
One winter term during college, I took a history class to fulfill a requirementThe prof

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解决时间 2021-04-01 07:19
  • 提问者网友:暗中人
  • 2021-03-31 10:38
One winter term during college, I took a history class to fulfill a requirement.
The professor was a 1 fellow with red hair. He would walk shyly into the room wearing his hooded (带帽的) winter coat, once not even 2 the hood during the lecture. He was terribly nervous in class and lowered his head 3 looking up through his glasses at his students.
So I 4 a little game for myself. I would try to find something in his lecture to ask him an intelligent question about, 5 me to pay attention rather than letting my eyes close. He was obviously 6 to have a question to answer. In fact, his answers were always interesting.
I continued to do this every day of the course and found myself actually enjoying the subject. The professor seemed to become a bit more 7 and some of the other students even 8 from time to time. My little game had saved me from being bored, as it was 9 to do. And, I learned quite a bit about ancient world history. Except for all of his strange 10 , he was indeed quite an expert in his field.
On the last day of his class, we gathered our 11 and headed out the door. The shy, red-haired professor 12 directly in front of me, with obvious efforts, as I reached the door, and put out his hand. He said, “I want to thank you for making this class so interesting.” As he shook my hand and 13 for the first time, I was so surprised. To me, it had been a pleasant way to 14 the time. I had no idea that all of my question asking had any 15 on him or the others at all.
Each of us, through the things we say and do, can have a great effect not just on our own experiences, but those of others.
【小题1】A.strangeB.patientC.popularD.proud【小题2】A.cleaningB.noticingC.removingD.wearing【小题3】A.hardlyB.simplyC.absolutelyD.quickly【小题4】A.playedB.continuedC.createdD.bought【小题5】A.remindingB.forcingC.allowingD.telling【小题6】A.angryB.surprisedC.sadD.pleased【小题7】A.relaxedB.traditionalC.reasonableD.concerned【小题8】A.gave upB.fell behindC.look backD.joined in【小题9】A.designedB.permittedC.challengedD.forbidden【小题10】A.explanationB.appearanceC.secretD.hobby【小题11】A.collectionB.friendsC.gameD.books【小题12】A.waitedB.apologizedC.greetedD.stepped【小题13】A.regrettedB.smiledC.criedD.required【小题14】A.passB.saveC.fixD.waste【小题15】A.guidanceB.resultC.mercyD.effectA
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(答案→)A 解析:本文讲述了作者所选修的历史课,历史老师外表非常的奇怪,上课也有些紧张,害羞。作者通过自己的小游戏,使课堂更加活跃起来,在最后一天历史老师对作者所做的表示非常的感谢。【小题1】A. strange奇怪的 B. patient耐心的C. popular 流行的D. proud自豪的;从后文的内容看,这位教授染着红头发,上课时非常的害羞,可知,这个教授非常的奇怪,故选A【小题2】A. cleaning清洁B. noticing注意C. removing移动 D. wearing穿着;通过句意,教授穿着带帽沿的大衣,上课时都不移动一下帽沿。故选C【小题3】A. hardly几乎不 B. simply简单的 C. absolutely绝对地 D. quickly快速地;他非常的害羞,上课时很紧张,总是低着头几乎不抬头看他的学生们,故选A【小题4】根据句意,作者自己创造了一个小游戏,故选C【小题5】A. reminding提醒 B. forcing迫使 C. allowing允许 D. telling告诉;我自己创造了一个游戏,迫使我自己聚精会神的听他上课。故选B【小题6】从后文看,教授上课更加自如,可知他非常的高兴能回答我的问题,而且他的答案也让我非常感兴趣,故选D【小题7】A. relaxed 放松的B. traditional传统的 C. reasonable合理的 D. concerned担忧的;根据前后文,作者的提问也让教授自己放松了下来,故选A【小题8】A. gave up 放弃B. fell behind落后 C. look back回顾 D. joined in加入;根据句意,别的学生也时不时的加入了进来,是课堂很活跃,故选D【小题9】A. designed设计 B. permitted允许 C. challenged挑战 D. forbidden禁止;根据句意,我的小游戏将我从无聊中拯救了我,正如它当时被设计的想法一样。故选A【小题10】A. explanation解释 B. appearance外表 C. secret秘密 D. hobby爱好;根据句意,除了他的奇怪的外表外,他确实算是这个领域的专家。故选B【小题11】通过后文,可知在最后一天我们收拾好我们的课本,走出教室,故选D【小题12】根据句意,这位红头发,害羞的教授径直地走到我的跟前,故选D【小题13】A. regretted后悔 B. smiled笑 C. cried哭 D. required 要求;他握着我的手,第一次笑了,故选B【小题14】A. pass通过B. save拯救 C. fix修理 D. waste浪费;pass the time消磨时间,句意,我创造这个游戏是来打发时间的,故选 A【小题15】A. guidance指导 B. result结果 C. mercy仁慈 D. effect影响;根据句意,我并不知道我所问的问题会对他或是别的人会有什么影响,故选D
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