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解决时间 2021-02-09 03:17
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桥牌英语作品加翻译 文章不要太短 谢谢
  • 五星知识达人网友:醉吻情书
  • 2021-02-08 16:38
Splinter raises
The splinter bid is a useful addition to any pairs’ bidding arsenal. It is a specialized type of raise that sometimes allows a partnership to bid a game or slam that might otherwise be missed.
A splinter raise is an unusual jump that shows four-card or longer support for the last bid suit, game-going values and shortness (a singleton or void) in the suit in which the jump occurred. For example:
Opener Responder
1H 4C
Responder shows at least four hearts, opening values (approximately; more on this later) and club shortness.
How can you tell which jumps are splinters? They’re usually defined as any new-suit response beyond a double jump. That means that after a 1H opening, 3S, 4C and 4D are all splinter raises, each showing a different singleton or void. After a 1S opening, 4C, 4D and 4H are all splinter bids.
Why are these bids useful? Let’s look at an example:
Opener Responder
S A K 6 5 4 S Q 10 9 8 7
H K Q 6 H A 5 4 2
D 8 6 2 D 5
C A 6 C K Q J
After opener begins with 1S, responder bids 4D. From opener’s point of view, this is good news. She knows that her partner has at most one diamond, making it safe to explore for slam. Why? Opener doesn’t have to worry about the three low diamonds in her hand.
Whether opener uses Blackwood or cuebids, 6S is easy to reach and almost certain to succeed. Notice that the partnership has a combined total of only 28 points, far less than the textbook 33 points suggested for bidding a small slam.
If responder had splintered in a different suit (hearts, for example) opener should take a more pessimistic view of things and settle for game only.
How strong does responder need to be to make a splinter bid? Partnerships may, of course, define them as they please, but many players have found that restricting responder to 13 to 15 points (which includes distribution) makes it easier for opener to know what to do. With a weaker hand, other types of raises are available to responder. The same is true for stronger hands.
Opener may make a splinter bid as well. Here’s an example:
Opener Responder
S A J 6 5 S K Q 7 4 3
H 9 H 8 7 6
D K Q J 4 D 9 3 2
C A Q 10 2 C J 4
After 1D by opener, responder bids 1S. Opener then jumps to 4H, a splinter bid. What does it mean when opener uses this type of jump? It shows a fit for responder’s suit (at least four cards), an excellent hand (remember, responder could have a minimum hand, as in the example) and shortness in the bid suit.
Responder will retreat to 4S after the 4H splinter, but will be pleased when he sees the dummy. With only 22 combined HCP, the spade game is a virtual lock, and 11 tricks are possible if the club finesse works.
Note that if splinters weren’t being used on this deal, opener might have rebid 3S. Responder, with such a weak hand, would certainly have passed, and the good game would have been missed.
Can you use splinters after a 1C or a 1D opening? Yes, as long as you discuss this with partner. After a 1C opening, 3D, 3H and 3S would all be splinter bids. If opener starts with 1D, 3H, 3D and 4C would be splinters.
There are other applications for splinters in different auctions. Consider this:
Opener Responder
1C 1H
2H 3S
Since the partnership has already agreed on hearts, should 3S be a natural bid? Many partnerships believe that it should not. Instead, they treat it as a splinter raise, showing game-forcing values and spade shortness.
Remember, you must discuss this treatment with partner. It’s important to specify the strength of splinter raises as well as whether they can be used in other constructive auctions such as the last example.


斯普林特约定叫是对任何搭档武器库中的有效补充。 它被用于一种特别情况下的加叫, 有时可以帮助同伴叫到局或满贯。 在不用斯普林特约定叫时,这些局或满贯会被错过。

斯普林特加叫是一个特别跳叫,对同伴刚叫的套有至少4张支持,逼叫到局,跳叫套单张或缺门。 例如:

开叫人 应叫人
1H 4C


怎样判断跳叫是呢? 一般定义为在新套上作比双跳更高的跳叫。 在1红心开叫后,3黑桃,4梅花,4方块都是斯普林特约定叫。 在1黑桃开叫后,4梅花,4方块,4红心都是斯普林特约定叫。

为什么斯普林特约定叫有用呢? 看一个例子:
开叫人 应叫人
S A K 6 5 4 S Q 10 9 8 7
H K Q 6 H A 5 4 2
D 8 6 2 D 5
C A 6 C K Q J

开叫人叫1黑桃, 应叫人叫4方块。 从开叫人的角度看,这是好消息。 她知道同伴最多有一张方块,探求满贯很安全。为什么? 因为她不必她的三张小方块。

不管用Blackwood或扣叫,6黑桃很容易叫到,几乎铁成。 注意联手只有28大牌点,远低于教科书上说的须33点叫小满贯。


应叫人需要多强的牌才能用斯普林特? 伴当然可以自己定义,但很多搭档要求应叫人有13-15点(含牌型点),以便开叫人清楚往后怎样叫。 更弱或更强的牌可以用其它方法加叫。

开叫人 应叫人
S A J 6 5 S K Q 7 4 3
H 9 H 8 7 6
D K Q J 4 D 9 3 2
C A Q 10 2 C J 4
1方块开叫后,应叫人叫1黑桃。 开叫人用斯普林特,叫4红心。 开叫人用斯普林特是什么意义? 它表示好将牌支持(至少4张),一手好牌(应叫人牌可能很弱),短红心。 应叫人叫4黑桃。 开叫人会对明手的牌很满意。 虽然联手只有22大牌点,但4黑桃几乎铁成,梅花飞成时有11副。

注意如果不用斯普林特,应叫人大概叫3黑桃,应叫人牌很弱,肯定PASS 。 局就叫不到了。

在1梅花或1方块开叫后,能不能用斯普林特? 能, 只要同伴讨论过。 1梅花开叫后, 3方块,3红心,3黑桃都是斯普林特。1方块开叫后,3红心,3黑桃, 4梅花都是斯普林特。

斯普林特还有其它用途。 如:
开叫人 应叫人
1C 1H
2H 3S

因为搭档已同意红心,3黑桃是不是自然叫? 很多搭档认为不应当是,而是斯普林特,逼叫到局,短黑桃。

记住,一定要和同伴讨论清楚。 把斯普林特叫的范围定义清很重要,也要搞清斯普林特是否可以用在其它情形(如最后一例)。
  • 1楼网友:人類模型
  • 2021-02-08 17:07
我。。知。。道 加。。我。。私。。聊