

答案:1  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-27 03:16
  • 提问者网友:不爱我么
  • 2021-04-26 15:01
Your email was forwarded to me by Mrs.Diane Lynn.
I happen to know Mrs. Lynn very well, over the years I had been assigned by the firm I work with to handle her file and this brought me close to her, she is in intensive care now and she claims to be closer to her God "day by day", it would have been wonderful if you had known her she is definitely a people oriented person.Only Mrs. Lynn. can best explain how she got your contact details, I can only imagine it was from her personal search.
She had no child of her own so she gave her funds to her brother and sister she actually gave a rather large amount as a gift to her relatives and requested they use some funds for charity, they thought she would die soon so they confiscated everything for their selfish use, this lead her to will her remaining funds to someone else, I had often asked her about this "someone else" all she told me was God will show her.I guess you are that someone.
My job is to ensure you have all the legal backings to withdraw the funds given to you by Mrs.Lynn,only you( her mail recipient) alone can withdraw the funds from the finance/security firm, that's what she instructed.
The details you received from her (ht/Dlyn/x001) identifies you as her nominated individual, I am sure you know as well as I do that most people would snatch at the offer considering the large amount involved also the disbursement of this fund would be entirely in your hands.(She stated %70 to charity and %30 to you,this will reflect in the power of attorney.)
To withdraw the funds from the security/finance house you will need to be legally authorized,hence the need for an enduring power of attorney,in order for me to draft this power of attorney for your use please send the following:
Full names
Direct telephone & fax numbers
Once you send the above details I shall draft the power of attorney and send you a copy for your use,
Also needed is her original deposit slip,this is the receipt that was issued to her when she deposited the trunks containing the funds at the finance house.I believe the finance firm will demand it. I will obtain it and notarize a copy for your use.
Armed with these powerful documents you should be able to withdraw the funds.
you don't need to travel down to withdraw the funds except you insist on doing so,i don't see any reason why you should,because
you can call the firm,send an email or fax to inform them of your intentions.I will definitely supply you their contact details as we proceed.
It is very important you keep this confidential as Mrs.Lynn has requested your utmost confidentiality in this matter.
Respond promptly to enable me carry out my legal obligations to you and Mrs.Lynn.
P.J.W (Peter James Wallace)
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  • 五星知识达人网友:夜风逐马
  • 2021-04-26 15:48