求狼与香辛料OP ED 歌词
答案:1 悬赏:10 手机版
解决时间 2021-12-31 19:33
- 提问者网友:风月客
- 2021-12-31 15:10
听这歌觉得很好听,就想把它唱下来所以求一份歌词OP要有罗马音或者全假名的 有的朋友不要吝啬哦 多谢了
- 五星知识达人网友:白昼之月
- 2021-12-31 16:27
[00:27.59]ただひとり 迷(まよ)い込(こ)む旅(たび)の中(なか)で〖一个人 走在令人迷失的旅途〗
[00:36.00]心(こころ)だけ彷徨(さまよ)って立(た)ち尽(つく)した〖一颗心 却彷徨着呆立在原处〗
[00:44.32]でも今(いま)は 远(とお)くまで 歩(ある)き出(だ)せる〖而如今 我已经能够走向远方〗
[00:52.71]そう君(きみ)と この道(みち)で 出会(であ)ってから〖是因为 我在旅途中遇见了你〗
[01:19.91]梦见(ゆめみ)た世界(せかい)が どこかに あるなら〖如果梦中的世界 就在世上的某处〗
[01:28.21]探(さが)しに 行(ゆ)こうか 风(かぜ)のむこうへ〖让我们一同寻觅 去往风的另一方〗
[01:36.61]冻(い)てつく夜明(よあ)けの 渇(かわ)いた真昼(まひる)の〖无论寒冷的黎明 抑或干渴的正午〗
[01:44.95]ふるえる闇夜(やみよ)の 果(は)てを见(み)に行(ゆ)こう〖哪怕颤栗的暗夜 愿与你一同走过〗
[02:10.17]寂(さび)しさを知(し)っている 君(きみ)の瞳(ひとみ)〖你的双眼 想必早已见惯了孤独〗
[02:18.54]まばたいて その色(いろ)を 映(うつ)すから〖因为它们 总是闪着寂寞的颜色〗
[02:46.48]东(ひがし)の国(くに)の港(みなと) 西(にし)の海辺(うみべ)〖走过东方国度的海港 西边的海滩〗
[02:54.80]暗(くら)い森(もり)で 南(みなみ)の街(まち) 金(きん)の塔(とう)〖走过黑暗森林 南方城市 金色的塔〗
[03:03.15]北(きた)の丘(おか) 水(みず)に揺(ゆ)れてた同(おな)じ月(つき)が〖北国山丘 水中荡漾着同样的月光〗
[03:19.16]差(さ)し出(だ)すその手(て)を つないでいいなら〖如果能允许我握住 你递给我的手〗
[03:27.51]どこまで行(ゆ)こうか 君(きみ)と二人(ふたり)で〖不知道我能够与你 走到什么地方〗
[03:35.99]どこへも行(ゆ)けるよ まだ见(み)ぬ世界(せかい)の〖与你走遍天涯海角 走向未知世界〗
[03:44.30]ざわめき 香(かお)りを 抱(だ)きしめに行(ゆ)こう〖去紧紧拥抱 我们一路邂逅的芬芳〗
[04:44.00]LRC by:小朝
[ti:リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song]
[al:狼と香辛料 ED - リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song]
[00:00.00]ROCKY CHACK - リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song
[00:03.01]作诗 chris mosdell
[00:03.63]作曲 山下太郎 & noe
[00:04.26]编曲 保刈久明
[00:05.59]O seven apples on a witch's tree
[00:10.60]With seven seeds to plant inside of me
[00:16.02]In springtime I grew a magic song
[00:21.27]Then skipping along, oh I sang the song to everyone
[00:26.46]I looked at the world through apple eyes
[00:31.94]And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie
[00:37.28]I danced with the peanut butterflies
[00:42.59]Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye
[00:47.89]A thousand sugar stars
[00:53.24]Oh put them in a jar
[00:58.31]And then whistle round the world
[01:01.24]Oh whistle round the world
[01:04.29]I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say
[01:09.32]And off I'll go from June to May
[01:13.93]Oh whistling round the world
[01:25.22]I met a golden swan upon the road
[01:30.98]Who was a handsome prince, so I was told
[01:35.95]I asked it the way to yesterday
[01:41.29]Then I was a sailor, and through the day I sailed away
[01:46.95]Blubird seas I sailed
[01:51.91]With mermaids riding whales
[01:56.89]Oh whistle round the world
[01:59.76]Oh whistle round the world
[02:02.92]I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say
[02:08.26]And off I'll go down Wonder Way
[02:12.69]Oh whistling round the world
[03:07.62]Through apple eyes
[03:11.36]Oh there are rose-coloured skylines
[03:18.24]Where flying silver spoons
[03:22.23]Eat melting marmalade moons
[03:28.95]Through apple eyes
[03:32.65]I see for millions of miles
[03:39.59]The sun's a diamond shining
[03:43.94]In the nighttime of a summer day
[03:52.28]A thousand sugar stars
[03:57.24]Oh put them in a jar
[04:02.30]And then whistle round the world
[04:04.92]Oh whistle round the world
[04:08.31]I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say
[04:13.61]And off I'll go (I can not stay)
[04:18.02]Oh whistling round the world
[04:23.90]Let's whistle round the world
[04:29.59]Whistle round the world
[04:34.93]Whistle round the world
[00:27.59]ただひとり 迷(まよ)い込(こ)む旅(たび)の中(なか)で〖一个人 走在令人迷失的旅途〗
[00:36.00]心(こころ)だけ彷徨(さまよ)って立(た)ち尽(つく)した〖一颗心 却彷徨着呆立在原处〗
[00:44.32]でも今(いま)は 远(とお)くまで 歩(ある)き出(だ)せる〖而如今 我已经能够走向远方〗
[00:52.71]そう君(きみ)と この道(みち)で 出会(であ)ってから〖是因为 我在旅途中遇见了你〗
[01:19.91]梦见(ゆめみ)た世界(せかい)が どこかに あるなら〖如果梦中的世界 就在世上的某处〗
[01:28.21]探(さが)しに 行(ゆ)こうか 风(かぜ)のむこうへ〖让我们一同寻觅 去往风的另一方〗
[01:36.61]冻(い)てつく夜明(よあ)けの 渇(かわ)いた真昼(まひる)の〖无论寒冷的黎明 抑或干渴的正午〗
[01:44.95]ふるえる闇夜(やみよ)の 果(は)てを见(み)に行(ゆ)こう〖哪怕颤栗的暗夜 愿与你一同走过〗
[02:10.17]寂(さび)しさを知(し)っている 君(きみ)の瞳(ひとみ)〖你的双眼 想必早已见惯了孤独〗
[02:18.54]まばたいて その色(いろ)を 映(うつ)すから〖因为它们 总是闪着寂寞的颜色〗
[02:46.48]东(ひがし)の国(くに)の港(みなと) 西(にし)の海辺(うみべ)〖走过东方国度的海港 西边的海滩〗
[02:54.80]暗(くら)い森(もり)で 南(みなみ)の街(まち) 金(きん)の塔(とう)〖走过黑暗森林 南方城市 金色的塔〗
[03:03.15]北(きた)の丘(おか) 水(みず)に揺(ゆ)れてた同(おな)じ月(つき)が〖北国山丘 水中荡漾着同样的月光〗
[03:19.16]差(さ)し出(だ)すその手(て)を つないでいいなら〖如果能允许我握住 你递给我的手〗
[03:27.51]どこまで行(ゆ)こうか 君(きみ)と二人(ふたり)で〖不知道我能够与你 走到什么地方〗
[03:35.99]どこへも行(ゆ)けるよ まだ见(み)ぬ世界(せかい)の〖与你走遍天涯海角 走向未知世界〗
[03:44.30]ざわめき 香(かお)りを 抱(だ)きしめに行(ゆ)こう〖去紧紧拥抱 我们一路邂逅的芬芳〗
[04:44.00]LRC by:小朝
[ti:リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song]
[al:狼と香辛料 ED - リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song]
[00:00.00]ROCKY CHACK - リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song
[00:03.01]作诗 chris mosdell
[00:03.63]作曲 山下太郎 & noe
[00:04.26]编曲 保刈久明
[00:05.59]O seven apples on a witch's tree
[00:10.60]With seven seeds to plant inside of me
[00:16.02]In springtime I grew a magic song
[00:21.27]Then skipping along, oh I sang the song to everyone
[00:26.46]I looked at the world through apple eyes
[00:31.94]And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie
[00:37.28]I danced with the peanut butterflies
[00:42.59]Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye
[00:47.89]A thousand sugar stars
[00:53.24]Oh put them in a jar
[00:58.31]And then whistle round the world
[01:01.24]Oh whistle round the world
[01:04.29]I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say
[01:09.32]And off I'll go from June to May
[01:13.93]Oh whistling round the world
[01:25.22]I met a golden swan upon the road
[01:30.98]Who was a handsome prince, so I was told
[01:35.95]I asked it the way to yesterday
[01:41.29]Then I was a sailor, and through the day I sailed away
[01:46.95]Blubird seas I sailed
[01:51.91]With mermaids riding whales
[01:56.89]Oh whistle round the world
[01:59.76]Oh whistle round the world
[02:02.92]I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say
[02:08.26]And off I'll go down Wonder Way
[02:12.69]Oh whistling round the world
[03:07.62]Through apple eyes
[03:11.36]Oh there are rose-coloured skylines
[03:18.24]Where flying silver spoons
[03:22.23]Eat melting marmalade moons
[03:28.95]Through apple eyes
[03:32.65]I see for millions of miles
[03:39.59]The sun's a diamond shining
[03:43.94]In the nighttime of a summer day
[03:52.28]A thousand sugar stars
[03:57.24]Oh put them in a jar
[04:02.30]And then whistle round the world
[04:04.92]Oh whistle round the world
[04:08.31]I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say
[04:13.61]And off I'll go (I can not stay)
[04:18.02]Oh whistling round the world
[04:23.90]Let's whistle round the world
[04:29.59]Whistle round the world
[04:34.93]Whistle round the world