

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-22 01:51
  • 提问者网友:刺鸟
  • 2021-01-21 20:46
阅读理解 When you are in a place where you are hunting for a new job or career, you will find that there are several things that you should pay attention to. Jobs and careers are fewer than you expect, especially when satisfying employment is something you need to seriously think about. How are you going to find the job that you want and what should you avoid on your way? When you want to make use of your job search, take a moment and think about the things that you must avoid at all costs.
One of the most important rules is never to compromise(妥协) on the things you ask for or desire or it will have a bad effect on your life and peace of mind. Keep in mind your basic expectations of a dream job. They might be something about money or you might find they have something to do with time off. Whatever they are, make sure that you do not accept a job without them. Your requirements might not be easy to meet, but you have the right to try and achieve them.
What’s more, don’t go away from odd (临时的)jobs that might actually take you to the place that you want to be in. Sometimes, finding the right job is a matter of luck and chance after you have been searching and putting in a lot of effort. And if something unexpected happens, remember that taking the chance is of great importance and is something you might want to seriously consider. As long as you keep your goals in mind , you are going to be doing much better than other people during the job search.
If you are looking for the right job, another thing that you can do to make sure that you get the right kind of employment is to market yourself. When you do nothing to push yourself forward, you will be the one suffering for it. If required, give enough encouragement to yourself and try to confidently look at all that you have. Make sure that you can show your skills and abilities. If the jobs that you have set your sights on are challenging , set goals for yourself and work hard at them. The more efforts you put in marketing yourself, the more your chances of obtaining the job you like will be.
Remember that when you are working on a job search, you should not short-change yourself. This is because you will only harm yourself by setting low goals.
  • 五星知识达人网友:第幾種人
  • 2019-04-30 15:38
fewerattentionruleseffect/influencehard/difficult achieve/reachunexpectedencouragementchallenging解析1.原词再现 根据第一段第二行Jobs and careers are fewer than you expect
2.原词再现 根据第一段二行there are several things that you should pay attention to.
3.归纳总结 通读全文可知是3条需要注意的规则
4.原词再现 根据第二段第二行have a bad effect on your life
5.同义词转换 根据第二段最后一句Your requirements might not be easy to meet, but you have the right to try and achieve them.
6.固定搭配,根据该空后面的your goal。实现目标应该使用achieve/reach one’s goal
7.原词再现 根据第三段第三行And if something unexpected happens
8.原词再现 根据第四段第三行give enough encouragement to yourself
9.原词再现 根据第四段第四五行If the jobs that you have set your sights on are challenging ,
10.原词再现 最后一段最后一句。This is because you will only harm yourself by setting low goals.
  • 1楼网友:雾月
  • 2020-01-02 22:26