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解决时间 2021-03-21 08:47
  • 提问者网友:蓝莓格格巫
  • 2021-03-20 22:29
  • 五星知识达人网友:低音帝王
  • 2021-03-21 00:08
问题一:长江用英语怎么说 Yangtze River问题二:长江用英文怎么说 翻译The Yangtze River问题三:关于长江的英文翻译 扬子江因古有扬子津渡口而得名。扬子江原本只是指长江较下游的部份,但由于这是西方传教士最先听到的名字,“扬子江”(the Yangtze River )在外语中也就代表了整个长江。   众所周知,“扬子”乃长江之别称。然而其由来,如今已鲜为人知了。   隋唐年间,扬州城南20里许,有一个名叫扬子的小镇。因地临长江北岸,故又名扬子津。史书记载:“隋开皇十年,杨素帅舟师自扬子津入击朱莫问于京口。”这大概是扬子之名见于史册的较早资料。其后炀帝继位,利用吴王夫差开的邗沟故道,开运河自山阳(今淮安)达扬子,并在扬子建临江宫(一名扬子宫),从此扬子津日渐繁华。   当时瓜洲尚在江心,自扬子津行船抵南岸京口(今镇江),烟波浩淼,南来北往的商旅,皆云集于扬子津候渡或觅转车船。因而扬子的知名度不断提高。久而久之,人们把丹徒与江耽之间的大江称为扬子江,意即与扬子津毗邻的那段大江。时至今日,已演变为通称整条长江为扬子江。一般认为,此演变与西人来华有关。因“长江”二字西方人发音不便,故习惯以“扬子”称呼长江。
参考资料:baike.baidu.com/view/66750.htm#1问题四:写一篇介绍长江的英语作文 The Yangtze River
The Yangtze River,or Chang Jiang,is the longest river in China and Asia,and the third-longest in the world,after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America.
The river is about 6,380 km long and flows from its source in Qinghai Province,eastwards into the East China Sea at Shanghai.It is considered by some people as a dividing line between North and South China,although geographers generally consider the Qinling-Huai River line to be the official line of geographical division.As the largest river in the region,the Yangtze is historically,culturally,and economically important to China.One of the dams on the river,the Three Gorges Dam,is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world.
The name Yangtze River,as well as various similar names such as Yangtse River,Yangzi River,Yangtze Kiang,etc.,is derived from Yangzi Jiang,which,beginning in the Sui Dynasty,was the Chinese name for the river in its lower reaches,specifically,the stretch between Yangzhou and Zhenjiang.The name comes from the ancient ferry crossing Yangzi Jin (meaning Yangzi Crossing).From the Ming Dynasty,the name was sometimes written 洋子 (yángz?).Because it was the name first heard by missionaries and traders,this name was applied in English to the whole river.In Chinese,Yangzi Jiang is considered a historical or poetic name for the river.The modern Chinese name,Chang Jiang,literally means long river and may sometimes also be used in English.It is also ......余下全文>>问题五:“长江”的英语怎么写?急求!! Lang River.
“Yangtze River”也对,不过是以前的译法,而且这是特指长江下游一段。问题六:长江是长的,用英语怎么说 The huangshan