
A South African farmer is receiving phone calls from his sheep after equipping them with c

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-02 08:01
  • 提问者网友:刺鸟
  • 2021-01-01 21:36
A South African farmer is receiving phone calls from his sheep after equipping them with cell phones to keep tabs on the flock amid recent livestock thefts, according to local press Wednesday.
When the sheep call, it is always bad news for farmer Erard Louw of the Cape Town suburbs, as the phones around their necks are only set to switch on when the sheep start running, a sign that thieves have cut through the fences.
As they run it gives me a phone call and says 'Sheep One' or 'Sheep Two' and so on, so at least I know where to start looking because the farm is 750 hectares (1,850 acres), Louw told the Cape Times daily.
Louw attached the phone-like security device to the collars of four sheep in separate flocks after thieves sneaked in and stole 27 sheep and 13 lambs a couple of weeks ago, driving Louw to rack his brains for ways to protect his animals.
He said there was no use calling nearby police, as they were stationed too far away and in his experience they either lacked an available car or the vehicle was out of fuel or missing tyres -- also the work of thieves.
According to Louw, the cell phones have already proved their worth, with one sheep-snatcher caught thanks to the device.
Still, with theft attempts currently at their peak, given long winter nights and early nightfall, a few sheep-robbers managed to get away in spite of the device.
The phone did start ringing that night and I went out, he said, but added that he was too late.
【小题1】Why did Erard Louw attach the phone-like device to the sheep he raises?A.Because he thought it was fun to do.B.Because the police there didn’t care about animals.C.Because he liked hi-tech very much.D.Because he wanted to protect them against thieves.【小题2】What does the underlined expression in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Try very hard to remember or think of something.B.Have a headache.C.Make the brain bigger.D.Shake the brain from side to side.【小题3】You can most probably read this passage .A.in a bookB.in a dictionaryC.in a newspaperD.in a novelD
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  • 2021-01-01 23:03
(答案→)D 解析:文章介绍了农民Louw喂养的羊群总是被贼偷,在两个星期前几十只羊被偷走之后,他费尽心思在羊的身上装了一个小装置,只要晚上羊跑起来的时候,这个小装置就会发起报警,在一定程度上起到了震慑作用。冬天就要来临了,天很黑,夜幕将临得又早,贼偷养也达到了高峰,而Louw在很多时候并不想报警,因为警察的办事他并不是很满意。【小题1】D细节理解题。A South African farmer is receiving phone calls from his sheep after equipping them with cell phones to keep tabs on the flock amid recent livestock thefts意思是:南非的一个农民在羊的身上装了类似电话的设备去密切关注偷家禽的那些贼,不久,他收到了来自羊身上的电话。所以他在羊的身上装这么一个设备是为了防止小偷。故答案应为D。【小题2】A细节理解题。Louw attached the phone-like security device to the collars of four sheep in separate flocks after thieves sneaked in and stole 27 sheep and 13 lambs a couple of weeks ago, driving Louw to rack his brains for ways to protect his animals.大意为:在两个星期前贼偷走了他的27只羊和13只小羊,他就把这种装置安在了羊的身上。Louw动尽了脑子去想办法保护他的羊。故答案应为A,尽力的去记起或考虑一些事情。【小题3】C细节理解题。according to local press Wednesday.根据周三的当地报,陈述了这件事情。由此可知答案应为C,应该在报纸上读到这件事情。【考点】考查新闻类文章的阅读理解。
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