

答案:3  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-22 15:38
  • 提问者网友:我是我
  • 2021-03-22 11:35

  • 五星知识达人网友:怀裏藏嬌
  • 2021-03-22 11:58
1.He is very tall——almost 1.75 metres. He is the tallest boy in my class. However,he has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much at night.他很高——几乎1.75米高。他是我班上最高的。然而,他视力不好,因为晚上在电脑上工作太长时间。2.She is shorter than I am and is very small.She has straight, shoulder-lenghth hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty.她比我矮并且很小巧。她有一头直的披肩发。所有人都认为她很漂亮。3.He wears small,round glasses and they make him look smart.他戴着一副又小又圆的眼镜并且它们使他看起来很神气。4.He is a fine young man, ahout 25 years old, tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile.他是一个可爱的年轻人,大约25岁,身材高大健壮,憨厚的脸上带着善意的微笑。5.He had a brown skin, black hair, bright eyes and strong white teeth.他生着褐色皮肤、黑头发、明亮的眼睛和坚固的白牙齿。
  • 1楼网友:污到你湿
  • 2021-03-22 12:31
1.Can you make the tea, Sam? Yes, of course I can, Penny. Is there any water in this kettle(水壶)? Yes, there is. Where’s the tea? It’s over there, behind the teapot. Can you see it? I can see the teapot, but I can’t see the tea. There it is! It’s in front of you. Ah yes, I can see it now. Where are the cups? There are some in the cupboard(碗橱). Can you find them? Yes. Here they are. Hurry up, Sam. The kettle’s boiling 彭妮:你会沏茶吗,萨姆? 萨姆:会的,我当然会,彭妮。 萨姆:这水壶里有水吗? 彭妮:有水。 萨姆:茶叶在哪儿? 彭妮:就在那儿,茶壶后面。 彭妮:你看见了吗? 萨姆:茶壶我看见了,但茶叶没看到。 彭妮:那不是么! 就在你眼前。 萨姆:噢,是啊,我现在看到了。 萨姆:茶杯在哪儿呢? 彭妮:碗橱里有几只。 彭妮:你找得到吗? 萨姆:找得到。就在这儿呢。 彭妮:快,萨姆。水开了! 2.THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob? BOB: Yes, sir? THE BOSS: Where's Pamela? BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes? What's the letter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! 老 板:请你来一下好吗?鲍勃? 鲍 勃: 什么事,先生? 老 板:帕梅拉在哪儿? 鲍 勃: 她在隔壁,在她的办公室里,先生。 老 板:她能为我打一下这封信吗?请问她。 鲍 勃: 好的,先生。 鲍 勃: 请你把这封信给老板打一下可以吗, 帕梅拉? 帕梅拉:可以,当然可以。 鲍 勃: 给你这信。 帕梅拉:谢谢你,鲍勃。 帕梅拉:鲍勃! 鲍 勃: 怎么了?怎么回事? 帕梅拉:我打不了这封信。 帕梅拉:我看不懂这封信, 老板的书写太糟糕了! 3.MRS YOUNG: Do you like coffee, Mrs Price? MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want a cup? MRS PRICE: Yes, please. Mrs Young. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any sugar? MRS PRICE: Yes, please. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any milk? MRS PRICE: No, thank you. I don't like milk in my coffee. I like black coffee. MRS YOUNG: Do you like biscuits? MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want one? MRS PRICE: Yes, please. 克里斯廷:你喜欢咖啡吗,安? 安:是的,我喜欢。 克里斯廷:你想要一杯吗? 安:好的,请来一杯,克里斯廷。 克里斯廷:你要放些糖吗? 安:好的,请放一些。 克里斯廷:要放些牛奶吗? 安:不了,谢谢。我不喜欢咖啡中放牛奶,我喜欢咖啡。 克里斯廷:你喜欢饼干吗? 安:是的,我喜欢。 克里斯廷:你想要一块吗? 安:好的,请来一块。 4.BUTCHER: Do you want any meat today, Mrs Bird? MRS BIRD: Yes, please. BUTCHER: This lamb's very good. MRS BIRD: I like lamb, but my husband doesn't . BUTCHER: What about some steak? This is a nice piece. MRS BIRD: Give me that piece please. BUTCHER: Do you want a chicken, Mrs Bird? They're very nice. MRS BIRD: No, thank you. MRS BIRD: My husband likes steak, but he doesn't like chicken. BUTCHER: To tell you the truth(说实在的), Mrs. Bird, I don't like chicken, either 肉 商:您今天要买点肉吗,伯德夫人? 伯德夫人:是的,我买一点。 肉 商:您要牛肉还是要羔羊肉? 伯德夫人:请给我牛肉。 肉 商:这羔羊肉很好。 伯德夫人:我喜欢羔羊肉,可我丈夫不喜欢。 肉 商:来点牛排吗?这块很好。 伯德夫人:就请给我那块吧。 伯德夫人:再来一磅绞肉。 肉 商:您要买只鸡吗,伯德夫人?这些鸡很好。 伯德夫人:不要了,谢谢。 伯德夫人:我丈夫喜欢牛排,但他不喜欢鸡。 肉 商:说老实话,伯德夫人, 我也不喜欢鸡。 5.HANS: Where do you come from? DIMITRI: I come from Greece. HANS: What's the climate like in your country? DIMITRI: It's very pleasant. Hans: What's the weather like in spring? DIMITRI: It's often windy in March. It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. HANS: What's it like in summer? DIMITRI: It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day. HANS: Is it cold or warm in autumn? DIMITRI: It's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes. HANS: Is it very cold in winter? DIMITRI: It's often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes. 汉 斯:你是哪国人? 迪米特里:我是希腊人。 汉 斯:你们的国家的气候是怎么样? 迪米特里:气候非常宜人。 汉 斯:春季的天气怎么样? 迪米特里:3月里常常刮风。 4月和5月的天气总暖洋洋的, 但有时下雨。 汉 斯:夏季的天气如何呢? 迪米特里:6月、7月和8月的天气总是炎热的 每天都出太阳。 汉 斯:秋季的天气是冷还是暖呢? 迪米特里:9月和10月总是很暖和, 11月常常就冷了,而且有时下雨。 汉 斯:冬季的天气很冷吗? 迪米特里:12月、1月和2月常常很冷, 有时还下雪。 就这么多,你看看,还有中文,可以从文中采纳一些句子来抄
  • 2楼网友:走死在岁月里
  • 2021-03-22 12:17
beautiful 漂亮 Sinking the fish falls wild goose 沉鱼落雁 Have delicate looks 眉清目秀 Snow-white skin of a beautiful woman 冰肌玉骨 我也是自己在网上帮你查的 不知道是不是很准确 谅解!!