
Last year, I lost my best friend in high school. It seemed that everyone else’s life could

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-21 12:33
  • 提问者网友:你独家记忆
  • 2021-03-20 23:27
Last year, I lost my best friend in high school. It seemed that everyone else’s life could just continue on in its 36 way, but mine couldn’t. I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to face 37 and their gossip at school. I was forced to 38 my routine on Monday morning as usual. In the evening I returned home from school 39 completely defeated. All I wanted to do was 40 into bed and wallow(沉迷于)in my own self-pity. I pulled back the covers on my bed and 41 a pile of cards left by my dad. Each card included a(n) 42 that it was to be opened on a 43 night that week.
I made it through that week 44 my father. Each card 45 to say just what I needed to hear. Tuesday’s card said, “The past is painful to think about and the 46 is impossible to imagine. Don’t try. Just take it one minute at a time.” On Wednesday my mood 47 when I read, “What you are feeling now is 48 and normal. It still feels very bad, but it is part of the healing 49 .” Friday’s card contained a poem he wrote. The last lines made me smile through my tears. “Whatever special 50 you face along life’s way, may you 51 that you will find the best in every day.” I was instructed to open the last card 52 the party I went to on Saturday night. In it he wisely reminded me to 53 . “The world isn’t so bad after a good laugh. The more you laugh, the more you heal.” Each card was signed, “Love, Dad.”
My world once collapsed but I 54 the difficult breakup eventually. It owed to my dad , who made his 55 known when he couldn’t be present.
【小题1】A.pleasantB.strangeC.funnyD.normal【小题2】A.everyoneB.anyoneC.someoneD.nobody【小题3】A.work out B.meet withC.deal withD.come across【小题4】A.makingB.feelingC.regardingD.onsidering【小题5】A.crawlB.pushC.jumpD.draw【小题6】A.inventedB.discoveredC.created D.wrote【小题7】A.instructionB.explanationC.presentationD.information【小题8】A.regularB.flexibleC.particularD.legal【小题9】A.in favor of B.regardless ofC.in search ofD.because of【小题10】A.seemedB.happenedC.occurredD.intended【小题11】A.lifeB.futureC.dreamD.result【小题12】A.fellB.passedC.fliedD.lifted【小题13】A.falseB.honestC.naturalD.innocent【小题14】A.contentB.processC.cureD.progress【小题15】A.destructionB.competitionC.challengesD.destination【小题16】A.trustB.guessC.predictD.succeed【小题17】A.beforeB.sinceC.afterD.till【小题18】A.cryB.screamC.singD.laugh【小题19】A.got throughB.looked throughC.broke throughD.put through【小题20】A.scheduleB.conceptC.soulD.confidenceD
  • 五星知识达人网友:妄饮晩冬酒
  • 2021-03-20 23:49
(答案→)D 解析:最好的朋友的离去让作者情不能已,久久无法脱心灵的阴影。善解人意的父亲用几张卡片抚慰了作者的心灵伤,拯救了作者曾经崩溃的世界。【小题1】D考查形容词。本句中的but表示的是转折含义,由此可知其他每个人的生活似乎依然可以”正常”进行,但是作者做不到。【小题1】A考查代词。此处与上一句中的everyone相呼应,表示作者无法确信应 该怎样才能面对学校中的“每个人”和他们的闲言碎语。【小题1】C考查动词短语。上一句提到作者不知如何面对其他人,由此可知作者被迫像往常一样去“应对”日常生活。【小题1】B考查动词。作者失去了最好的朋友,晚上从学校回到家后自然感到非常“沮丧”。defeated悲观落魄的”,符合语境。【小题1】A考查动词。作者回到家很沮丧,最想做的就是“爬”到床上自悲自悯。【小题1】B考查动词。作者拉开盖在床上的被子后,”发现”了爸爸留下来的一堆卡片。【小题1】A考查名词。每一张卡片都包括一个“指令”,告诉作者应该如何去做。 另外,第37空前面的instructed也是线索提示。【小题1】C考查形容词。下一段提到作者在那个星期中每天晚上打开一张卡片,由此可知每张卡片都需要在“特别的”夜晚打开。【小题1】D 考查介词短语。 下文提到每张卡片都带给作者不同的感受,作者最终熬过了那个星期,所有的这一切都是“因为(because of))”父亲无微不至的关爱。in favor of “赞同”, regardless of “不管,不顾”,in search of “寻找”。【小题1】A 考查动词辨析。这里表达的意思是:每张卡片似乎都在说出了作者想要听的东西。所以选seem。【小题1】 B考查名词辨析。与前面的The past呼应,由此可知,这里指“将来”,所以选future。受”自然”并且正常。【小题1】D 考查动词。这里指的是作者心情的好转,所以选lift,意思是:(伤心等)消失。【小题1】B 考查形容词。由句中的normal 可以看出,父亲认为作者的感受是很正常的,所以选natural意思是:自然的。【小题1】B考查名词。这种感觉仍然很糟糕,但这是愈合“过程(process)”的一部分。content 内容;cure疗法;progress进步。 【小题1】C考查名词。作者是因为失去最好的朋友后才久久难以摆脱心灵的阴影,由此可知此处表示作者的父亲鼓励作者要勇于面对人生道路上的“挑战(challenges)”。destruction“破坏”, competition“竞争”, destination“目的地”。【小题1】A 考查动词辨析。不管你在人生道路上面对什么特殊的挑战,愿你“相信(trust)”你可以每天都发现最美好的东西。guess 猜测;predict预测; succeed成功。 【小题1】A考查连词。根据第二段最后一句可知作者是在参加聚会“之前”按照指令打开了那张卡片。【小题1】D考查动词。根据下一句引号中两次出现的laugh可知作者的父亲提醒作者要“笑”,所以选laugh。【小题1】A考查动词短语。作者的世界曾经崩溃,但是作者最终熬过了这段困难时间,此处get through表示”(使某人)熬过(困难时期)”。【小题1】C考查名词。上文提到的卡片中的内容都是在抚慰作者心灵的创伤,所以作者感激父亲,虽然他不在身边,但是却让作者明白了的“精神”世界。
  • 1楼网友:鱼忧
  • 2021-03-21 00:17