
Research shows that much of our predisposition (倾向) towards determination, sociability and

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解决时间 2021-12-19 02:46
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  • 2021-12-18 21:41

Research shows that much of our predisposition (倾向) towards determination, sociability and self - control and sense of purpose is in our genes.In fact, our DNA plays a bigger role in influencing these traits ( characteristics)than our upbringing (儿童期的教养)and the company we keep.Taken together, these aspects of personality can make the difference between success and failure, say the Edinburgh University researchers.
They questioned more than 800 pairs of twins about their attitudes to life to tease apart the influences of nature and nurture.Comparing identical twins, who share all their DNA and their up bringing, with non-identical twins, who have a shared background but are no more genetically alike than other brothers and sisters, is a technique often used by researchers to quantify the influence of genetics.
The results, published in the Journal of Personality, showed that genes play a much bigger role than lifestyle, with self-control particularly etched (铭刻) into our DNA.
Our genes a222so largely determine how determined and persistent we are.This is important in terms of success, as someone who refuses to give up is more likely to achieve their dreams than someone who throws in the towel at the first hiccough.
Researcher Professor Timothy Bates said, Ever since the ancient Greeks, people Lave de hated the nature of a good life and the nature of a virtuous life.Why do some people seem to manage their lives, have good relationships and cooperate to achieve their goals while others do not? Previously, the role of family and the environment around the home often controlled people' s ideas about what affected psychological well-being.However, this work emphasizes a much more powerful influence from genetics.
However, those who haven' t been dealt a helpful hand of genes shouldn' t he too depressed.The professor says a sense of purpose is the key and advises those who are eager for success to focus their thoughts on making a difference.
【小题1】What does the result of the research indicate?A.Our DNA is the only factor to decide our traits.B.Our DNA plays a decisive role, in achieving success.C.Education plays little part in the formation of our character.D.Society has Little effect on us in our personality.【小题2】The underlined part in Paragraph 4 refers to someone who .A.is born successfulB.determines to make a differenceC.makes great effortD.admits defeat easily【小题3】Timothy Bates mentions the ancient Creeks in order to indicate that .A.some people can live a good life because they can manage their livesB.people haven't made it clear yet what is the key personality trait(持点,特征) to be a successC.in ancient Greece the role of family and the environment was ignoredD.the relationship between personality and success has always been people's concern【小题4】According to the passage, the key personality trait is .A.determinationB.kindnessC.politenessD.sociability【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?A.How do people work hard?B.Why can some people succeed?C.DNA determines success or failureD.Several factors determine personalityB
  • 五星知识达人网友:woshuo
  • 2021-12-18 22:23
(答案→)B 解析:【小题1】细节题。根据文章第三段The results, published in the Journal of Personality, showed that genes play a much bigger role than lifestyle, with self-control particularly etched (铭刻) into our DNA.实验结果说明基因比生活方式在自我控制方面所起的作用还要大。故B正确。【小题2】推理题。根据文章第四段as someone who refuses to give up is more likely to achieve their dreams than someone who throws in the towel at the first hiccough.说明该词与more likely to achieve their dreams是一组反义词,故D的说法正确。【小题3】推理题。根据文章倒数第二段2,3,4行Ever since the ancient Greeks, people Lave de hated the nature of a good life and the nature of a virtuous life.Why do some people seem to manage their lives, have good relationships and cooperate to achieve their goals while others do not?说明古希腊的人很注意人性和成功之间的关系,故D正确。【小题4】细节题。根据第四段第一行Our genes a222so largely determine how determined and persistent we are说明我们的基因决定了我们有多么有毅力多么有决心,而意志力和决心恰恰是决定我们成功的因素。故A正确。【小题5】主旨大意题。根据文章第一句Research shows that much of our predisposition (倾向) towards determination, sociability and self - control and sense of purpose is in our genes.说明基因是决定因素。故C的说法即DNA决定了我们的成功或者失败正确。
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