
“Scotty!” Mr. Brown, my Year 11 English teacher, called me by my nickname (绰号) across the

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-28 12:10
  • 提问者网友:ミ烙印ゝ
  • 2021-12-28 03:55
“Scotty!” Mr. Brown, my Year 11 English teacher, called me by my nickname (绰号) across the classroom. His eyes were bright and a secret 36 was half hidden behind the beard.
Once he finished joking over my unbearable 37 , I realized he was going to read my story aloud to the class. I turned red, feeling at once both embarrassed and 38 . I had my very 39 reading audience! Though my classmates were a ‘passive audience’, it didn’t weaken my feeling of being 40 .
After that, I came to 41 those Year 11 English classes. Throughout school I had always studied hard and achieved well in my school subjects. But creative 42 was a passion, and it was not an assignment, but a way of understanding the world and of 43 my thoughts and feelings about events and attitudes.
Mr. Brown was the first to 44 me for my writing so openly. My scores were always 19/20 or 20/20. My stories were often read out to the class. He even 45 one with the respected Head of English teachers, which was the most 46 part that is impressed on my memory. But 47 that, he offered a belief in me that no other teacher had.
My school 48 often stated, ‘Candice is a quiet achiever.’ I thought it was meant as a(n) 49 for being hard-working. I was someone that no one really 50 before, but Mr. Brown managed to 51 all that by bringing me to the attention of the world. Though it was the relatively 52 world of school, it put the seed of belief in myself that some day I could be an 53 person rather than the person who faded into the background.
I 54 touch with my teacher long ago, as we do when we move away from the school system and enter life. I wish I could tell him now how much he 55 me.
【小题1】A.trickB.fearC.surpriseD.smile【小题2】A.sadnessB.shynessC.weaknessD.kindness【小题3】A.ashamedB.calmC.thrilledD.depressed【小题4】A.unfriendlyB.devotedC.smallD.first【小题5】A.specialB.intelligentC.famousD.diligent【小题6】A.loveB.hateC.attendD.miss【小题7】A.thinkingB.readingC.writingD.speaking【小题8】A.organizingB.collectingC.expressingD.hiding【小题9】A.trainB.recommendC.criticizeD.acknowledge【小题10】A.comparedB.sharedC.composedD.exchanged【小题11】A.interestingB.shockingC.challenging D.exciting【小题12】A.more thanB.other thanC.instead ofD.in spite of【小题13】A.days B.efforts C.booksD.reports【小题14】A.praiseB.urgeC.reason D.competition【小题15】A.believedB.noticedC.supportedD.respected【小题16】A.forgetB.compensateC.changeD.prove【小题17】A.developedB.limitedC.preservedD.disturbed【小题18】A.importantB.educatedC.honestD.optimistic【小题19】A.soughtB.regainedC.lostD.ignored【小题20】A.owedB.influencedC.satisfiedD.attractedD
  • 五星知识达人网友:迷人又混蛋
  • 2021-12-28 04:28
(答案→)D 解析:本文叙述了作者在上大学的时候,他的英语老师Brown经常鼓励他,还在班里当着同学的面大声朗读他写的文章,Brown老师和作者的系主任还一起读过作者的文章,使作者在学校大有名气。作者愿意再次见到自己的英语老师,来表示谢意。【小题1】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 trick伎俩; fear害怕; surprise吃惊; smile微笑。根据下文可知老师爱讲笑话,总是微笑着。他的眼睛是亮的,在胡须后还有隐藏的微笑,故选D。【小题2】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 sadness伤心; shyness害羞; weakness弱点; kindness善意。根据下文I turned red, feeling at once both embarrassed作者是因为害羞而脸红。一旦他完成了笑话我的无法忍受的害羞,我就意识到他要大声地在全班面前读我的文章了,故选B。【小题3】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 ashamed惭愧的; calm平静的;thrilled兴奋地; depressed沮丧的根据常识老师要在班上读自己的文章,当然很高兴。我感觉我非常尴尬和兴奋,故选C。【小题4】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 unfriendly不友好的; devoted献身的,忠诚的; small小的; first 第一。对于这篇文章来说这是第一批听众。我第一次有了听众,故选D。【小题5】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 special特别的; intelligent聪明的; famous著名的; diligent勤勉的。因为这是第一次自己的文章在班上被读,所以心情是特别的。尽管我的同学是被动的听众,但是它也不会减弱特别的心情,故选 A。【小题6】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 love爱; hate恨; attend参加; miss错过。根据下文可知Throughout school I had always studied hard and achieved well in my school subjects.在那之后,我喜欢11班的英语班级的课程了,故选A。【小题7】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 thinking想,认为; reading读书; writing写; speaking说。根据上文可知这是作者写的文章。但是创造性的写作是一种激情,而不是一项任务,故选C。【小题8】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 organizing组织; collecting搜集; expressing表达; hiding隐藏。根据my thoughts and feelings需要用语言来表达出来。但是它是一种理解世界的方式,也是表达对事件和态度的一些想法和感情,故选C。【小题9】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 train训练; recommend推荐; criticize批评; acknowledge承认。根据上文可知Brown 先生在班上公开读作者的文章。Brown 先生是公开承认我的写作的人,故选D。【小题10】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 compare比较; share分享; compose写作; exchange变化。这里是短语share sth with sb与某人分享某物。这里指的是作者的文章。他甚至和我尊敬的英语系的主任在一起读我的文章,故选B。【小题11】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。interesting有趣的; shocking震惊的; challenging挑战的; exciting令人高兴的。根据常识可知作者得知有系主任也在读他的文章当然很高兴。这是最让我高兴的一部分,它也是我印象很深的部分,故选D。【小题12】考查固定短语及上下文的呼应。more than不仅仅,超出,多于; other than除了,不同于; instead of代替; in spite of不管。不仅仅这样,他还给我其他老师没有给出的自信心,故选A。【小题13】考查名词及上下文的呼应。days天; efforts努力; books书; reports报告。根据Candice is a quiet achiever.可知是在报告里写的。我学校的报告上经常陈述,“Candice是一个安静的成功者”,故选D。【小题14】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 praise赞扬; urge强烈要求; reason理由; competition竞争。根据上下文可知这是表扬。我原来认为那不是一种因为勤奋而受到表扬的,故选A。【小题15】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 believe相信; notice注意到; support支持; respect尊敬。在这之前作者认为自己没有引起大家的注意。我是一个以前真正引起没有注意的人,故选B。【小题16】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 forget忘记; compensate赔偿; change改变, 变化;prove证明。根据上文可知是Brown 先生改变了作者不为人知的状态。Brown 先生通过让许多人都关注我设法改变了这一切,故选C。【小题17】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 develop发展; limit限制; preserve保存;disturb打扰。当然这种出名仅限于学校内部。尽管它只是限于学校这个圈子,故选B。【小题18】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 important重要的; educated受教育的; honest诚实的; optimistic乐观的。当然作者认为在学校内部出名都是非常重要的事情。它给我播下了自信的种子有一天我将成为一个重量级的人,故选A。【小题19】考查动词及上下文的呼应。seek寻找; regain恢复; lose失去; ignore忽视。这里是固定短语lose touch with sb和某人失去联系。很久以前我和我的老师失去了联系,故选C。【小题20】考查动词及上下文的呼应。owe感激,欠; influence影响; satisfy满意; attract吸引。根据上文可知是这位老师影响了自己。我现在多么想告诉他是他影响了我,故选B。
  • 1楼网友:煞尾
  • 2021-12-28 05:48