
HOPE 跟 WISH 有什么区别

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-25 21:23
  • 提问者网友:几叶到寒
  • 2021-02-24 22:19
HOPE 跟 WISH 有什么区别
  • 五星知识达人网友:大漠
  • 2021-02-24 22:45
hope和wish的用法两词都表示希望,但在用法上有相同和不同之处,不能随意互换.一、相同之处 1.都可接不定式作宾语.We wish to see the film.我们都希望看那部电影.The children hope to do something for the old ma...======以下答案可供参考======供参考答案1:hope希望wish心愿其实差不多,没区别。不要因为应试教育而变得吹毛求疵。china exam system sucks!!!供参考答案2:1、金山词霸:hopen.希望, 信心v.希望, 盼望, 期待, 信赖wishn.愿望, 心愿, 请求, 所愿望的事物, 祝愿v.希望, 想要, 但愿, 祝贺2、我电子词典:hope指与过去、现在或未来有关的希望wish表达的是过去、将来或将来发生的令人遗憾的事3、我们老师讲:都为动词时,hope常表示可以实现的,wish是不能或可能性不大的。用法我只记得 hope to do wish (sb) to do4、部分习语:hope:set one's hope on/in寄希望于...dash sb.'s hopes使某人的希望破灭Where there is life, there is hope.[谚]有生命就有希望。wish:If wishes were horses,beggars might ride.[谚]如果愿望都能实现,乞丐早就发财了;愿望不能代替实际。The wish is father to the thought.[谚]愿望为信念之父;希望什么就信什么。to one's wish按照自己的愿望;如愿以偿地wish for希望得到,渴望get one's wish达到愿望,如愿以偿供参考答案3:二者是有区别的(见下面的讨论)。总的来说是用hope时,我们对结果还不肯定,用wish时,我们对结果较肯定。另外,hope后面要加动词,wish可单独用。The main difference between the verbs hope and wish is that when we use hope we do not know all the facts (a kind of future meaning) and when we use wish we know all the facts already. For instance, 'I hope you will be OK' and 'I wish you were here' 。 The answer is that the verb wish is used in a variety of different ways and hope cannot be used as a 'stand alone' verb in a sentence, other than in the expressions 'I hope so' or 'I hope not.' Let's look at wish first of all. In your 'Merry Christmas' example, or when you wish someone good luck or Happy Birthday, you are expressing the hope that they will have good luck in the future, oft
  • 1楼网友:时间的尘埃
  • 2021-02-24 23:38