

答案:1  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-25 11:56
  • 提问者网友:無理詩人
  • 2021-02-24 18:18
  • 五星知识达人网友:北城痞子
  • 2021-02-24 18:46
问题一:以色列-英语是什么? Israel
[地名] 以色列问题二:以色列的英文叫什么 State of Israel。是一个位于西亚黎凡特地区的国家,地处地中海的东南方向,北靠黎巴嫩、东濒叙利亚和约旦、西南边则是埃及。以色列在1948年宣布独立,2014年1月人口已超过813万,主要来自犹太人族群,犹太人611万人,也是世界上唯一以犹太人为主体的国家。问题三:以色列的英文是什么? Israel
[地名] 以色列问题四:以色列的英语单词 以色列
Israel问题五:以色列城市海法的英语怎么写 问题六:求高手英文翻译~~~关于以色列、、、 Israel is mainly the jews, Judaism, so the impact of social deeply Judaism, many aspects of daily life were traces of religion.
A dress
Israel is neat, the practical characteristics of dress, coordination and solemn. Women's traditional costume is short and knee, big sleeve dress shirts men wore loose type. Attend ceremony or large social activities in a dark suit 骸nd dress.
Second, diet
The staple food is bread, noodles made by wheat or barley.
Judaism Israel in dietary respect have strict regulations. They fasted pork, meat and dairy products are not edible.
Third, the Sabbath
Weekly rest day is the Sabbath of Judaism, comes from the bible. The Sabbath every Friday at sunset, on Saturday evening. All the shops on the Sabbath, the bus stopped business operation.
Four, killed (Kibbutz)
Is Israel killed a peculiar form of collective agricultural production, internal from each according to his ability, average distribution of the principle of distribution, to all members of the collective property, equality, mutual between labor and collective life.
Is Israel a state, implement parliamentary-based legislative, administrative and judicial separation principle.
Parliament is the supreme authority. Israel, only without the constitution, President and parliament NaGeFa etc. The basic law. The President is head of state, symbolic function basically is etiquette. Parliament has the right to terminate the presidency.
The government to prime minister, the p......余下全文>>问题七:以色列,以色列人 英文怎么说 楼上说的不全面。我们通常说的以色列国人,叫Israeli。但是圣经中说的以色列人(犹太人),是用Israelite。问题八:请问以色列都有哪些城市?英文名称是什么?邮编是什么? ramla 73167