

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 04:30
  • 提问者网友:末路
  • 2021-01-03 08:26
完形填空 I was in a crowded local in Mumbai. I was lucky to find a seat as I had got in at the first station. Soon, the seats were all1,and most people had to stand.In the middle of all this, I saw a girl about2years old. It was3that she was used to the crowd and the pushing, because she would silently change4to be just a little bit more comfortable. I felt a little sad sitting there5her standing nearby.It struck me that this is the time to6an act of kindness. However, I had to overcome some internal barriers before I7an act of kindness. “World I look foolish trying to help her?” I wondered. Them I thought. “Maybe this sort of thing is quite common, and8would think the worse of me if I did not do anything.” I felt a little shy just9. But I told myself “Well,10you think about it, go the whole way.” So I asked her if she wanted to sit on my11for the rest of the train ride.12I was a little hesitant while offering it to her, the surprised and32 look on her face was enough to13al1 my doubts. And then, I began to think—“Why hadn’t I offered it to her even14?” “What was stopping me?” A complete about-face came from my previous thoughts.15, the gift of gratitude she had given me was far more that the ‘scat’ I had offered her! It was16to say who was doing the giving. She was so considerate as she sat at the sat at the very edge of my knee,17half her weight so as not to make my legs hurt. I told her that she could sit comfortably, and I wouldn’t18. I got one more pure expression of19! And luckily, I was in the window seat, so the little grill had fun20the sights form the window! This simple give and take made the day beautiful!1.A.keptB.putC.givenD.taken2.A.obviousB.convenientC.consequentD.efficient3.A.conditionB.occasionC.positionD.situation4.A.forB.aboutC.beyondD.situation5.A.practiseB.playC.holdD.manage6.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.would7.A.anybodyB.somebodyC.everybodyD.nobody8.A.passing byB.giving outC.keeping offD.nobody9.A.onceB.even ifC.in caseD.unless10.A.bagB.seatC.lapD.top11.A.BecauseB.ThoughC.SoD.But12.A.frightenedB.amusedC.embarrassedD.delighted13.A.increaseB.sweepC.digestD.submit14.A.betterB.fasterC.earlierD.later15.A.To some degreeB.By chanceC.In other wordsD.As usual16.A.difficultB.strangeC.generousD.easy17.A.dependingB.supportingC.concentratingD.transforming18.A.advanceB.agreeC.mindD.fear19.A.carefulnessB.gratitudeC.happinessD.kindness20.A.keeping upB.putting upC.giving offD.taking in
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