中国万年不变的寓教于乐,以及中国人本性里对孩子纯洁思想的保护使得漫画主题匮乏,内容空洞。回看近期的日本排行榜,名叫:ONE PIECE 的漫画名列日本排行榜第一名,ONE PIECE 由一帮热血青年对梦想的执着而发展下去的故事,伙伴之间的情意于对梦想的执着很大的提升了漫画的观赏性。
Cosplay这个字来自日文的コスープレ,而这四个字分别来自コスチューム(Costume)与プレー(Play),意即一种穿着舞台用衣装的聚会注4,在这里指扮演动漫或游戏里的人物,是广大动漫FANS和游戏FANS的梦想和最爱。Cosplay是一种次文化活动,装扮者被称为コスプレイヤー(Cosplayer,可简称レイヤー)。中文译为角色扮演。近年Cosplay活动也涵盖视觉系乐团与电影。在日本,COSPLAY SHOW(真人模仿秀)极为风行。基本上大小游戏、动漫展会都可以看到形形色色的Cosplay扮演者。
teach through lively activities in China has been thousands, and chinese people in naturly to protect the pure thinking of the kids, so it pinch of the theme of the cartoon and bored content. Look at the Japanese ranking list, the one named "one piece" is at the top of the ranking list, one piece is of a group of teenages stubborn for their dream to continue the story, the friendship between them and they want to make the dream come true, is really wathchable. The Japanese comic is basic on the character in the play, backgroud, ward bubble, actor's lines and other skill and technique. The Japanese comic reading style is from the top to bottom and right to left, in the same square, we read the ward bubble from the top to bottom and right to left too. It's same as the Japanese traditional reading. Although many of the bookman keep the same style of the read but still some of the bookman change the style, use left to right, that kind the acting make the change of the auther's intention. Sometime it will make some damage of the perfect picture.
The cartoonist of Japan
Japan has a enormous of the cartoon property and emerged many of the good cartoonist,