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解决时间 2021-02-03 10:23
  • 提问者网友:情歌越听越心酸
  • 2021-02-03 06:01
  • 五星知识达人网友:神也偏爱
  • 2021-02-03 06:22
Linkamailuo examination of contemporary Australia, one of the most influential writers. She was born in June 1, 1937 New South Wales, Australia Wellington a western animal husbandry workers, family, 12-year-old moved to Sydney. Prior to this, the family lived a nomadic life. From an early age Linkamailuo examination showed extraordinary artistic talent, she wrote from the age of five poetry, storytelling, learning to paint. But the Great Depression to the labor force to combat the enormous family of her very early on recognized that literature and art it is very difficult to bring food and clothing for the family, and her mathematics and natural sciences to the talent and interest in her path and Literature create a completely different path. The twentieth century from the fifties, the test began Linkamailuo neurophysiology Sydney University, after graduating from the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney has created the Department of Neurophysiology. Five years later, in order to further improve the academic level, she went to the University of London Institute of Child Health research. Then moved to the United States, at Yale School of Medicine engaged in teaching and research work of a decade to become the nerve physiologist influential. She is still the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, honorary president of Gerontology Foundation of Australia, and Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital Department of Neurophysiology, honorary adviser to the Third World at the same time to promote the study of neurophysiology, in particular, is to develop the subject of women doctors, she assist in the creation of the Yale School of Medicine, Department of Neurophysiology. She and a well-known medical scientist Sir Roden Cutler Gordon Australia with outstanding figures list 100.
  Half of the 20th century, a New Zealand immigrant families in Australia, beautiful girls Maggie enthusiasm, and keen with love Father Ralph. However, the identity of the priest can not combine the two left, Maggie finally discouraged onto others. However, the fate and the desire to stimulate the heart, the two finally meet again, can not be brought against the tragedy. Test Lindamailuo, born in New South Wales, Australia in Wellington. She has engaged in a variety of work - tourism, libraries, teaching; then finally became a nerve pathologist, has been studying at Yale University in the United States. Her first novel was "Tim" and "The Thorn Birds" is the idea of a four-year, made a lot of investigative work, write tenor. A publication of the book, the author would become famous. The author is a versatile person, like photography, music, painting, cutting and other clothing. She is now settled in the United States.

  • 1楼网友:未来江山和你
  • 2021-02-03 08:47
英文版: Linkamailuo examination of contemporary Australia, one of the most influential writers. She was born in June 1, 1937 New South Wales, Australia Wellington a western animal husbandry workers, family, 12-year-old moved to Sydney. Prior to this, the family lived a nomadic life. From an early age Linkamailuo examination showed extraordinary artistic talent, she wrote from the age of five poetry, storytelling, learning to paint. But the Great Depression to the labor force to combat the enormous family of her very early on recognized that literature and art it is very difficult to bring food and clothing for the family, and her mathematics and natural sciences to the talent and interest in her path and Literature create a completely different path. The twentieth century from the fifties, the test began Linkamailuo neurophysiology Sydney University, after graduating from the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney has created the Department of Neurophysiology. Five years later, in order to further improve the academic level, she went to the University of London Institute of Child Health research. Then moved to the United States, at Yale School of Medicine engaged in teaching and research work of a decade to become the nerve physiologist influential. She is still the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, honorary president of Gerontology Foundation of Australia, and Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital Department of Neurophysiology, honorary adviser to the Third World at the same time to promote the study of neurophysiology, in particular, is to develop the subject of women doctors, she assist in the creation of the Yale School of Medicine, Department of Neurophysiology. She and a well-known medical scientist Sir Roden Cutler Gordon Australia with outstanding figures list 100. Half of the 20th century, a New Zealand immigrant families in Australia, beautiful girls Maggie enthusiasm, and keen with love Father Ralph. However, the identity of the priest can not combine the two left, Maggie finally discouraged onto others. However, the fate and the desire to stimulate the heart, the two finally meet again, can not be brought against the tragedy. Test Lindamailuo, born in New South Wales, Australia in Wellington. She has engaged in a variety of work - tourism, libraries, teaching; then finally became a nerve pathologist, has been studying at Yale University in the United States. Her first novel was "Tim" and "The Thorn Birds" is the idea of a four-year, made a lot of investigative work, write tenor. A publication of the book, the author would become famous. The author is a versatile person, like photography, music, painting, cutting and other clothing. She is now settled in the United States. 中文版: 考琳·麦卡洛是澳大利亚当代最有影响的作家之一。她于一九三七年六月一日出生于澳大利亚新南威尔士州西部惠林顿一个牧业工人家庭,十二岁移居悉尼。此前,一家人过着游牧生活。考琳·麦卡洛从小就表现出不凡的艺术才能,她从五岁起就写诗歌,讲故事,学画画。但是经济大萧条给这个劳动家庭带来的巨大打击使她很早就意识到,文学艺术很难给一家人带来温饱,而她在数学和自然科学方面的天赋和兴趣促使她走上与文学创作全然不同的道路。从二十世纪五十年代起,考琳·麦卡洛开始在悉尼大学攻读神经生理学,毕业后,在悉尼皇家北岸医院创建了神经生理学部。五年后,为了进一步提高学术水平,她到英国伦敦大学儿童健康学院从事研究工作。此后移居美国,在耶鲁医学院从事教学和科研工作长达十年,成为颇具影响的神经生理学家。她至今仍为威尔士王子医学研究院名誉院长、澳大利亚老年医学基金会资助人、悉尼皇家北岸医院神经生理学部名誉顾问,同时为促进第三世界神经生理学研究,特别是培养该学科女医生,她协助美国耶鲁医学院创建了神经生理学系。她和著名医学家罗登·卡特勒爵士同登澳大利亚一百名杰出人物榜。 20世纪上半叶澳洲一个新西兰移民家庭,女孩麦琪漂亮热情,同神父拉尔夫相爱炽烈。但神父的身份却让两人无法结合,心灰意冷的麦琪终转嫁他人。然而,在命运和内心的渴望刺激下,两人终于再次相遇,带来的却是无可抵御的悲剧。考琳·麦卡洛,生于澳大利亚新南威尔士州的惠灵顿。她曾从事过多种工作——旅游业、图书馆、教书;后来终于成了一名神经病理学家,曾就学于美国耶鲁大学。她的第一部小说是《蒂姆》,而《荆棘鸟》则构思了四年,作了大量的调查工作,方始动笔。此书一发表,作者便一举成名。作者是位多才多艺的人,喜欢摄影、音乐、绘画、服装裁剪等。她现定居于美国。
  • 2楼网友:鱼芗
  • 2021-02-03 07:42
英文版: Linkamailuo examination of contemporary Australia, one of the most influential writers. She was born in June 1, 1937 New South Wales, Australia Wellington a western animal husbandry workers, family, 12-year-old moved to Sydney. Prior to this, the family lived a nomadic life. From an early age Linkamailuo examination showed extraordinary artistic talent, she wrote from the age of five poetry, storytelling, learning to paint. But the Great Depression to the labor force to combat the enormous family of her very early on recognized that literature and art it is very difficult to bring food and clothing for the family, and her mathematics and natural sciences to the talent and interest in her path and Literature create a completely different path. The twentieth century from the fifties, the test began Linkamailuo neurophysiology Sydney University, after graduating from the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney has created the Department of Neurophysiology. Five years later, in order to further improve the academic level, she went to the University of London Institute of Child Health research. Then moved to the United States, at Yale School of Medicine engaged in teaching and research work of a decade to become the nerve physiologist influential. She is still the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, honorary president of Gerontology Foundation of Australia, and Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital Department of Neurophysiology, honorary adviser to the Third World at the same time to promote the study of neurophysiology, in particular, is to develop the subject of women doctors, she assist in the creation of the Yale School of Medicine, Department of Neurophysiology. She and a well-known medical scientist Sir Roden Cutler Gordon Australia with outstanding figures list 100. Half of the 20th century, a New Zealand immigrant families in Australia, beautiful girls Maggie enthusiasm, and keen with love Father Ralph. However, the identity of the priest can not combine the two left, Maggie finally discouraged onto others. However, the fate and the desire to stimulate the heart, the two finally meet again, can not be brought against the tragedy. Test Lindamailuo, born in New South Wales, Australia in Wellington. She has engaged in a variety of work - tourism, libraries, teaching; then finally became a nerve pathologist, has been studying at Yale University in the United States. Her first novel was "Tim" and "The Thorn Birds" is the idea of a four-year, made a lot of investigative work, write tenor. A publication of the book, the author would become famous. The author is a versatile person, like photography, music, painting, cutting and other clothing. She is now settled in the United States. 中文版: 考琳·麦卡洛是澳大利亚当代最有影响的作家之一。她于一九三七年六月一日出生于澳大利亚新南威尔士州西部惠林顿一个牧业工人家庭,十二岁移居悉尼。此前,一家人过着游牧生活。考琳·麦卡洛从小就表现出不凡的艺术才能,她从五岁起就写诗歌,讲故事,学画画。但是经济大萧条给这个劳动家庭带来的巨大打击使她很早就意识到,文学艺术很难给一家人带来温饱,而她在数学和自然科学方面的天赋和兴趣促使她走上与文学创作全然不同的道路。从二十世纪五十年代起,考琳·麦卡洛开始在悉尼大学攻读神经生理学,毕业后,在悉尼皇家北岸医院创建了神经生理学部。五年后,为了进一步提高学术水平,她到英国伦敦大学儿童健康学院从事研究工作。此后移居美国,在耶鲁医学院从事教学和科研工作长达十年,成为颇具影响的神经生理学家。她至今仍为威尔士王子医学研究院名誉院长、澳大利亚老年医学基金会资助人、悉尼皇家北岸医院神经生理学部名誉顾问,同时为促进第三世界神经生理学研究,特别是培养该学科女医生,她协助美国耶鲁医学院创建了神经生理学系。她和著名医学家罗登·卡特勒爵士同登澳大利亚一百名杰出人物榜