

答案:3  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-02 11:36
  • 提问者网友:佞臣
  • 2021-03-02 03:39
1. ___ the form with your name and your address.
A. Write
B. Fill in
C. Take down
D. Cover

2The work in the office was_____by a constant stream of visitors.
A. confused
B. hampered
C. reversed
D. perplexed

3Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ____ to the health service.
A. assessment
B. assignments
C. exception
D. access

4 My wife said she _____ a classmate of hers in the street today.
A. caught glance of
B. caught sight of
C. glanced at
D. lost sight of

5By ___ computation, he estimated that the repairs of the house would cost him a thousand dollars.
A. coarse
B. rude
C. crude
D. rough

By ___ computation, he estimated that the repairs of the house would cost him a thousand dollars.
A. coarse
B. rude
C. crude
D. rough

7. Mary, the clothes have already been _____ for you on the table.
A. counted out
B. broken out
C. kept out
D. laid out

8. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not_________the time.
A. offer
B. leave
C. afford
D. manage

9. Do you think Tommy is _____the truth?
A. sayingB. speakingC. tellingD. talking 满分:4 分
10. Speak to him slowly ___ he can understand you better.
A. in orderB. so asC. so thatD. for 满分:4 分
11. Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.
A. the, theB. /, /C. the, /D. /, the 满分:4 分
12. Spring Festival is round the_____and everyone looks excited.
A. wallB. timeC. occasionD. corner 满分:4 分
  • 五星知识达人网友:胯下狙击手
  • 2021-03-02 05:07
1. B 把你的姓名个地址填在表格上。A,写,应用Write in;B, fill,填写,填充,不及物,所以用fill in;C,放下;D,覆盖,包括
2. B 办公室的工作总是被不断到来的来访者打断。 A,感到困惑;B,妨碍;C,保持;D,窘迫的
3. A 估计超过三分之一的人不对健康服务做评价。A,评估,评价;B,作业,任务;C,例外;D,方法
4. B 我妻子说今天她在街上看到了她的一个同学。A,没有这种用法;B,突然看见,偶然看到,强调偶然;C,瞥见,瞟了一眼;D,没有看到
5. D 他粗略估计了一下,修理房子将花掉他以前美元。A,粗劣的,下等的;B,粗鲁的;C,粗糙的,天然的;D,粗略的
6. 同5
7. D 玛丽,你的衣服已经摆放在桌子上了。A,清点;B,打破;C,使不卷入;D,摆放,展示
8. D 并不是我不喜欢看戏剧,昨晚我没去剧院是因为我腾不出时间了(时间应付不过来了)。A,主动提供;B,离开;C,负担得起(花费);D,处理,应付,设法
9. C 你认为汤米说了实话了吗? 固定用法,tell the truth,讲真话,tell a lie说谎
10. C跟他讲话慢一点,这样他才能更好地理解你说的。 so that 引导结果状语。A,应用in order that
11. C 许多人仍然有在公共场合涂写的习惯。都是固定用法,in the habit of 有……的习惯,in public places在公众场合
12. D 春节即将来临,大家看起来都很兴奋。固定用法,round the corner 在拐角处,即将来临
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