

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-06 22:44
  • 提问者网友:箛茗
  • 2021-02-06 07:23

  • 五星知识达人网友:玩世
  • 2021-02-06 07:45
在load里面定义一个 dim aa() as byte
dim i as interge
redim aa(1-i)
  • 1楼网友:想偏头吻你
  • 2021-02-06 08:35
'字符表示的十六进制数转化为相应的整数,错误则返回 -1 function converthexchr(str as string) as integer dim test as integer test = asc(str) if test >= asc("0") and test <= asc("9") then test = test - asc("0") elseif test >= asc("a") and test <= asc("f") then test = test - asc("a") + 10 elseif test >= asc("a") and test <= asc("f") then test = test - asc("a") + 10 else test = -1 '出错信息 end if converthexchr = test end function '字符串表示的十六进制数据转化为相应的字节串,返回转化后的字节数 function strhextobytearray(strtext as string, bytbyte() as byte) as integer dim hexdata as integer '十六进制(二进制)数据字节对应值 dim hstr as string * 1 '高位字符 dim lstr as string * 1 '低位字符 dim highhexdata as integer '高位数值 dim lowhexdata as integer '低位数值 dim hexdatalen as integer '字节数 dim stringlen as integer '字符串长度 dim account as integer dim n as integer '计数 'txtsend = "" '设初值 hexdatalen = 0 strhextobytearray = 0 stringlen = len(strtext) account = stringlen \ 2 redim bytbyte(account) for n = 1 to stringlen do '清除空格 hstr = mid(strtext, n, 1) n = n + 1 if (n - 1) > stringlen then hexdatalen = hexdatalen - 1 exit for end if loop while hstr = " " do lstr = mid(strtext, n, 1) n = n + 1 if (n - 1) > stringlen then hexdatalen = hexdatalen - 1 exit for end if loop while lstr = " " n = n - 1 if n > stringlen then hexdatalen = hexdatalen - 1 exit for end if highhexdata = converthexchr(hstr) lowhexdata = converthexchr(lstr) if highhexdata = -1 or lowhexdata = -1 then '遇到非法字符中断转化 hexdatalen = hexdatalen - 1 exit for else hexdata = highhexdata * 16 + lowhexdata bytbyte(hexdatalen) = hexdata hexdatalen = hexdatalen + 1 end if next n if hexdatalen > 0 then '修正最后一次循环改变的数值 hexdatalen = hexdatalen - 1 redim preserve bytbyte(hexdatalen) else redim preserve bytbyte(0) end if if stringlen = 0 then '如果是空串,则不会进入循环体 strhextobytearray = 0 else strhextobytearray = hexdatalen + 1 end if end function 下面跟你介绍strhextobytearray(strtext as string, bytbyte() as byte)的功能。 假如text内输入"ff fe aa 14 af"(引号内的包括空格)那么 strhextobytearray=5 则bytebyte()中 bytebyte(0)=ff bytebyte(1)=fe bytebyte(2)=aa bytebyte(3)=14 bytebyte(4)=af 注意:假如输入你想输入1,则必须写01 我想有了这个函数会给你很大的帮助。