
英语翻译团购的出现 ,是一种满足社会共性需求的表现 ,它的存在是企业与市场双赢的双向选择.通常普通消

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-16 19:07
  • 提问者网友:我的未来我做主
  • 2021-02-15 21:01
英语翻译团购的出现 ,是一种满足社会共性需求的表现 ,它的存在是企业与市场双赢的双向选择.通常普通消
  • 五星知识达人网友:渡鹤影
  • 2021-02-15 22:24
The advent of Group Buying is an expression of meets commonalities of society, the existence of it because it is a win-win two-way selection for enterprises and markets. The Group Buying is the most frequently used type for ordinary consumers to concentrate purchase, on the one hand, they can get The most satisfactory valuable goods by paying the lowest money; on the other hand, they can also be surprised in sales service. Therefore, as for consumers, the Group Buying is a shopping form which they would fain adopt and to be used often. To observe from the angle of business operation, the group purchase means to buy goods on a large scale and in batches. Not only reduce operational cost, but also relieve the pressure from sell. To accelerate the speed of cash flow, this especially is good for those emerging enterprises, they would fain adopt such selling style.Online Group Buying had already became an improtant consuming behavior, the progress of the project which is the Online Group Buying is good for consumers, dealers, and manufacturers. Group buying websites had became the best organizational form because of their own advantages. Online Group Buying have it own characteristic relative to other general projects, moreover, its participators have their own characteristic, too. Although the Online Group Buying is loved by many consumers and merchants, the Online Group Buying is at the initial stage of development, it still exposed a lot of problems and risks. The major risks of the Online Group Buying which is from consumers, organizers, suppliers, network security and policies and regulations, etc. To manage the risks, to success of the Online Group Buying, to make sure the maximum benefit and balance of interest for the trilateral roles in the Online Group Buying which are comsuers, organizers and suppliers is very important, it also is good for the healthy development of the Online Group Buying in our country.【总算翻译完了,花了快40分钟呢.我还真是闲啊~100%手工翻译!精确到每个单词!绝对无语法错误且流利地道.我是美国留学生,哈哈.所以才这时候有时间帮你翻译啊~同时有任何西班牙语/英语/日语/汉语方面的问题,可以随时找我:)】希望对你有大大的帮助!
  • 1楼网友:夜余生
  • 2021-02-15 23:44