
根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填人每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。Salesgirl: Hello, Happiness FlowersMichae

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-31 11:36
  • 提问者网友:别再叽里呱啦
  • 2021-12-30 11:39
Salesgirl: Hello, Happiness Flowers.
Michael: Hello, I'd like to order some flowers.
Salesgirl: OK. 【小题1】
Michael: I don't know for sure. We want to celebrate our teacher's birthday. What flowers do you think will be suitable?
Salesgirl: 【小题2】 Sunflowers stand for admiring feelings.
Michael: That's OK.But how many should we get?
Salesgirl: 【小题3】 How many students are there in your class?
Michael: There are 32 students.
Salesgirl: Then how about 32?
Michael: OK.【小题4】
Salesgirl: The price for each is $ 1.
Michael: 【小题5】
Salesgirl: All right.$ 32 in total in cash.Please tell me your address.
Michael: My address is Class 7, Grade 3, QLD Government School.A.It depends.B.It's your business.C.How much will they cost?D.How could I pay for the flowers?E.What about some little sunflowers?
F.What kind of flowers do you have in mind?
G.Can I pay you in cash when you send them to our school?F
  • 五星知识达人网友:洒脱疯子
  • 2021-12-30 13:12
(答案→)F 解析:【小题1】F 根据下方提到I don't know for sure. We want to celebrate our teacher's birthday我也不确定,我想庆祝老师的生日,所以在问你想要什么类型的花呢?故选F项。【小题2】E 根据下方提到Sunflowers stand for admiring feelings太阳花代表敬意,所以选E项太阳花怎么样?【小题3】A 根据上文提到But how many should we get我们得要多少支呢。所以视情况而定,你们班有多少学生呢?【小题4】C 根据下方提到The price for each is $ 1每支一美元,可知在问价格,故选C项。【小题5】G 根据下文提到All right.$ 32 in total in cash.Please tell me your address现金一共是32美元,请告诉我地址。所以与G项当你们送到学校时我能付现金吗?符合。
  • 1楼网友:爱难随人意
  • 2021-12-30 13:20