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解决时间 2021-01-02 13:31
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问题一:爱尔兰的英文怎么写? Ireland问题二:爱尔兰的英文缩写? 中文【爱尔兰】
英文缩写【IRE】问题三:爱尔兰英语是什么? Irish English 缩写为 Ir Eng问题四:英国与爱尔兰英文名称什么? 【英国】 全称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)包括大不列颠岛上的英格兰 苏格兰 威尔士 以及 爱尔兰岛上的 北爱尔兰 【爱尔兰】 全称:爱尔兰共和国(Republic of弗Ireland) 两个都是独立国家 有独立的货币体系。问题五:爱尔兰的英文介绍 爱尔兰的英文介绍
1.The two largest islands of the British Isles(不列颠群岛)are Great Britain and Ireland.Ireland is sometimes called the Emerald Isle because it is so green. The island has wide green plains and rolling green hills. Cool weather and lots of rain help keep the island green. Summers in Ireland are not very hot and winters are not very cold. The island is divided between two countries. The northern part is a province of the United Kingdom called Northern Ireland. Most of the island is the country called Ireland.
2. Hurling(爱尔兰式曲棍球)
This sport is the most natively Irish game is hurling. It is played by two teams of fifteen players(每队15人), with a ball like a hockey ball which is struck by wooden sticks with a curved, rounded end or boss.
爱尔兰式曲棍球是爱尔兰的本土运动。它由两队参与,每队15人, 球形与曲棍球hockey
3.Popular sports in Ireland(爱尔兰流行的体育运动)
Soccer or football, rugby, cricket and tennis owe their origins to Britain. The newest and most fashionable ball game in Ireland is golf.Other widely popular sports are sailing and running. But that nearest the Irish heart must be the sport of horse-racing because they can place a bet for the occasion. 英式足球、橄榄球、板球和网球都是起源 于英国的。爱尔兰 最新的和最流行的球类运动是高尔夫球。其它广泛流行的体育运动还有帆船运动和赛 跑 。但是爱尔兰人最喜欢的运动是赛马,因为他们可以在赛马会上赌马。
4.Irish music and dance(爱尔兰的音乐、舞蹈)
1) Riverdance (“ 河之舞 ”)
Riverdance is a very popular form of danci......余下全文>>问题六:爱尔兰的英语简单介绍 Ireland is an island to the north-west of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth.To its east is the island of Great Britain, from which it is separated by the Irish Sea.
Politically, Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland, which covers five-sixths of the island, and Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom, which covers the remaining area and is located in the north-east of the island. The population of Ireland is approximately 6.4 million. Just under 4.6 million live in the Republic of Ireland and just over 1.8 million live in Northern Ireland.问题七:爱尔兰用爱尔兰字怎么写 Poblacht na héireann问题八:用英文介绍爱尔兰风景有翻译) Ireland is indeed a green country - so much rainfall must have its benefits - and the people are justifiably renowned for their friendliness.As for the geniuses,well,the Irish will proudly point to their four Nobel Laureates for Literature and declare that the success rate is unmatched in any other country of its size,all the while ensuring that the sacred 'round' system (where everyone buys a drink for everyone else in turn) is strictly adhered to.
Yet Ireland's charms run far deeper than the legendary craic of the pub or the accomplishments of a bunch of (mostly) dead writers.It has a remarkable history that is woven into virtually everything,from the prehistoric stone monuments of the Boyne Valley to the monuments honouring its fallen patriots,men and women who dared challenge the imperious might of its longtime occupier and contemporary friend,Britain.
It has a vibrant and dynamic capital,Dublin,which has spearheaded a stunning period of economic growth that has seen the country transformed from rural backwater to the envy of Europe.As a result,the Irish have grown in worldliness that continues to propel them to greater heights of achievement.Even the thorniest issue of all - Northern Ireland - has seen a kind of resolution and Ireland looks to the future with untrammelled confidence.
爱尔兰是一个绿色的国家,这么多的降水必须有它的好处,人们有理由以他们的友好。至于天才,嗯,爱尔兰将自豪地指着自己的四诺贝尔文学奖得主宣布其规模在其他国家的成功率是无与伦比的,而所有的保证那神圣的“圆”系统(每个人都买了一把其他人都在喝)是严格遵守。但爱尔兰的魅力跑比酒吧或者一群成就传奇的欢乐氛围更(多)死的作家,有着非凡的历史,编织成......余下全文>>问题九:据说是爱尔兰 英文。求翻译 急用呢 即使(Uked)只有一直把你带到世界(Plase)迪伊威恩悲伤为其余(Shince)我你的
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有的单词错了吧 please
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  • 2021-01-01 23:07