

答案:1  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-09 07:32
  • 提问者网友:刺鸟
  • 2021-03-08 10:50
  • 五星知识达人网友:低音帝王
  • 2021-03-08 12:20
问题一:股市里的庄家,主力用英语怎么表达? 比较接近你的答案应该是“The market maker”,做市商。意思是指在证券市场上,由具备一定实力和信誉的独立证券经营法人作为特许交易商,不断向公众投资者报出某些特定证券的买卖价格(即双向报价),并在该价位上接受公众投资者的买卖要求,以其自有资金和证券与投资者进行证券交易。买卖双方不需等待交易对手出现,只要有做市商出面承担交易对手方即可达成交易。问题二:请问:“庄家”的英文怎么说? 庄家: banker
其它相关解释:The player in charge of the bank in some gambling games.
He trumps small, but is overtrumped by the declarer.
他用小牌将吃,但是被庄家将牌盖吃了。问题三:股票中'庄家'用英语怎么说 banker
|?b??k?(r)|a person who is in charge of the money in particular games (某些赌博游戏中的)庄家问题四:打牌中的庄家,闲家,点数和老千用英语怎么表达? 庄家Dealer 闲家Player 点数points 老千,就是骗子吧?应该是cheater card 牌 poker 扑克 spade 黑桃 heart 红心 diamond 方块 club 梅花 card case 牌盒 deck 整付牌 pile 牌叠 top 牌顶 bottom 牌底 face up 面朝上 face down 面朝下 fan 开扇 spread 摊牌 cut 切牌 one hand cut 单手切牌 false cut 假切 shuffle 洗牌 Hindu Shuffle 印度洗牌 riffle shuffle 鸽尾式洗牌 False/Blind Shuffle假洗牌 double lifts 双翻 secret addition secret load force 迫牌 riffle 拨牌 riffle force 拨牌迫牌 Under the Spread Force 摊牌迫牌 classic force 古典迫牌 cross force 十字迫牌 false count 假数牌 Elmsley count岩士利数牌法会比较恰当,通称艾尔姆支雷 Jordon count 乔登数牌 Hamman Count 哈门数牌 reverse top change 换顶牌 pass 移牌 classic pass 古典移牌 Hamman pass 海曼移牌 easy pass 简单移牌 center pass 中央移牌 half pass 翻牌 偷翻牌这个技巧很特别,因为Half Pass的英文原名也不太能正确地传意, 但中文也不应该叫做翻牌,因为这也是个隐性动作... Turnover叫翻牌会比较合适,因为它并非隐性动作 false deal 假发牌 second deal 发第二张 bottom deal 发底牌 center deal 发中间牌 palm 掌中藏牌 top palm 藏顶牌 bottom palm 藏底牌 Gamblers Cop赌徒扣牌 side steal 侧边偷牌 Tenkai palm 天海藏牌 back palm 手背藏牌 Spread Control摊牌控牌 convincing control pass (Convincing Control, Convincing是有说服力的意思,不包含确认的意思) Spread Control摊牌控牌 convincing control pass (Convincing Control, Convincing是有说服力的意思,不包含确认的意思) in jog 挪移 break 布雷克 peek 偷看牌 Peek的正式名称是 Spectators Peek,专门指当魔术师拨牌时,观众叫停然后看那张牌的动作,又,这里魔术师所做的拨牌动作和平时的有所不同。真正的魔术师偷看牌应该叫Glimpse才对,但是后来发展成一些魔术师的偷看牌也称为Peek. crimp 偷拗牌 switch 偷换牌 glide滑行技法 color change 变牌 To show a card/ Display a card 展示牌 twisting card 转牌 Twisting 的本意是旋转,在魔术中是指牌由牌面牌背 向上向下,变为牌面/牌背 向下向上的魔术效果, 而在手指间令一张牌旋转则为Pirouette twirl,spin比较合适於形容魔术中转牌的动作 folding 折牌 tearing 撕牌 Selection or Se......余下全文>>问题五:桥牌中的庄家 英语怎么说 庄家 Declarer
首攻 Opening Leader
明手 Dummy
Declarer, Opening Leader and Dummy
The declarer is the player who first mentions the suit that ends up being trumps or who first mentions notrump.
The opening leader is the player to the left of the declarer who starts the play by making the opening lead, playing a card face-up on the table.
The dummy is declarer’s partner. After the opening lead, the dummy places his hand face-up on the table, and declarer calls the cards during the play for both hands.
参考资料:www.acbl.org/learn/howToPlay.html问题六:"庄稼成熟了"英语怎么翻译 The farm goods was mature