小时就睡着了。。。 《恋空》 唯美的日本爱情片,蛮感人的,女主角很清纯,男主角很帅! 帅哥兼实力派演员尼古拉斯.凯奇的电影从来没有让人失望过,《变脸》《石破天惊》(《又叫勇闯夺命岛》)《空中监狱》 剧情片的中经典片子,我推荐过给跟多人看,都说好看呢。 香港拍的《无间道》1、2部都很不错,欧美的《无间道风云》,我看了二十分钟就看不下去了。 《赤壁》1、2 刚开始看觉得范围,越看越好看列 《夕阳天使》,赵薇、舒淇、莫文蔚演的动作片,蛮好看的 《暮光之城》,书出到第三部了。电影好看书更好看!电影第二部好像今年11月份出吧 《行运一条龙》《喜剧之王》 很老的片子,挺搞笑的。 小时候很喜欢看周星驰的电影,名字很多都想不起来了,觉得都很好看,近些年拍的《长江七号》也挺好看的。 《宝莱坞生死恋》又叫《美丽情人》(印度)很感人的爱情片,女主角好像是95年的世界冠军,两个女主角都很漂亮,在印度很有名,男主角演过《阿育王》,在CCTV-6看的,过了几年还想再看一遍时,没有找到高清版的的资源,哎!~遗憾了,对了《阿育王》也不错! 《歌舞青春》1、2、3 里面的歌都挺好听的,人觉得1、2、比较好看,3就凑合看看吧 《生化危机》1、2、3 我是先看3再看2最后看到1,第二部最好看,第三部也不错,就是有点恶心,第一部一般般吧!~~建议看2、3 蛮经典 小时候看的《小鬼当家》,很搞笑!!经典 《罗马假日》《公主日记》 很不错的爱情片,估计很多人都看过吧!~《公主日记》2就不咋样了,呵呵。《乱世佳人》还马虎看,可能是影片时间太长了,又是黑白的,看得没那么起劲就是了!~~ 《哈利波特》,个人对这样的魔幻片不怎么感兴趣,觉得第一部最好看 《赤裸特工》,我看得是删减版的,还不错 《保持通话》 大S、古天乐、刘烨演的,虽然剧情是抄袭欧美的,但好看就OK,大S在片中的表演很到位,感觉像偶像派转实力派,很不错 《证人》,谢霆锋、梁家辉演的,好看!~ 《傲慢与偏见》,拍了几个版本,都不错 周杰伦的几部电影,《大灌篮》和《不能说的秘密都》是在电影院看的,比较有气氛,前者比较搞笑啦。《满城尽带黄金甲》是近年来,老谋子拍的所谓大片中稍微能看的并且好看点的,呵呵!~~其余的大片。。。唉!! 有史以来票房最高的《泰坦尼克号》 《美人鱼》(港版和美版)都很好看 《疯狂的赛车》搞笑死啊 《平民窟的百万富翁》很火的印度片子,好评诸多啊!剧情构思其妙,很好看的爱情片 《未知死亡》,也是印度的,女主角美丽善良可爱!~男主角为爱而战,~哎!感人喔,多希望女主角不要死。。。 《画皮》好看,几个实力派演员的大片,还有点感人呢 《飓风营救》,男主角有点小帅,片子还行