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This is the beloved story of Sara Crewe, who falls into hard times, is ill-treated at her own boarding school, and is finally rescued and transformed from rags to riches by a rich Indian gentleman

It was late July and we bought the book from a bookstore, because I have seen the animation, received information and liked it. A Little Princess tells the heartwarming story of a young girl of fortune, who is left destitute after the death of her father. Her vivid imagination and cheerful nature keep up her spirits despite the hard times and neglect, and the good she does to others reaps its own rewards.

My book's front picture is an illustration by Ethel Franklyn Betts from the 1905 edition of A Little Princess. It is published by penguin classics, 1996. Francess also published Little Lord Fauntleroy(1885), and Secret Garden(1911). She died 1924, a few weeks before her seventy-fifth birthday.

I have seen some movies, but they are edited. Some endings are not from the story, like that Captain Crewe did not die, and it was Tom who died. But, whenever I read the book, I feel better than watching the movie. And, Jessie is the only one who is with that Lavinia. If you'll ask me, Ermengarde is fat. Some movies made her slim. Lottie, she is curly, not long-haired.

After all, the movies are wrong. And I know that if I am only a director, I would make the right movie. That is all I can say.
Posted By Jody at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies


When I first saw the movie,I thought It was excellent,a very touching story about a little girl etc...always makes me cry in the end.
Not long ago I read the book, and boy oh boy is it totally different to the movie!
The whole plot is different in the story,sara dosn't even look the same in the book,Though the book was also very good,I'd have to say i liked the movie better.Basically cuz its a movie,and i like the movie version better than the book and cuz its played out infront of ur eyes.
All in all:GOOD STUFF!!
Posted By Mia at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies


Great Movie
i thought this movie was a great movie too watch. It was really sad at the end but she gets her wish back. it was such a magical movie. I also enjoyed all the art work that was put in the movie. i really enjoyed the movie. I would watch this over and over a again. My heart fell in love with it the first time i saw it. Well, that's all i have to say for know, until next time. Thanks for making the movie.
Your Truly,
Shaunna Still
Posted By Shaunna at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies


Master's Thesis
I love the book. But I'm desperately looking for some materials about the author and her writings, because I'm writing my thesis on children's literature. If somebody can help me somehow, I'm looking for books, essays and anything that could help me to find out more about Mrs. Burnett. Thanks a lot.
Posted By Ela at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 1 Reply


great book and movie
Iloved the movie
Ihave seen it a thousand times . I have read the book 2 times. I think the book was better because in the movie her father was live in the end and in the book it said more. I think they could have done the movie more like the book because in the book her dad died and in the movie he endsa up live . I think they sould have just keep it as the story was about the dad dieding . when i read the book i cryed when sara was told she was poor and that her dad died. see you
Posted By liz at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies


Little Princess
My father bought me this book when I was a young girl. All young girls, at one time or another, imagine themselves to be princesses. They easily envision themselves wrapped in exquisite velvet gowns and adorned in glittering veils and gold bracelets. Such was the case for me years ago. I'll never forget such a precious time in my life, the sweet memories of a young girl who could immerse herself in such fantasies. This book is probably the best I have read as a child; it is a work of fiction that best calls to mind the magic of my childhood and the simplicity of innocence. This is a book I will surely pass on to my children.
Posted By Carla at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies


No Subject
I've read numerous books but none like this one.I issued it from the library but I want to buy it from wherever it is available.Iwould as well like to know if ther is a movie of the story or not.I really appreciate Frances Hodgson Burnett's skill of writing andI hope to become an equally fantastic writer as her in future.
Posted By Dhriti at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies


A Little Princess
I first saw the movie and liked it when I was probably 12 or 13. And that was the Shirley Temple version. I thought that was adorable since I liked Shirley Temple since I was three or four. I then was able to fully understand and like the book later. Since then I have seen a Disney Channel version of the movie and the '95 version. Out of all the versions I have seen I like Shirley Temple and the Disney live version better. If anyone could tell me where to find the version that is like the book I like I would be happy. I could buy the Shirley Temple version at Old Tyme Pottery and have the version that is true to the book too.
Posted By Torie at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies


No Subject
I loved this movie and book so much! It filled my heart with joy, but at the same time made me cry. The relationships are so real! I read the book and saw the movie when i was little and i will still do the same when i am old!
Posted By Hannah at Tue 24 May 2005, 5:07 PM in A Little Princess || 0 Replies

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  • 2021-04-05 13:25
at the beginning of the story, seven year old sara crewe is about to enter boarding school. she has spent her life in india, living with her affluent father, but has been sent to london to be educated at the oppressive boarding school, miss minchin's seminary for young ladies. awed by her vast fortunes, and wishing to keep her at the school as long as possible, miss minchin allows sara to have far more luxuries than the average student. she has her own personal maid, a pony, a private sitting room and an extravagant wardrobe. she is permitted to do anything she pleases, and is constantly praised, complimented and shown off as the school's show pupil. when captain crewe becomes part owner of diamond mines--investing his life's fortune with a "dear friend"--sara's status grows even more. in spite of this adulation, sara takes her situation in stride. she is bright, compassionate, and is generally well-liked by her classmates. a gifted storyteller, she can draw every student in the seminary--even those that are not fond of her, such as lavinia--to listen to her tales. she pretends she is a princess and strives to emulate the qualities of one: generosity, compassion and politeness. her best friend, ermengarde, is the "school dunce"; sara helps her learn her lessons by weaving them into stories. sara is the "adopted mother" of a younger student, lottie. sara and lottie share a bond; neither has a mother. she also befriends becky, the school scullery maid, and smuggles her food. on sara's eleventh birthday, one of captain crewe's solicitors arrives with bad news: captain crewe has died of brain fever. furthermore, his "dear friend" has run off with his entire fortune, leaving sara penniless. miss minchin, enraged, resolves to turn sara out into the street but is finally convinced to keep her as a servant. she immediately takes all of sara's belongings and sends her to the attic to sleep in a squalid room next door to becky's. from that point on, sara becomes an all-purpose servant at the school, doing everything from teaching french lessons to cleaning and running errands. she is deprived of food and adequate clothing. many of the other servants take delight in ordering sara about. as sara's situation worsens, she begins to despair. she keeps herself going by imagining that she and becky are prisoners in the bastille. her friends ermengarde and lottie also lift her spirits by sneaking to her attic to visit her whenever they can. one day, a seriously ill and depressed man moves into the townhouse next to the seminary. sara calls him the "indian gentleman" when she sees several objects from india being carried into his home. she meets the indian gentleman's lascar, ram dass, when she spots him through a skylight and speaks hindi with him. she also becomes interested in the family who frequently visits the indian gentleman, and dubs them the large family. what sara does not know is that the indian gentleman is actually her father's "dear friend," mr. carrisford. he was ill with brain fever in india himself, and ran away after captain crewe died, but he neither lost nor stole the crewe wealth. in fact, he has increased it. he is guilt-ridden because he cannot find crewe's daughter to restore her fortune. the father of the large family, mr. carmichael, is mr. carrisford's solicitor. his main duty is to locate the lost sara crewe. the mission takes him on extended trips to russia and france to follow possible leads. the children of the large family know about sara, and hope she is found. sara and mr. carrisford live on opposite sides of their townhouse walls for years. sara becomes increasingly thin and shabby looking, to the point where one of the children of the large family, donald, believes she is a beggar and offers her a christmas sixpence. the carmichael children are interested in her, but do not ask her name, and go on their way. they begin to call her "the-little-girl-who-is-not-a-beggar" and watch her as carefully as she observes them, never guessing that she is the missing sara crewe their father is searching for. ram dass tells mr. carrisford of sara's miserable existence in the attic. together, they hatch a plan to improve her life by secretly giving her gifts. while she is sleeping and working, ram dass and his assistants cross the roof and bring furniture, rugs, books and other presents. every night, they kindle a fire in the fireplace and leave a huge meal for sara and becky. eventually, they completely change the attic room into a comfortable, warm place. they even send expensive clothing to the school to replace sara's rags. sara sees this as proof that magic is real and that someone cares about her, and her spirits improve immensely. nobody besides becky ever discovers the transformed attic room, but miss minchin and miss amelia do notice, and are unsettled by, sara's happier demeanor and new clothes. one evening, ram dass' monkey escapes, and sara takes him in from the cold. the next day, she brings him to mr. carrisford's house to return him. she casually mentions that she was born in india, and carrisford and carmichael discover that she is the missing sara crewe. the carmichaels explain everything to sara, telling her that her fortune has doubled itself and that it will be kept safe until she is of age. mr. carrisford becomes her new guardian. becky also escapes from miss minchin's school, becoming sara's new attendant. ermengarde and lottie visit with her frequently. sara regains her fortune and retains her generous nature. in the last chapter of the book, she devises a plan to donate bread to homeless children.