

答案:3  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-23 11:15
  • 提问者网友:杀手的诗
  • 2021-03-22 11:09

  • 五星知识达人网友:梦中风几里
  • 2021-03-22 12:30
Stonehenge also known as Salisbury stone ring,
The great stone buildings located on an open field, covering about 11 hectares, the main block is composed of many components of the blue stones, each weighing 50 tons. Stonehenge is not only in the architecture history of an important position, in astronomy is also of great significance: it is the main axis, leading to the pillars of the trail and the summer solstice on the morning of the rising sun, in the same line; in addition, there are two stone connection points to the direction of the winter solstice sunset. Therefore, speculation, this is likely to be ancient people built for astronomical observation, can be regarded as the earliest form of the observatory.
Salisbury is a historical city, prehistoric Stonehenge is located here.
Stonehenge area there are many tombs and temples, all of them have been several hundred years of history. For many centuries the Stonehenge itself is a holy land, but I do not know when or why the sanctuary abandoned. Unfortunately, over the centuries some stones have been removed to build the house, while others have fallen.
Stonehenge in the prehistoric era is divided into three period construction, after nearly one thousand years. The first period from about2750 BC, archaeologists were called " Stonehenge first period .". During this period, the most puzzling thing is referred to as the "Aubrey hole" in ruins. These holes are seventeenth Century stone an antiquarian John Aubrey found. These holes are in the ring groove of the inner rim, also form a circle, a total of fifty-six. These holes were dug up again immediately, and determining the hole not pillars erected. Why to want to dig fifty-six, rather than the integer number? The scholars are very vexing. According to the University of Oxford professor Tom Alexander? The research points out, in British territory other circular stone relics research after he discovered, these holes are aligned with the Pyramid structure have the same place, they also use the" golden ratio".
On the mystery of the Stonehenge, people still continue to do various speculations and interpretations. In the long years, Stonehenge is like a powerful magnet, has attracted people's eyes. Many people prefer to believe, this is the ancient ancestors to leave behind a great puzzle. I will help him.
  • 1楼网友:冷風如刀
  • 2021-03-22 14:57
Stonehenge also known as Salisbury stone ring,The great stone buildings located on an open field, covering about 11 hectares, the main block is composed of many components of the blue stones, each weighing 50 tons. Stonehenge is not only in the architecture history of an important position, in astronomy is also of great significance: it is the main axis, leading to the pillars of the trail and the summer solstice on the morning of the rising sun, in the same line; in addition, there are two stone connection points to the direction of the winter solstice sunset. Therefore, speculation, this is likely to be ancient people built for astronomical observation, can be regarded as the earliest form of the observatory.Salisbury is a historical city, prehistoric Stonehenge is located here.Stonehenge area there are many tombs and temples, all of them have been several hundred years of history. For many centuries the Stonehenge itself is a holy land, but I do not know when or why the sanctuary abandoned. Unfortunately, over the centuries some stones have been removed to build the house, while others have fallen.Stonehenge in the prehistoric era is divided into three period construction, after nearly one thousand years. The first period from about2750 BC, archaeologists were called " Stonehenge first period .". During this period, the most puzzling thing is referred to as the "Aubrey hole" in ruins. These holes are seventeenth Century stone an antiquarian John Aubrey found. These holes are in the ring groove of the inner rim, also form a circle, a total of fifty-six. These holes were dug up again immediately, and determining the hole not pillars erected. Why to want to dig fifty-six, rather than the integer number? The scholars are very vexing. According to the University of Oxford professor Tom Alexander? The research points out, in British territory other circular stone relics research after he discovered, these holes are aligned with the Pyramid structure have the same place, they also use the" golden ratio".On the mystery of the Stonehenge, people still continue to do various speculations and interpretations. In the long years, Stonehenge is like a powerful magnet, has attracted people's eyes. Many people prefer to believe, this is the ancient ancestors to leave behind a great puzzle.
  • 2楼网友:走死在岁月里
  • 2021-03-22 13:51
    上个星期我看到一个黄色头发的穿着亮丽颜色衣服的人在我的学校的附近 起初 我有点害怕他  但是他微笑着给我一份传单 传单内容是:“女生们先生们,男孩们跟女孩们 今晚来看世界上最精彩的演出吧  令人惊讶的宏伟的马戏团(应该是一个马戏团的名称)”     一个马戏团!我跑回家问妈妈我能不能去(看演出) 妈妈说 当然可以  然后当晚我就跟我的一些朋友去看马戏团演出      整个演出在一个巨大的帐篷里举行  里面有很多的座位和观众 以及在帐篷的中间一个非常宽阔的马戏团演出场地 在所有的电灯都熄灭后  演出就以一些动物的表演开始了 还有 一些狮子跟驯兽员 一群聪明的猴子已经奔跑着的有人骑在背上的骆驼 这真是太令人惊讶了      动物表演完后 接下来是小丑表演 小丑们用有趣的颜料涂到脸上,他们各朝对方扔奶酪 奶酪散落在各自身上,调到地上        最后 迎来了这次演出最令人高兴的部分 杂技演员 他们是如此的勇敢 他们在地面上方走钢丝 在长绳上转身 最后的演出是一个漂亮的女杂技演员从高处跳下 穿过空气朝着一个在秋千上的男演员处跳 我想她会摔下来  但那个男演员抓住了她并放她到自己坚实的肩膀上 全部人群都为他们激动的感受跳跃并欢呼着  多么精彩的演出!我希望那个马戏团会再次光临我们家所在的镇