
A certain student passed all his examinations. Then he went to college to 21 his studies.

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-01 14:24
  • 提问者网友:刺鸟
  • 2021-03-31 14:47
A certain student passed all his examinations. Then he went to college to 21 his studies. There he wrote down his 22 for a course in English, but after the first 23 , he didn’t go to it any more.
The English lecturer 24_this student was always absent (缺席的) and thought he had 25_to another course, so he was 26 when he saw the boy’s name on the list of students who wanted to take the English 27at the end of this year.
The lecturer had 28 a difficult paper, which followed his 29 closely, and he was eager (热切的) to see 30 this student would answer the questions. He 31 the boy’s answers would be very bad, but when they 32 him and he examined them 33 , he was able to find only one small mistake in them. As this surprised him greatly, he 34 the paper repeatedly but still couldn’t find more than one mistake, so he 35 for the student to question him about it.
When he came and sat down, the lecturer asked him, “I 36 you came to my first lecture and you’ve been absent from all the others. But I’ve examined your 37 carefully and I’ve found only one small mistake in it. I’m curious (好奇的) to know your 38 .”
“I’m very 39 about that mistake,” answered the student. “After the examination, I 40 what I should have done. I would not have made that mistake if I had not been confused by your first lecture.”
【小题1】A.valueB.continueC.improveD.begin【小题2】A.questions B.adviceC.problemsD.name【小题3】A.week B.lecture C.meetD.sight【小题4】A.astonished B.regrettedC.noticed D.believed【小题5】A.led B.devotedC.goneD.changed【小题6】A.surprised B.angryC.pleasedD.unhappy【小题7】A.testB.subjectC.noteD.course【小题8】A.discovered B.preparedC.invented D.found【小题9】A.ideasB.sensesC.lecturesD.texts【小题10】A.whenB.whatC.why D.how【小题11】A.hopedB.provedC.expectedD.wished【小题12】A.showed B.gave C.handedD.reached【小题13】A.carelessly B.carefullyC.slowlyD.happily【小题14】A.enjoyedB.keptC.didD.examined【小题15】A.caredB.called C.sentD.looked【小题16】A.promiseB.know C.advise D.guess【小题17】A.lessonsB.paperC.notebookD.exercises【小题18】A.wisdom B.experienceC.methodD.explanation【小题19】A.gladB.proudC.content D.sorry【小题20】A.realizedB.understoodC.rememberedD.sufferedB
  • 五星知识达人网友:毛毛
  • 2020-07-07 18:56
(答案→)B 解析:【小题1】本题考查动词。考上大学继续“学习”。 【小题2】本题考查名词。write down one’s name for报名参加……。【小题3】本题考查名词。第一节课后就再也没去过,此处lecture相当于lesson。 【小题4】本题考查动词。老师“发现(注意到)”他总是缺席。 【小题5】本题考查动词。由“他总是缺席”推知他可能该修其他课程了。 【小题6】本题考查形容词。从“名单”上看出这位学生年终还要参加地理“考试”,老师感到“惊讶”。 【小题7】本题考查名词。结合下文的After the examination 可知是参加考试。take a test “参加考试【小题8】本题考查动词。prepare a difficul paper,出考题。【小题9】本题考查名词。结合下文“他倒想看看这位学生如何答题”可推断出考试内容和他平时的上课内容联系密切。【小题10】本题考查连词。“他倒想看看这位学生如何答题”。【小题11】本题考查动词。他“猜想(预料)”该生的成绩一定会很差。 【小题12】本题考查动词。试卷“到达(交给)”他时,他仔细“检查(批改)”。 【小题13】本题考查副词。“仔细”检查。 【小题14】本题考查动词。由于这成绩使他感到意外, 他就又检查了一次。【小题15】本题考查动词。无奈老师只好“派”人去把这位学生请来面谈。 【小题16】本题考查动词。我很“清楚(知道)”——你开学至今,只上了我的第一节课……。 【小题17】本题考查名词。paper此处指“试卷”。 【小题18】本题考查名词。老师“很想知道”他的解释,be curious to know...“极想知道……”。 【小题19】本题考查形容词。对于那个错误,我“后悔”极了。 【小题20】本题考查动词。考完之后我就知道本该“写”什么了。
  • 1楼网友:低音帝王
  • 2021-01-20 17:30