

答案:4  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-09 04:25
  • 提问者网友:未信
  • 2021-11-08 11:39
  • 五星知识达人网友:洒脱疯子
  • 2021-11-08 12:06

Excuse me, could I see the menu, please?
Are you ready to order?
first course
Could I have the bill, please?
How would you like to pay?
1) o! Is (Tom ) in ?
2) Nice to meet you. I'm Bill Dillon.
3) Nice day, isn't it?
4) I'll take all of them.
5) May I / Could I speak to …?
6) Is that … (speaking)? Yes, it is
7) How is everything going?
8) Have a nice trip.
9) This is … (speaking) .
10) Looks like rain, doesn't it ?
11) Shall I open the window for you ?
12) Hold on (for a moment), please./ Just a moment, please. / Wait a moment, please.
13) Who is that? / Can I ask who's calling?
14) Can you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop?
15) Hi ! I'm Judy Drew.
16) Why don't you use a knife?
17) I'm afraid he/she isn't here/ in right now.
18) Can I take a message for you?
19) Will you give him a message, please?
20) -Does he /she have your number?
v --Perhaps not. My number is….
21) How about going for a walk?
22) The line is busy. I'll try again later.
23) Which is the way to the nearest post office?
24) I've lost a case , I wonder if it has been found.
25) May I use the telephone?
26) I can't get through (to sb) . I'll try again later.
27) Take your time , please.
28) May I try it on ?
29) I just call to say …
30) Wrong number!/ I'm afraid you've dialed a wrong number.
31) The line is bad./ It's not a good line.
32) I want to have a look at… .
33) How much is it?
34) I can't decide which to buy.
35) Can you make it cheaper?
36) You are wanted on the phone.
37) I wonder if I could park here.
38) There is a call for you.
39) Would you please not smoke here ?
40) You're welcome.

1. Can I talk to you ? 能和你谈一下吗?
2. Can we talk? 能一块儿谈谈吗?
3. Let’s talk. 我们谈谈吧。
4. Excuse me. You got a minute? 对不起,能耽误你一分钟吗?
5. May I have a word with you? 能和你说句话吗?

打电话(Making telephone calls)

1.- Hello!

- Hello,Bill?

- No,this is Sam.

- Hi,Sam. This is Mike. How are you?

2.- Hello.

- Hello. May I speak to Mr Green?

3.- No. 5 Middle School.

- Mr Green,please.

- I'm sorry. Mr Green is not in.

- When will he be back?

- About six this afternoon.

- All right. I'll ring again then.

- Very well.

4.- Hello!

- Hello,Ham Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please?

- Sorry! It's not a very good line. Could you speak more loudly?

- Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

- Sure. I'll bring it to you tomorrow.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

问路和应答(Asking the way and responses)

1.- Excuse me. Where is the washroom,please?

- Oh,it's over there.

2.- Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is?

- Look! It's on the other side of the road.

3.- How far is the post office,please?

- Only a few kilometers.

4.- Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?

- Go down this street. At the end of the road you'll see it.

5.- Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?

- Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. You'll find it.


1.- What can I do for you?

- I'd like some apples.

2.- Where can I buy some stationery?

- Let's look at the shopping guide. Oh,it's on the ground Floor.

3.- Could I buy half a kilo oranges?

- Certainly. Here you are.

4.- Will you please show me that radio?

- Certainly.

5.- How much is the radio?

- Ninety yuan.

6.- Good morning,sir. May I help you?

- Yes,I'd like to buy a sweather.

看病(Seeing the doctor)

1.- I'm feeling tired,doctor.

- Have a good rest and then you'll feel better.

2.- How are you feeling today?

- I'm feeling even worse.

3.- Doctor,she is not feeling well.

- Nothing serious,I hope.

4.- Doctor,do I have to take the medicine before or after meals?

- Three times a day after meals.

5.- What's the matter?

- I've got a headache.

6.- What's your trouble?

- I've had a pain in my stomach since morning.
  • 1楼网友:三千妖杀
  • 2021-11-08 12:45
首先你要说welcome to our hotal what can i do for you ?然后就靠你自己啦