
When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000 m race.My 36w

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解决时间 2021-04-07 10:33
  • 提问者网友:贪了杯
  • 2021-04-07 07:42

When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000 m race.My 36 was to pass out water to the runners. I remember being so excited to see all the different kinds of 37 who passed by and 38 a cup of water. The next year I signed up for the 39 and gave it a shot.
The first 10,000 m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked. At times, I didn’t 40 if I could finish.
At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me very 41 , and I felt embarrassed that I was 50 years younger than him and I couldn’t even keep up with him. I felt 42 for a second.
But then I 43 something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had 44 capacities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my 45 was only to finish.
After a minute, it 46 me that this was a lesson I could draw from . I learned 47 about myself in that moment. I turned my 48 into inspiration.
I decided that I would not 49 running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and 50 properly and one day I would be one of those 70-year-olds who were still running. As I 51 the finishing line, I was proud 52 my accomplishment.
In life we all have those moments when we 53 ourselves to others. It’s only 54 . Don’allow those moments to weaken you. Turn them into 55 and let them inspire you. Use them to show you what is possible.
【小题1】A.positionB.directionC.decisionD.target【小题2】A.trainersB.runnersC.fansD.volunteers【小题3】A.beggedB.drankC.droppedD.grabbed【小题4】A.projectB.serviceC.raceD.experience【小题5】A.doubtB.knowC.answerD.promise【小题6】A.slowlyB.fastC.quietlyD.carefully【小题7】A.surprisedB.satisfiedC.amusedD.defeated【小题8】A.forgotB.realizedC.rememberedD.abandoned【小题9】A.differentB.wonderfulC.valuableD.proper【小题10】A.dreamB.planC.goalD.job【小题11】A.happenedB.hitC.occurredD.attracted【小题12】A.everythingB.anythingC.nothingD.something【小题13】A.disappointmentB.embarrassmentC.agreementD.achievement【小题14】A.sign upB.pick up C.give upD.keep up【小题15】A.predictB.behaveC.prepareD.pretend【小题16】A.foundB.crossedC.heldD.left【小题17】A.inB.uponC.of D.for【小题18】A.combineB.controlC.compareD.contribute【小题19】A.naturalB.frequentC.importantD.terrible【小题20】A.conditionB.motivationC.situationD.protectionA
  • 五星知识达人网友:零点过十分
  • 2021-04-07 08:27
(答案→)A 解析:【小题1】 上下文逻辑考察:根据上文I volunteered to work可知应是“工作,职位”。direction 方向; decision决定;target目标。【小题2】 上下文逻辑考察:根据上文pass out water to the runners可知应是runners参赛选手;trainer训练员; fan粉丝;volunteer志愿者。【小题3】 词义辨析考察:beg乞讨;drop放下;grab抓取。根据句意应是选手们经过时会拿起一杯水,边跑边喝而不应是停下喝水,故不选择B drink。【小题4】 上下文逻辑考察:下文give a shot意思为“试一试”,故报名参加比赛。project项目;service 服务;experience经历,经验。【小题5】 上下文逻辑考察:The first 10,000 m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked.可知第一次10000米长跑比赛是一次难忘的体验。作者跑一阵,又走一阵。好几次,作者怀疑自己能否完成。所以didn’t know 或 doubted均可。【小题6】 上下文逻辑考察:根据下文I felt embarrassed that I was 50 years younger than him and I couldn’t even keep up with him.“我觉得羞愧,我比他年轻不止50岁,但我甚至跟不上他”可知可知在接近终点的时候,一位70岁的老人从我身边快速跑过。【小题7】 上下文逻辑考察:根据上文翻译可知我应该有挫败感。surprised吃惊的;satisfied满意的;amused逗笑的。【小题8】 上下文逻辑考察:转折词but表示自己的沮丧时暂时的,下文He was running his race and I was running mine“他在跑他的比赛,我在跑我的比赛”表明自己对这个事情有了清醒的认识。abandon放弃。【小题9】 上下文逻辑考察: 根据“他有他的体能、经验、训练和目标,我有我的(不要忘记我的目标只是完成比赛)”可知是“不同的”。Wonderful奇妙的,极好的;valuable有价值的;proper合适的。【小题10】 上下文逻辑考察:根据上文可知The next year I signed up for the race and gave it a shot.I didn’t know if I could finish.完成比赛就是我自己的目标。【小题11】 词义辨析考察:文意“过了一会儿,我突然发现这是我能从中吸取的经验。”“突然发现”可以用it hits sb that..., it strikes me that..., it occurs to sb that...等来表达。【小题12】 上下文逻辑考察:根据下文“我把自己的羞愧转化为动力”可知“在那一刻,我对自己有了一些认识”故而用something.【小题13】 上下文逻辑考察:根据上文“I felt embarrassed that I was 50 years younger than him and I couldn’t even keep up with him.”可知我由羞愧转化为动力。disappointment 失望;embarrassment羞愧;agreement一致;achievement成就。【小题14】 上下文逻辑考察:根据下文“In fact, I would run even more races”可知我并没有放弃长跑比赛。sign up 签约;pick up 捡起,获得;keep up保持,继续。【小题15】 词义辨析考察:I would learn how to train and并列连词and连接表顺承,“我将会学习怎样正确的训练和准备”。predict预言; behave表现;pretend假装。【小题16】 上下文逻辑考察:根据文意可知我最终完成了比赛,所以cross the finishing line冲过终点线。【小题17】 固定搭配考察:我为我自己跑完这次比赛而感到骄傲。be proud of “因...而自豪”【小题18】 上下文逻辑考察:根据作者比赛经历可知,在生活中,我们都会有拿自己与别人相比的时候。combine... with 结合; control控制;contribute to有助于。【小题19】 词义辨析考察:根据文意可知,该句是一个承上启下句,把自己和别人作比较是一种非常自然的情况。 frequent频繁的; terrible糟糕的。【小题20】 词义辨析考察:condition条件; motivation动力;situation情况;protection保护。根据Don’allow those moments to weaken you可知,下句的意思是“把他们变成动力,让他们激励你。让他们告诉你什么是可能的。”
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