

答案:3  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-17 16:55
  • 提问者网友:孤凫
  • 2021-03-17 01:33
  • 五星知识达人网友:醉吻情书
  • 2021-03-17 02:11
  • 1楼网友:北城痞子
  • 2021-03-17 05:21
求生之路系列没有介绍。 只是说人类因为狂犬病XX了。。
  • 2楼网友:千夜
  • 2021-03-17 03:49
【1】初次感染后 2 个星期 2 WEEKS AFTER FIRST INFECTION 等等 Hold up. 我以前从没见过这种东西。 Ain't seen anything like this before. 别停下来,把它涂满全身。 Don't let that stop you from smearing it all over yourself. 它们总在变化。 They're changing. 该死,比尔! Goddammit, Bill! 啊,真臭! Ugh, it stinks! 有人还活着。 Someone's still alive. 在那边。 Over there. 有人吗? Hello? 有人吗? Hello? 嗨,没事。 我们快... Hey, it's okay. We're gonna... 把灯关掉! Lights off! 哦,该死! Oh, shit! "我靠! 我靠! 我靠! Shit! Shit! Shit! 他们来了! They're coming! 这... What the... 快跑! Run like hell! "关上门! Shut the door! 死去吧! 死去吧! 死去吧! Die! Die! Die! 喜欢那样吗? Do you like that? 大家跟紧! Stick together! 撑住 Hang on! 有人吗? Guys? 圣诞快乐。 Merry Christmas. 投手雷了,当心! Fire in the hole! 嗨! 我们在这儿! 我们还没有被感染! 在下面! Hey! We're over here! We're not infected! Down here! 该死的。 Damn it. 噢,这下坏了。 Oh, this is gonna get bad. 跑还是开枪? Run or shoot? 跑还是开枪? Run or shoot? 边跑边开! Both! 走吧,走吧! Let's go, let's go! 到屋顶上去! Get to the roof! 前进! Go, go, go! 来吧! 来吧! Come on! Come on! 注意!Heads up! 加油啊! 我就快把它们甩开了! Go on! I'll hold them off! 弗朗西斯! Francis! 成功了! 真不敢相信,我们成功了! We made it! I can't believe we made it! 孩子,我们刚刚穿过了街道! Son, we just crossed the street. 我们要把所有的队友都带出这座城市。 Let's not throw a party 'til we're out of the city. 【2】由于疫情传播,在接到另行通知前,本馆暂停营业 CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DUE TO SICKNESS 报告异常情况... Report unusual behavior... 在家周围设置路障... Barricade your homes... 避免与任何被感染者接触... Avoid all contact with infected individuals... 等候官方指示... Wait for official instructions... 等候?去死吧。 Wait, my ass. 把这些王八蛋全都干掉... Kill all sons of bitches... 这就是我下达的官方指示。 That's my official instructions. 这儿以前是个好地方! This used to be a nice neighborhood! 该死! Shit! 那到底是什么鬼东西? What the hell was that? 当心! Watch out! 这是我们自找的恐怖麻烦。 This is some grim shit we got ourselves into. 退后,退后! Get back, get back! 是哪个混蛋把撤离站建在该死的三十级阶梯上的? Who the hell puts an evac station up thirty flights of goddamn stairs? 拜托,Coach。也许直升机...也许直升机是巧克力做的。 Come on, Coach. Maybe the helicopter...maybe it's made of chocolate. 嘿,人都哪儿去了? Hey, where is everybody? 有人吗? Hello? 怎么会这样。 This is not happening. 有人吗? Anyone here? 怎么会这样,怎么会这样。 This is not happening. This is not happening. 我还以为他们要救我们呢。 I thought they were supposed to be saving our asses. 看来计划有变。 Looks like there's been a change of plans. 停止轰炸! Stop the bombing run! 天呐!是从桥那边来的! Christ! That's coming from the bridge! 它抓住我啦! It's got me!""L4D2360_IntroMovie_32 撑住! Hang on! 搞什么鬼? What the hell? 不! No! 该死的,吃屎去吧! Goddamnit, eat that shit! 哇靠。 Holy shit. 嘿,干掉这些王八蛋,对吧? Hey. Kill all sons of bitches, right?" 耶!Yeah! 我还没有... I have not... 准备好... ...come this far... ...去死。 ...to die now."