

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-15 21:05
  • 提问者网友:你给我的爱
  • 2021-01-14 23:55
完形填空 Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right and others are wrong. Many people1that it’s their job to show others how their positions, statements, and points of view are2, and that on doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow3it, or at least learn something. Wrong!Think about it. Have you ever been4by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right”? Or, has anyone you know ever5you when you corrected them, or made yourself “right” at their6? Of course not. The truth is, all of us7to be corrected. We all want our position to be8and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest9of the human heart. And those who learn to10are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the11of correcting others are often resented(怨恨 ) and12.A wonderful way for becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice13others the joy of being right ---give them the glory.14correcting. When someone says, “ I really feel it’s important to …”, rather than breaking15and saying, “No, it’s more important to…“, simply let it go and allow their statement to16. The people in your life will become less defensive and more17. They will appreciate you more than you could ever have18. You’11 discover the joy of joining in and witnessing other people’s19, which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos( 自我 ). Starting today, let others be “20 ”, most of the time. 1.A.believeB.doubtC.proveD.tell2.A.unimportantB.unbelievableC.incorrectD.imperfect3.A.considerB.appreciateC.understandD.refuse4.A.fooledB.helpedC.taughtD.corrected5.A.thankedB.rewardedC.caredD.accepted6.A.sideB.priceC.expenseD.value7.A.likeB.hateC.preferD.afford8.A.admiredB.receivedC.realizedD.respected9.A.shortcomingsB.advantageC.desiresD.wishes10.A.talkB.praiseC.helpD.listen11.A.habitB.formC.positionD.purpose12.A.punishedB.avoidedC.leftD.laughed13.A.lettingB.lendingC.allowingD.owing14.A.StopB.ContinueC.PractiseD.Try15.A.outB.upC.inD.off16.A.lastB.sendC.workD.stand17.A.helpfulB.lovingC.carefulD.popular18.A.dreamedB.requestedC.askedD.demanded19.A.sufferingsB.worriesC.progressD.happiness20.A.happyB.rightC.sorryD.proud
  • 五星知识达人网友:猎心人
  • 2019-06-09 04:41
ACBDA CBDCD ABCAC DBADB解析1.A spend… (in)doing sth. “花费(时间、精力)做某事”。2.C 由下文“纠正”别人(correcting)可知。3.B appreciate “感激”。由or at least learn something 可知。4.D 由上下文可知。5.A 此处作者反问:你曾经被别人“纠正”而感激不尽过吗?被你“纠正”过的人曾经“感激”过你吗?——没有。6.C at one’s expense意为“以牺牲……为代价”。7.B 此处应是我们都“不喜欢”被别人“纠正”。8.D 由后面的understand 可知。9.C 指我们内心的“欲望”。10.D 学会“倾听”别人的观点,才能得到别人的爱戴和尊敬。11.A be in the habit of 相当于have the habit of。12.B 由前面的“怨恨”及和前句的loved和respected相对比可知。13.C allow sb. sth. “允许某人拥有……”。14.A 作者建议:别再老是“纠正”别人,故用stop doing (停止干……)。15.C jump in 相当于break in (插话、打断别人)。16.D stand 意为“站得住脚、能成立”。17.B loving “友爱的”。18.A dream “梦想”。19.D 目睹别人因为正确而获得的“幸福”。20.B 由全文可知,这是作者议论的中心:让别人“对”吧。
  • 1楼网友:千杯敬自由
  • 2020-03-23 20:58