- 提问者网友:蔚蓝的太阳
- 2021-01-22 14:33
- 五星知识达人网友:从此江山别
- 2021-01-22 14:44
- 1楼网友:大漠
- 2021-01-22 15:17
摘 要
关键词:在役历史保护建筑 砖结构安全性 低周反复荷载试验 结构时变
based upon the existing researches on the protection of excellent historic buildings in shanghai, the paper proposes the concept of the in-service historic preserved buildings and defines its extension clearly and firstly. then, the writer summarizes the study actuality of structural safety, illustrates the connection between structural stability and safety, and also points out the problems in the research on the structural safety of in-service historic preserved buildings.
some in-service excellent historic preserved building in shanghai was selected as the experimental model in this paper. and based on consulting information and on-site inspection, many groups of specimen were created and the basic datum of construction material performance was obtained by tests conducted. and then, the test of bearing capacity on three groups of brick masonry short-column, each group has three members, proved that although the vertical bearing capacity of column made of artificial bricks and sticky rice mortar is inferior to the one made of cement sand, its toughness is superior to the later one. besides, formula for the bearing capacity of column made of artificial bricks and sticky rice mortar is presented in this paper.
with the tests on masonry material performance and bearing capacity, and several groups of wall components were created, the damage state of the bearing member of brick structure under reversed low cyclic loads is overall analyzed through pseudo-static test, which illustrates the well performance of shear resistance, compressive resistance and lateral load resistance of wall made of artificial bricks and sticky rice mortar under lateral load, and proves its superior seismic performance.
to further the status quo of the in-service historic preserved buildings’ structural safety capability, a stochastic process probability model based on the present resistance of existing structure is built, and it is analyzed as well, through the comparison between the results of structural appraisal conducted 10 years ago and nowadays. the in-situ inspections were processed on the representative in-service historic preserved building. the study presents that this calculating model in the structural safety works effectively as much as the practice does, so it is practical in the time-dependent security calculation.
key words: in-service historic preserved buildings, brick structural security, reversed low cyclic loads, time-dependent
目 录
摘 要
第一章 绪 论... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义... 1
1.2 上海地区在役历史保护建筑现状... 2
1.2.1 在役历史保护建筑的概念... 2
1.2.2 上海地区优秀历史建筑的保护... 3
1.3 建筑结构安全性研究现状... 6
1.3.1 可靠性研究现状... 6
1.3.2 安全性与可靠性的关系... 9
1.4研究目的及主要内容... 10
1.4.1 本文研究目的... 10
1.4.2 本文主要研究内容... 11
第二章 柱体竖向承载性能试验研究... 13
2.1 引言... 13
2.2 试验材料基本力学性能... 14
2.2.1原始材料介绍... 14
2.2.1 人工砖强度测试... 15
2.2.2灰浆性能测试... 18
2.3 砌体短柱承载力试验... 18
2.3.1 试件制作... 18
2.3.2 试验方法... 19
2.3.3 试验结果... 20
2.3.4 柱体韧性计算与比较... 20
2.3.4 柱体承载力计算与公式修正... 22
2.4 本章小结... 23
第三章 墙体低周反复荷载试验研究... 25
3.1 引 言... 25
3.2 试验概况... 25
3.2.1 试验目的... 25
3.2.2 试验方案... 25
3.2.3 墙体模型试件制作... 26
3.3 试验装置与测点布置... 26
3.3.1 试验装置与测点布置... 26
3.3.2 加载制度与试验步骤... 27
3.4 试验结果及分析... 29
3.4.1 第一类墙体破坏过程及特征... 29
3.4.2 第二类墙体破坏过程及特征... 30
3.4.3 主要试验结果... 32
3.4.4 滞回性能分析... 32
3.4.5 骨架曲线分析... 34
3.4.6 刚度及其退化分析... 37
3.4.7变形能力分析... 39
3.4.8 变形能、耗能比及阻尼特性分析... 40
3.5 本章小结... 42
第四章 典型在役历史保护建筑结构时变安全性分析与计算... 43
4.1 引 言... 43
4.2 现场检测鉴定与评价... 44
4.2.1 建筑结构复核与测绘... 44
4.2.2 建筑结构概况... 45
4.2.3 结构材料强度检测... 46
4.2.4 整体结构现状检测分析... 48
4.3 结构安全性计算... 49
4.3.1 抗震构造措施分析与评价... 49
4.3.2 使用荷载调查分析... 50
4.3.3 十年前结构安全性分析... 51
4.3.4 十年后结构安全性分析... 52
4.4 时变安全性计算分析... 52
4.5 本章小结... 54
第五章 主要结论与展望... 57
5.1 主要结论... 57
5.2 后续研究工作... 58
参考文献... 59
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果... 63
致 谢... 65