答案:5 悬赏:0 手机版
解决时间 2021-01-03 10:30
- 提问者网友:临风不自傲
- 2021-01-03 01:41
- 五星知识达人网友:痴妹与他
- 2021-01-10 00:32
better a few more mimutes with your company when I could see,than your whole night stay when I were gone
better your tender hands in mine when I could feel, than your crying over my body without awareness
better one simple call from you when I could hear, than your dropping in when I went away
better one flower as your gift when I could smell, than beautiful flowers showing your sadness
better your exciting words when I am listening to, than your heartbreaking poems on my funeral
better your soft pray for me when I am going on,than the poem-like epitaph you wrote in my tombstone
better heart-to-heart talks between us when I am after your voice, than your long paper as memory of me
better your shy telling what I mean to you when I am longing for the answer, than your forever regret for silence when I left you alone
better a few more mimutes with your company when I could see,than your whole night stay when I were gone
better your tender hands in mine when I could feel, than your crying over my body without awareness
better one simple call from you when I could hear, than your dropping in when I went away
better one flower as your gift when I could smell, than beautiful flowers showing your sadness
better your exciting words when I am listening to, than your heartbreaking poems on my funeral
better your soft pray for me when I am going on,than the poem-like epitaph you wrote in my tombstone
better heart-to-heart talks between us when I am after your voice, than your long paper as memory of me
better your shy telling what I mean to you when I am longing for the answer, than your forever regret for silence when I left you alone
- 1楼网友:醉吻情书
- 2021-01-10 03:55
译文: 踏过江水去采莲花,到兰草生长的沼泽地采兰花。 采了花要送给谁呢 想要送给那远在故乡的爱妻。 回想起故乡的爱妻,却又长路漫漫遥望无边无际。 飘流异乡两地相思,怀念爱妻愁苦忧伤以至终老。 有许多动人的抒情诗,初读时总感到它异常单纯。待到再三涵咏,才发现这“ 单纯”,其实寓于颇微妙的婉曲表现之中。 《涉江采芙蓉》就属于这一类。初看起来,似乎无须多加解说,即可明白它的 旨意,乃在表现远方游子的思乡之情。诗中的“还顾望旧乡,第路漫浩浩”,不正 把游子对“旧乡”的望而难归之思,抒写得极为凄惋么?那么,开篇之“涉江采芙 蓉”者,也当是离乡游子无疑了。不过,游子之求宦京师,是在洛阳一带,又怎么 可能去“涉”南方之“江”采摘芙蓉?而且按江南民歌所常用的谐音双关手法,“ 芙蓉”(荷花)往往以暗关着“夫容”,明是女子思夫口吻,岂可径指其为“游子 ”?连主人公的身份都在两可之间,可见此诗并不单纯。我们不妨先从女子口吻, 体味一下它的妙处。 夏秋之交,正是荷花盛开的美好季节。在风和日丽中,荡一叶小舟,穿行在“ 莲叶何田田”、“莲花过人头”的湖泽之上,开始一年一度的采莲活动,可是江南 农家女子的乐事!采莲之际,摘几枝红莹可爱的莲花,归去送给各自的心上人,难 说就不是妻子、姑娘们真挚情意的表露。何况在湖岸泽畔,还有着数不清的兰、蕙 芳草,一并摘置袖中、插上发际、幽香袭人,岂不更教人心醉?--这就是“涉江 采芙蓉,兰泽多芳草”两句吟叹,所展示的如画之境。倘若倾耳细听,你想必还能 听到湖面上、“兰泽”间传来的阵阵戏谑、欢笑之声哩! 但这美好欢乐的情景,刹那间被充斥于诗行间的叹息之声改变了。镜头迅速摇 近,你才发现,这叹息来自一位怅立般头的女子。与众多姑娘的嬉笑打诨不同,她 却注视着手中的芙蓉默然无语。此刻,“芙蓉”在她眼中幻出了一张亲切微笑的面 容--他就是这位女子苦苦思念的丈夫。“采之欲遗谁?所思在远道!”长长的吁 叹,点明了这女子全部忧思之所由来:当姑娘们竞采摘着荷花,声言要氢最好的一 朵送给“心上”人时,女主人公思念的丈夫,却正远在天涯!她徒然采摘了美好的 “芙蓉”,此刻以能遗送给谁?人们总以为,倘要表现人物的寂寞、凄凉,最好是 将他(她)放在孤身独处的清秋,因为那最能烘托人物的凄清心境。但你是否想到 ,有时将人物置于美好、欢乐的采莲背景上,抒写女主人公独自思夫的忧伤,正具 有以“乐”衬“哀”的强烈效果。 接着两句空间突然转换,出现在画面上的,似乎已不是拈花沉思的女主人公, 而是那身在“远道”的丈夫了:“还顾望归乡,长路漫浩浩。”仿佛是心灵感诮似 的,正当女主人公独自思夫的时候,她远方的丈夫,此刻也正带着无限忧愁,回望 着妻子所在的故乡。他望见了故乡的山水、望见了那在江对岸湖泽中采莲的妻子 么?显然没有。此刻展现在他眼间的,无非是漫漫公元 尽的”长路“,和那阻止 山隔水的浩浩烟云!许多读者以为,这两句写的是还望“旧乡’的实境,从而产生了 诗之主人公乃离乡游子的错觉。实际上,这两句的“视点”仍在江南,表现的依然 是那位采莲女子的痛苦思情。不过在写法上,采用了“从对面曲揣彼意,言亦必望 乡而叹长途”(张玉谷《古诗赏析》)的“悬想”方式,从面造出了“诗从对面飞 来”的绝妙虚境。 这种“从对面曲揣彼意”的表现方式,与《诗经》“卷耳”、“陟岵”的主人 公,在悬想中显现丈夫骑马登山望乡,父母在云际呼唤儿子的幻境,正有着异曲同 工之妙--所以,诗中的境界应该不是空间的转换和女主人公的隐去,而是画面的 分隔和同时显现:一边是痛苦的妻子,正手拈芙蓉、仰望远天,身后的密密荷叶、 红丽荷花,衬着她飘拂的衣裙,显得那亲孤独而凄清;一边则是云烟缥缈的远空, 隐隐约约摇晃着返身回望丈夫的身影,那一闪面隐的面容,竟那般愁苦!两者之间 ,则是层叠的山峦和浩荡的江河。双方都茫然相望,当然谁也看不见对方。正是在 这样的静寂中,天地间幽幽响起了一声凄伤的浩汉:“同心而离居,忧伤以终老” !这浩叹无疑发自女主人公心胸,但因为是在“对面”悬想的境界中发出,你所感 受到的,就不是一个声音:它仿佛来自万里相隔的天南地北,是一对同心离居的夫 妇那痛苦叹息的交鸣!这就是诗之结句所传达的意韵。当你读到这结句时,你是否 感觉到:此诗抒写的思无之情虽然那样“单纯”,但由于采取了如此婉曲的表现方 式,便如山泉之曲折奔流,最后终于汇成了飞凌山岩匠急瀑,震荡起撼人心魄的巨 声? 上文已经说到,此诗的主人公应该是位女子,全诗所抒写的,乃是故乡妻子思 念丈夫的深切忧伤。但倘若把此诗的作者,也认定是这女子,那就错了。马茂元先生说得好:“文人诗与民歌不同,其中思妇词也出于游的虚拟。”因此,《涉江采 芙蓉》最终仍是游子思乡之作,只是在表现游子的苦闷、忧伤时,采用了“思妇调 ”的“虚拟”方式:“在穷愁潦倒的客愁中,通过自身的感受,设想到家室的离思 ,因而把一性质的苦闷,从两种不同角度表现出来”(马茂元《论〈古诗十九首〉》 )。从这一点看,《涉江采芙蓉》为表现游子思乡的苦闷,不仅虚拟了全篇的“思 妇”之词,而且在虚拟中又借思妇口吻,“悬想”出游子“还顾望旧乡”的情景。 这样的诗情抒写,就不只是“婉曲”,简直是奇想了!
- 2楼网友:不想翻身的咸鱼
- 2021-01-10 03:34
I rather you keep me accompany for a few more minutes when I'm still alive, than stay with me for the night after I'm dead.
I rather you held my hand gently now, than you cry over my body when I'm dead.
I rather you give me a call when I'm still alive, even if it's just one short call, than you pay visits to my grave often after I am no longer around.
I rather you give me a stalk of flower now, than a bouquet of flowers to send me off when I'm no longer around.
I rather you give me a few words of encouragement, than to read a sad peom at my funeral.
I rather you say a silent prayer for me when I'm still around, than to write a sentimental saying at my tombstone.
I rather you share with me all your woes all night when I'm still around, than to read a long speech of mourning before me tombstone.
I rather hear you say how you feel about me bashfully when I'm still around, than to see you repent before my tombstone for not able to do so earlier.
- 3楼网友:山君与见山
- 2021-01-10 02:42
I would rather when I am still alive, you can accompany several minute such as I more, too unwilling after I die, you wait in a whole night for me.
I would rather when I am still alive, you can hold my hands gently, unwilling too after I died, you attached to my body and cried bitterly.
I would rather when I am still alive, you can make even a telephone for me, unwilling too after I died, you often come to see me.
I would rather when I am still alive, you can give me a flower, too unwilling after I die, you bring and have lots of beautiful flowers to express grief.
I would rather when I am still alive, you can say odd what that encourage to me, unwilling too after I died, you read aloud that poem making the person heart-broken on the funeral.
I would rather when I am still alive, you can pray, too unwilling for me after I die softly, you write the general epitaph of poem for my tombstone.
I would rather when I am still alive, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with me, too unwilling after I die, you read out the lengthy speech of mourning for me.
I can hear you tell the impression of me shily when I am still alive, unwilling too after I died, you were too late to repent for not opening the mouth originally.
- 4楼网友:野味小生
- 2021-01-10 01:23
I prefer my still alive, you could accompany me for a few minutes, I do not want to die, I am waiting for you one night. I still alive, I would prefer, you can gently shook my hand, I do not want to die, I cried on the body attached to you. I prefer my still alive, even if you give me a phone call, I do not want to die, you often see me. I prefer my still alive, you could send me a flower, I do not want to die, You flicker a lot of beautiful flowers to express grief. I prefer my still alive, you could say a few words of encouragement to me, I do not want to die, That heartbreaking your funeral recite poems. I would prefer I still alive when I spoke to you a prayer, I do not want to die, I wrote the poem for your tombstone the epitaph. I prefer my still alive when my heart-to-heart conversation with you, I do not want to die, you read my long memory. I would prefer to live in when I can hear you shy to express my feelings, I do not want to die, You had no openings and regret forever.